Higher Education Leadership & Study of Historically Black Colleges and Universities
The series in Higher Education Leadership and Study of Historically Black Colleges and Universities aim at disseminating knowledge about the continuity between the leadership practices in Higher Educational management of historically Black Colleges and Universities. The series show that managing historically black colleges and universities requires, on one hand, abiding by the mission of the founding fathers of these institutions and requires a unique style of leadership, while striving to educate students to compete and meet the demands of the twenty first century labor market.
Call for Chapter ProposalsFor the first volume of the series, Contemporary Research in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), we invite chapter proposals from authors who are actively engaged in critical research about:
> the practice of Academic Excellence in HBCUs
> Student Success in HBCUs
> the Business of Education in HBCUs
> the practice of Philanthropy in HBCUs
> the practice of Marketing and Branding in HBCUs
> Athletics in HBCUs
> Spiritual Formation in HBCUs
> Leadership Development in HBCUs
> Organizational Culture in HBCUs
> Black Women Leadership in HBCUs
Authors may submit proposals for research projects that have been completed or that are still in progress. But all proposals should clearly indicate the aim of the research project, its social significance, and the author’s intended approach to argue and demonstrate their thesis.
Chapter proposals of no more than 500 words are welcome. Please cite at least 10 sources and include a reference page. The proposal cover page must contain the author’s full contact information. For co-authored proposals, please list all authors’ contact information and indicate the corresponding author. Decisions will be communicated after the editorial board’s review of the proposal and a Manual for Authors will be provided to sole and corresponding authors.
At all stages, manuscripts must conform to APA (7th ed.). Following the submission of full chapter drafts, there will be a blind review process to determine the suitability of the proposed chapter for the series. Once the editorial board members have reached a decision, their decision and feedback will be shared with the corresponding author(s).
Following peer review, revised chapters will range from 7,000 to 8,000 words in Times New Roman 12, double spaced text, inclusive of title, abstract, manuscript, and references and are to be submitted to the volume editors as a Microsoft Word email attachment. Graphics and images may be included (however, see Author Guidelines).
Please email chapter proposals as attachments in Microsoft Word format to Dr. Hakim Lucas (HJLucas@vuu.edu). Enquiries are welcome.
- African American Male Series: Guiding the Next Generation Through Mentoring, Teaching and Counseling
- Contemporary Issues in Higher Education
- Contemporary Perspectives on Black Homeschooling
- Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership Learning
- Contemporary Perspectives on Supervision and Instructional Leadership
- Current Perspectives in Holistic Education
- Dimensions of Leadership and Institutional Success: Exploring Connections and Partnerships
- Equitas: The Payne Center Journal on Race and Social Justice
- Identity & Practice in Higher Education-Student Affairs
- Innovative Approaches on Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
- Innovative Perspectives of Higher Education: Research, Theory and Practice
- International Higher Education
- International Research on School Leadership
- New Directions in Educational Leadership: Innovations in Scholarship, Teaching, and Service
- Research on High School and Beyond
- Research on the Superintendency
- Research, Theory, and Practice Within Academic Affairs
- The Payne Center Book Series
- The SoJo Journal
- Transformative Leadership in Postsecondary Education