Contemporary Perspectives on Spirituality in Education

Call for Book Proposals

The results of the 2016 U.S. election, the COVID-19 pandemic, racial unrest, economic uncertainty, and subsequent policies at the federal and local level have led some to refer to the country as "The Divided States of America." However, segments of society are drawing upon their faith and spirituality to develop strategies to mend social relationships and fragmented communities. The Contemporary Perspectives on Spirituality in Education Book Series will feature volumes geared towards understanding and exploring the role of spirituality in addressing challenge, conflict, and marginalization within all sectors of education in the U.S. and internationally. Scholarly work informed by research and/or practice is welcome.

Proposals for volumes in the book series must include the proposal itself and a sample chapter. The deadline for Contemporary Perspectives on Spirituality in Education book proposals is open and ongoing. Questions to address in the book proposal’s 2-3 page Statement of Purpose include:

• Who is/are the author(s)/editor(s)?

• If this is an edited volume, include a list of contributors/affiliations. Please indicate if this is a tentative list.

• Who is your audience for this book? (e.g., academic or professional, adoption potential or reference work)?

• How could the book be marketed (e.g., are there professional societies or SIGs that would be interested in this book)?

• How do you expect readers to make use of this book?

• How does the book extend current knowledge in your field of study?

• How does the project explore previously unrecognized or infrequently considered topics in the literature?

• How this work fits in with the published literature

• If any of the information about the book or its author(s) is tentative

• The length of the project

• Your schedule for delivery of the final draft

• About any special production issues such as complicated graphics, artwork, and photos.

• Whether you are submitting your proposal to other prospective publishers.

In addition to this Statement of Purpose, please add:

• An outline of the book that provides a short narrative description of each chapter. For edited volumes, provide a list of the chapter titles or topics that will be covered.

• A resume or curriculum vitae for the authors(s) or editor(s).

• A sample chapter or section if available, or a sample of a journal article or conference paper similar to the proposed volume.

Submissions and inquiries may be addressed to the Book Series Editor:
Dannielle Joy Davis, Ph.D., School of Education, Saint Louis University