History of Education
The History of Education book series, published by Information Age Publishing, features monographs that present historical analyses and interpretations of matters of concern to education. Each volume in the series is developed and edited in partnership with the Organization of Educational Historians, which, since 1965, has endeavored to promote the pursuit of educational history through opportunities for presentation and discussion of papers at annual meetings. This series promotes historical texts that detail marginalized voices in educational history, present new historical analyses or interpretations of academic and intellectual traditions, and provide more profound understandings of educational progression and development in the US and/or abroad. The History of Education book series seeks out a variety of education-based history topics including, but not limited to, adult education history and trends, agricultural instruction and vocational learning, civics, and educational outreach, Cold War educational change, disease, and medical education, educational leadership and administration history, institutional and intellectual biographies, literacy history, race, class, and gender issues, religion and education, social studies curricular trends, etc.
Call for Book Proposals
Information Age Publishing presents the History of Education book series! This series features various historical topics germane to education (broadly defined). Topics have included, but are not limited to:• Adult education history and trends
• Agricultural instruction and vocational
• Civic learning and educational outreach
• Civil rights and campus activism
• Cold war issues and educational change
• Disease, medicine, and science instruction
• Educational and social/political reconstruction
• Educational leadership and administrative history
• Higher education and institutional histories
• Intellectual biography
• International educational issues
• Literacy history
• Race, class, and gender in education
• Religion and education
• School desegregation
• Social studies curricular trends, etc.
IAP seeks out a variety of education-based topics to consider for publication. Reach out to us today with your book proposals!
The History of Education book series is published alongside the American Educational History Journal. Both publication venues work in tandem with the Organization of Educational Historians. Since 1965, OEH has promoted the pursuit of educational history through annual meetings and research presentations that unite scholars from across the globe.
Whether and single/multiple-authored or edited volume, proposal author(s)/editor(s) should submit the following:
• A brief cover letter concerning the book project, author(s)/editor(s), relevant experience to support/perform the project details, and relevance of the project to education.
• 5,000 word (maximum) proposal that details the following:
• General overview of the project
• Table of contents
• Brief description of each chapter (one to two paragraphs per chapter description)
• Two sample chapters
• Curriculum vitae for authors/editors
• Description of potential images/figures
• The working bibliography should also detail special collections/archives/oral history projects/
methods that will support the project.
*Please note: Authors/editors should refrain from submitting completed manuscripts until the completed proposal has been submitted and reviewed by the series editor. If the proposal is considered for further review, the authors/editors will be contacted with additional directions.
Completed manuscripts (once requested) will be submitted for external peer review. Positive reviews will be submitted to the IAP editorial board for publication consideration.
Submitted book proposals must conform to the following guidelines:
• For all style questions, refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, Documentation II Author-Date Style. See page 891 in the 17th edition.
• Manuscripts can be no more than 25 pages (including references). Most papers range from between 18 and 22 pages.
• Do not use headers and/or footers.
• Use Microsoft Word document, Times New Roman, and 12-point font, for all text.
• Double-space all pages of the manuscript.
• Use only 1” margins for all pages of the manuscript.
• Indent the first sentence of each paragraph five spaces. • Use only one space between sentences.
• Use italics and not underline for all emphases.
• Include a comma before “and” in any series (e.g., “black, blue, and green”).
• Unless a sentence ends with a citation, place all end punctuation within quotation marks. o For example: “… just after World War II.”
• If a sentence ends with a citation, end punctuation should follow the citation. o For example: “… which is why he made the argument that he did” (Smith 1934).
• Remove all spaces before and after dashes and hyphens.
• Use the “Insert, Symbol, Special Characters” function for all ellipses. Place one space before and after the ellipses symbol. For example: “… the end of the sentence. Then, he argued against Smith’s claims … only to be refuted by … ”
• Italicize all book titles.
• All references to books and articles should take place within the text itself. At the end of each sentence that requires a reference, the last name of the author and the date of the publication should appear. Include both in parentheses. If a page number is added, the number appears after a comma without the word “page” or the letter “p.” For example: (Smith 1925, 125).
• Footnotes are strongly discouraged! In very rare cases, the use of footnotes may be approved for use.
• The list of references must appear at the end of the book proposal. This reference list should include works that are cited in the paper but may also include works/archival materials that will further the development of the full book manuscript. Arrange all references alphabetically by the authors’ last names.
• For all other questions, please refer to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, Documentation II Author-Date Style. See page 891 in the 17th edition. Here is a short sample Reference list and guidelines. For specifics, look at the “Reference lists” section beginning on page 898 in the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style.
• For all other questions, please contact the IAP History of Education book series editor, R. Eric Platt, eep032@shsu.edu.
Send all inquiries to Eric Platt at: eep032@shsu.edu
About OEH
The Organization of Educational Historians (OEH) is an academic society of scholars from throughout the nation who produce research on educational history. OEH, formerly known as the Midwest History of Education Society, meets each fall for its annual conference, which is typically held in Chicago. We present papers, discuss recent changes in scholarship on educational history, consider ways to promote the teaching of educational history at our universities, and otherwise make plans for the future of OEH.
OEH sponsors the American Educational History Journal, a peer-reviewed publication that recently celebrated its 35th year of publication. For more information on AEHJ, the OEH Annual Conference, or other matters related to the organization, visit www.edhistorians.org

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