Early Childhood Education Assembly
This book series was initially envisioned by Vivian Vasquez of American University. It accompanies the work of the Early Childhood Education Assembly (ECEA) of the NCTE. The National Council of Teachers of English is over a century old and has been a space of professional learning and growth for language arts teachers across the US and globally. The ECEA was formed in 2009 to support early childhood educators in advocating for young children and their families and in challenging dominant biases about diversity and children of diverse cultures and languages.
This book series extends current knowledge by integrating literacy approaches with culturally responsive teaching practices to support early childhood culturally and linguistically diverse learners. By focusing on both literacy instruction and the incorporation of students’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds, this book series offers a holistic and culturally inclusive literacy education. This series also provides research supported tools for addressing reading difficulties through culturally responsive literacy instruction as a key factor in young learner engagement and success. The intersection of literacy and culturally responsive teaching will be explored to address the gap in these instructional practices experienced in diverse classrooms. This series will also highlight the importance of teacher agency and reflective practice. It will encourage classroom teachers to reflect on how their instructional methods impact diverse learners and how to meet the needs of all students. Focusing on these underrepresented areas will help this book series to provide new perspectives and practical strategies for teacher educators, classroom teachers, and scholars in order to enhance the literacy outcomes for all early childhood learners.

Perspectives and Provocations in Early Childhood Education Volume 3
Carol Branigan Felderman, American University; Brian Kissel, University of North Carolina, Charlotte; Kindel Nash, University of Missouri, Kansas City
- Virginie Jackson
Kennesaw University - Liz Murray
Davis Montessori Teacher Education Program and ViệtSpeak - FOUNDING EDITORVivian Vasquez
American University
- Contemporary Language Education
- Contemporary Perspectives in Early Childhood Education
- Current Issues in Out-of-School Time
- Lifespan Learning
- Literacy, Language and Learning
- Readings in Language Studies
- Research in Bilingual Education
- Research in Life Writing and Education
- Research in Second Language Learning
- Selected Topics in Language and Linguistics
- The University of Miami School of Education and Human Development Series