Landscapes of Education

Landscapes of Education represents the flow of educational studies into a broader realm than schooling alone. At the same time, however, it addresses salient dimensions of schooling, particularly those that point to the importance of culture and other contextual dimensions of the milieu of school experience in lives, meanings, and possibilities of educators, students, and the public generally. Emphasizing a diverse array of landscapes of education, in or out of school, the Landscapes of Education Series focuses on issues of cultural and ideational diversity, implications for composing one’s life, identity, relations with others, social justice, and ways of being in the world – especially being in-between cultures.

The series editors seek books that address questions about the what, why, when, where, how, and for whom of educational endeavors. By educational endeavors we build upon John Dewey’s (1916) characterization of education as “that reconstruction or reorganization of experience which adds to the meaning of experience and which helps direct the course of subsequent experience” (p. 76). Thus, we invite proposals for books that illuminate any personal and public spaces that educate, as well as analyses of oppressive forces that mis-educate (Dewey, 1938). Diverse global (macrocosmic) or international perspectives are welcome, as well as microcosmic emphases on particular places or spaces. We encourage authors to draw from diverse languages of inquiry (e.g., artistic, scientific, ethnographic, narrative, autobiographical, fictional, phenomenological, historical, political, practical, dialogic), as well as a broad range of disciplines or areas of study (e.g., art, music, biology, philosophy, literature and language, social sciences, education, medical studies). Through this series we hope to create space for courage to imagine, for justice in a context of love and relationship, for keeping the interplay of convergence and divergence alive, for diverse cultural and intellectual perspectives, and for the importance of outside curricula or public pedagogy; moreover, through these books we hope to enhance personal meaning, public activism, and professional edification.