Contemporary Perspectives on LGBTQ Advocacy in Societies
Contemporary Perspectives on LGBTQ Advocacy in Societies is an interdisciplinary series that offers a dedicated venue for the exploration and examination of the social, cultural, political, spiritual, and economic forces that have shaped and continue to shape the lives and experiences of LGBTQ people. Within this context, we are seeking manuscripts and proposals that will advance research, scholarship, practice, and policies. In addition, this series seeks to capture opinions, narratives, and personal experiences to assist individuals in living fuller lives and to teach organizations how to provide a better support and advocacy for all. This series’ goal is to take the unheard and unseen narratives and reveal it to a broad readership that includes educational, religious, industry, military, governmental, and other social organizations. Additionally, dialogue that cuts across local, state, national, and international boarders that are related to LGBTQ issues.
Call for Book Length Manuscripts and Creative Pieces
Under the editorial guidance of series editor, Dr. Lemuel W. Watson, Dean of the College of Education at the University of South Carolina and Dr. Joshua Moon Johnson, Director of LGBT Services at the University of California Santa Barbara, Information Age Publishing (Charlotte, NC), an academic publisher, is pleased to invite submission of book length manuscripts and book proposals, inclusive of readers and handbooks, for its new book series, Contemporary Perspectives on LGBTQ Advocacy in Societies. Contemporary Perspectives on LGBTQ Advocacy in Societies is an interdisciplinary series that offers a dedicated venue for the exploration and examination of the social, cultural, political, spiritual, and economic forces that have shaped and continue to shape the lives and experiences of LGBTQ people. Within this context, we are seeking manuscripts and proposals that will advance research, scholarship, practice, and policies. In addition, this series seeks to capture opinions, narratives, and personal experiences to assist individuals in living fuller lives and to teach organizations how to provide a better support and advocacy for all. This series’ goal is to take the unheard and unseen narratives and reveal it to a broad readership that includes educational, religious, industry, military, governmental, and other social organizations. Additionally, dialogue that cuts across local, state, national, and international boarders that are related to LGBTQ issues is welcomed.
Textbooks and monographs will be the central focus of the series with an online magazine/webzine capturing those pieces that would not fall into the other two categories. Shorter articles, opinions, how to’s or direct action pieces, would be examples that would be captured in the online magazine/webzine that would be published three time a year. The webzine will serve a free online tool that highlights topics relevant in the book series, and will serve as an additionally tool to market this service while quickly engaging audiences. Overall, the book series will create a space for individuals and agencies to speak about how to embrace living life as an LGBTQ person while as while also striving to make a difference in their unique spaces. LGBTQ issues are complex and multi-layered with entrenchment that goes deep into the traditions and cultures of people’s lives. Therefore, we are open to multiple types of manuscripts and creative pieces from diverse fields and professions that address the following:
• Queer People of Color in Education
• Gender and femmephobia in queer spaces
• Technology and social media in relation to sexual identity development
• Media and pop culture shaping the lives of LGBTQ youth
• LGBTQ resources for middle school and high school students
• Resources for ensuring LGBTQ children succeed in education
• Queer men of color and masculinity
• Genderqueer in current society
• Transitioning in college
• LGBTQ advancement in the higher education profession
• LGBTQ homeless youth and educational pipelines
• Religious diversity in the LGBTQ community
• Sexual assault with LGBTQ college students
• LGBTQ college students and substance abuse
• Ally resources in advocating for LGBTQ people
• Abuse and sexuality in LGBTQ people
• Body Image and Sexuality
• Role Models and LGBTQ youth
• Physical Health and Living with HIV/AIDs
• Breaking the Purple Glass Ceiling
• Life and Work balance issues of LGBTQ professionals
• Ageism in LGBTQ people
• LGBTQ and the Life Span
• Health Care for Elderly LGBTQ people
• Social Class and quality of life for LGBTQ couples (blue collar verses white collar)
• Inter-racial couples and community
• Marriage, unions, and property rights of LGBTQ couples
• Relationships with family, friends, and community
• Seeking and Building a Relationship with Professional Health Care Providers
• Loneliness and Dating in the 21st Century
• Making a Life and a LGBTQ person in an Oppressive Society
• Spirituality, morality, and religion in the Lives of LGBTQ people.
• LGBTQ Ministers, Priests, and Rabbis – finding Gods Grace and acceptance.
• Building a home that last – survival tips of successful couples
• Recognizing the Generational Differences for LGBTQ People
• Legacies of LGBTQ communities Around the World
• The Religions of World and LGBTQ people
Please Adhere to the following guidelines to submit manuscript for Textbooks and Monographs.
1. Outstanding Features List - Briefly what you consider to be the outstanding, distinctive, or unique features of the work.
2. Competition
a. Consider the existing books in this field and discuss specifically their strengths and weaknesses. Spell out how your book will be similar to, as well as different from, competing works.
b. Consider what aspects of topical coverage are similar to or different from the competition. What topics have been left out of competing books and what topics have been left out of yours?
Market Considerations
The Primary Market
a. What is the major market for the book? (Scholarly/professional, text, reference, trade?)
b. If the market is scholarly/professional, reference, or trade, how may it best be reached? (Direct mail, relevant journals, professional associations, libraries, book or music stores?) For what type of reader is your book intended?
Status of the Work
1. Do you have a timetable for completing the book?
a. What portion or percentage of the material is now complete?
b. When do you expect to have a complete manuscript?
2. What do you estimate to be the size of the completed book?
a. Do you plan to include material requiring permission (text, music, lyrics, illustrations)? To what extent? Have you started the permissions request process?
3. Do you plan to class-test the material in your own or other sections of the course? (Any material distributed to students should be protected by copyright notice on the material.)
Author(s) Background
Please include a current CV or brief biography of your writing, teaching, and/or educational background and experience. Be sure to list any books or articles that you have previously published, and any other information about yourself on why you are qualified to write this book.
For Magazine submissions:
If you have opinions and ideals regarding any of the topics above and it is not appropriate as a textbook or monograph, please consider our online magazine format. We are interested in cutting edge timely pieces that inspire one to live a life that matters through advocating for a better world. Magazine article should follow similar topic suggestions as the book topics, and having practical action steps are encouraged. The magazine publishes multiple types of articles to include poetry, proses, and other creative pieces .We look for reports and updates from around the world of issues related to LGBTQ issues. Typical pieces are between 200 and 1000 words long. We will publish the online magazine three times a year to a national and international readership focusing on life related topics for LGBTQ peoples so that individuals will have the knowledge to advocate and make informed choices about their lives and communities.
Submission of Proposals
Always keep electronic backup copies of your files for your own protection. Manuscripts are accepted throughout the year and should be submitted as e-mail attachments in Microsoft Word format to Lemuel W. Watson (Watsonlw@iu.edu) or Joshua Moon Johnson (JohsoJ2@arc.losrios.edu). An e-mail message confirming receipt of submitted articles will be sent to the primary author. Authors must not submit a manuscript that is still under consideration by another publisher nor any manuscript that has been previously published.

Queer & Trans Advocacy in the Community College
Joshua Moon Johnson, American River College; Emilie Mitchell, Cosumnes River College; Lemuel W. Watson, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University

Unheard Voices
A Collection of Narratives by Black, Gay & Bisexual Men
2021Richard Greggory Johnson III, University of San Francisco; Kevin O. Spencer, Independent Scholar; Annie Allen, Northwind Seminary
- Lemuel W. Watson
Kinsey Institute, Indiana University - Erin A. Mikulec
Illinois State University - Kyle O'Daniel
Mahomet-Seymour High School