Educational Leadership for Social Justice
Contact Jeffrey S. Brooks at: jeffrey.brooks@curtin.edu.au for more information about this series.
The purpose of this book series is to promote research on educational leadership for social justice. Specifically, we seek edited volumes, textbooks, and full length studies focused on research that explores the ways educational leadership preparation and practice can be a means of addressing equity concerns throughout P-20 education. Possible topics include, but are not restricted to the following issues:
- Race and educational leadership
- Class and educational leadership
- Gender and educational leadership
- Ethics and educational leadership
- Ethnicity and educational leadership
- Culture and educational leadership
- LGBTQ issues and educational leadership
- Equity and educational leadership
- Access to educational leadership
- International and Comparative perspectives on leadership for social justice
- Research methodologies and educational leadership for social justice
We invite you and your colleagues to submit a book proposal of approximately 5-8 pages. All proposals will undergo editorial team and/or blind peer review. Proposals should include the following sections:
- Introduction and overview: Explain the scope of the book project and explain how it is grounded in and extends the extant educational leadership for social justice research base, broadly conceived. Proposals should be aligned with the purpose of the Information Age Publishing Educational Leadership for Social Justice Book Series.
- Summary of contents: Provide a proposed table of contents, brief synopsis of each chapter, and an approximate page count for each chapter, including any references and appendices.
- Timeline: The timeline should include initial phases of the publication process that will lead to initial submission of chapters. From that point, accepted manuscripts will undergo editorial and blind peer review.
- Jeffrey Brooks (jeffrey.brooks@curtin.edu.au)
- Ira Bogotch (ibogotch@fau.edu)
- Leslie Locke (Leslie.locke@mnsu.edu)
- Sharon Radd (siradd@stkate.edu)
- Debra Touchton (dtouchto@stetson.edu)
- Michellea Rucker (drrucker@transformingourpractice.com)
- Francois Chantal (cfrancois@towson.edu)
- Elizabeth Harkins (harkinse@wpunj.edu)
- Dani Molle (molle@wisc.edu)

School Leadership in a Diverse Society
Helping Schools Prepare all Students for Success (2nd Edition)
2021Carlos R. McCray, Montclair State University; Floyd D. Beachum, Lehigh University; Phyllis F. Reggio, Hunter College

Adult Intentions, Student Perceptions
How Restorative Justice is Used in Schools to Control and to Engage
2018Kristin E. Reimer, Monash University

Crossing the Bridge of the Digital Divide
A Walk with Global Leaders
2018Anthony H. Normore, California State University Dominguez Hills; Antonia Issa Lahera, California State University Dominguez Hills

Within Reach
Providing Universal Access to the Four Pillars of Literacy
2017Hoaihuong Nguyen, California State University; Jeanne Sesky, California State University

Dear Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Transgender Teacher
Letters Of Advice To Help You Find Your Way
2017William DeJean, Inspiration Unleashed; Jeff Sapp, California State University Dominguez Hills

Restorative Practice Meets Social Justice
Un-Silencing the Voices of "At-Promise" Student Populations
2017Anthony H. Normore, California State University Dominguez Hills; Antonia Issa Lahera, California State University Dominguez Hills

Envisioning a Critical Race Praxis in K-12 Education Through Counter-Storytelling
Tyson E.J. Marsh, University of New Mexico; Natasha N. Croom, Iowa State University

Envisioning Critical Race Praxis in Higher Education Through Counter-Storytelling
Natasha N. Croom, Iowa State University; Tyson E.J. Marsh, University of New Mexico

Urban Educational Leadership for Social Justice
International Perspectives
2015Jeffrey S. Brooks, Curtin University; Melanie C. Brooks, Edith Cowan University

Inclusive Practices and Social Justice Leadership for Special Populations in Urban Settings
A Moral Imperative
2015M.C. Kate Esposito, California State University Dominguez Hills; Anthony H. Normore, California State University Dominguez Hills

Caring Leadership in Turbulent Times
Tackling Neoliberal Education Reform
2014Mary G. Green, Acadia University

Women Interrupting, Disrupting, and Revolutionizing Educational Policy and Practice
Whitney Sherman Newcomb, Virginia Commonwealth University; Katherine Cumings Mansfield, Virginia Commonwealth University

Shifting to Fit
The Politics of Black and White Identity in School Leadership
2014Carol A. Mullen, Virginia Tech; Kim Robertson

Educational Leadership for Ethics and Social Justice
Views from the Social Sciences
2014Anthony H. Normore, California State University Dominguez Hills; Jeffrey S. Brooks, University of Idaho

School Leadership in a Diverse Society
Helping Schools Prepare All Students for Success
2014Carlos R. McCray, Fordham University; Floyd D. Beachum, Lehigh University

Crises Of Identifying
Negotiating And Mediating Race, Gender, And Disability Within Family And Schools
2013Dymaneke D. Mitchell, National Louis University

Antiracist School Leadership
Toward Equity in Education for America’s Students Introduction
2013Jeffrey S. Brooks, University of Idaho; Noelle Witherspoon-Arnold, University of Missouri-Columbia

Confronting Racism in Higher Education
Problems and Possibilities for Fighting Ignorance, Bigotry and Isolation
2013Jeffrey S. Brooks, University of Idaho; Noelle Witherspoon-Arnold, University of Missouri-Columbia

Educational Leadership
Building Bridges Among Ideas, Schools, And Nations
2013Christa Boske, Kent State University

Social Justice Leadership for a Global World
Cynthia Gerstl-Pepin, University of Vermont; Judith A. Aiken, University of Vermont

Educational Leaders Encouraging the Intellectual and Professional Capacity of Others
A Social Justice Agenda
2012Elizabeth Murakami-Ramalho, University of Texas at San Antonio; Anita McCoskey Pankake, The University of Texas – Pan American

Care & Advocacy
Narratives from a School for Immigrant Youth
2012Jo Bennett, Austin Independent School District, Austin, Texas

Education-Based Incarceration and Recidivism
The Ultimate Social Justice Crime Fighting Tool
2012Brian D. Fitch, Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department; Anthony H. Normore, California State University Dominguez Hills

The Emperor Has No Clothes
Teaching About Race And Racism To People Who Don't Want To Know
2010Tema Okun, National-Louis University
- Jeffrey S. Brooks
Curtin University - Denise E. Armstrong
Brock University - Ira Bogotch
Florida Atlantic University - Sandra Harris
Lamar University - Whitney Sherman Newcomb
Virginia Commonwealth University - George Theoharis
Syracuse University
- Current Perspectives in Demography
- Education Equity and Justice Series
- Equitas: The Payne Center Journal on Race and Social Justice
- Hispanics in Education and Administration
- International Research on School Leadership
- Promoting Justice, Diversity, and Inclusivity Through Arts-Based Practices
- Public Administration & Social Equity
- Research and Theory in Educational Administration
- Research in Education Fiscal Policy and Practice
- Research on the Superintendency
- The SoJo Journal