Innovative Perspectives of Higher Education: Research, Theory and Practice
Call for Book Proposal Submissions
"Higher education stands on the precipice of radical change," says Dr. Kathleen P. King, award-winning author and researcher and editor of this IAP series. "This series provides administrators and faculty facing constant, swift and far-reaching demands and innovations, leading edge research, perspectives and strategies to meet these challenges and launch the next waves of transformative research." From e-learning to faculty development, for profit colleges, community college changes, leadership, mentoring, assessment to diverse student populations, the authors address timely issues with a three prong approach of research, theory and practice. The series is broad enough to include not only teaching, administration, student affairs, governance, faculty issues, evaluation and research, technology developments, and more, but also focused to provide innovative perspectives with grounded recommendations. The Innovative Perspectives of Higher Education: Research, Theory and Practice series leverages interdisciplinary insight through diverse expert and emerging authors from many disciplines to provide rich research and direction for today and tomorrow.Proposal:
Academics with research and experience in higher education are welcome to submit book proposals to Dr. King for consideration (KPKing @ TransformationED.com).
The following essential elements must be included in the proposal:
- Overall objectives and significance of the book project in a detailed statement of purpose (1-3 pages). Include responses to all of these questions in your statement of purpose:
- Who is/are the author(s)/editor(s)?
- If this is an edited volume, include a list of contributors/affiliations. Indicate if tentative list.
- Who is your audience for this book? (e.g., academic or professional, or reference work)?
- What is the book’s adoption/purchase potential?
How could the book be marketed (e.g., list professional societies or SIGs that would be interested in this book)? - How do you expect readers to make use of this book?
- How does the book extend current knowledge in your field of study?
- How does the project explore previously unrecognized or infrequently considered topics?
- How does this book fit in with the published literature? Be specific about the competition and the unique gap your work addresses.
- What is the length of the project? What is your schedule for delivery of the final draft?
- Are there any special production issues, i.e., complex graphics, art work, photos, etc.?
- Are you submitting your proposal to other prospective publishers?
- An outline of the book that provides a short narrative description of each chapter. For edited volumes, provide a list of the chapter titles or topics that will be covered.
- Resume or curriculum vitae for each authors(s) or editor(s).
- A sample chapter or section if available, or if not, a sample of a journal article or conference paper that is similar to the proposed volume. Obviously, this sample needs to have been written by the submitting author.

Case Studies for the New Professor
Surviving the Jungle of the Academy
2014Thomas D. Cox, University of Central Florida

Reflection and the College Teacher
A Solution for Higher Education
2013Rachel Wlodarsky, Ashland University; Howard Walters, Ashland University

Pathways to Transformation
Learning in Relationship
2012Carrie J. Boden, Texas State University; Sola M. Kippers, Capella University
- Contemporary Issues in Higher Education
- Contemporary Perspectives on Leadership Learning
- Current Perspectives in Holistic Education
- Higher Education Leadership & Study of Historically Black Colleges and Universities
- Identity & Practice in Higher Education-Student Affairs
- Innovative Approaches on Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
- International Higher Education
- Research on High School and Beyond
- Research, Theory, and Practice Within Academic Affairs
- The Payne Center Book Series
- Transformative Leadership in Postsecondary Education
- Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education