Literacy, Language and Learning
The Literacy, Language, and Learning Series, based on the Socio-Cultural Perspective, presents reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing as integral components for the development of thoughtful citizens. The authors believe that thoughtful citizens are those who are capable of understanding the principles of a pluralistic and democratic society and the power of multimedia on the human condition. Therefore, the authors conclude that educators have a special responsibility to challenge our children to analyze, question, and take action for the common good.
The books in the Literacy, Language, and Learning Series present literacy learning as essential to language development and school success. Specifically, these books pursue action research, culturally responsive teaching, inspiring writing, English language learning, and successful communication for home, school, and community connections. While reading and reflecting on these books, preservice and inservice educators will learn the most recent literacy education information while enhancing their professional lives.
Innovative Approaches to Teaching Multilingual Students
Mary Amanda Stewart, Texas Woman’s University; Holly Hansen-Thomas, Texas Woman’s University
Authentic Voices
Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning
2021Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt, Syracuse Academy of Science Public Charter School, Consultant
Educational Practices in China, Korea, and the United States
Reflections from a Study Abroad Experience
2020Chuang Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Lan Kolano, Cato College of Education, UNC Charlotte; Do-Hong Kim, Augusta University
Collaborative Learning in a Global World
Miri Shonfeld, Kibbutzim College of Education; David Gibson, Curtin University
Views from Inside
Languages, Cultures, and Schooling for K‐12 Educators
2017Joy Egbert, Washington State University; Gisela Ernst‐Slavit, Washington State University
Listening to the Voices of Boys
Exploring the Motivation of Primary Boys to Engage in Reading
2016Krista Griffin, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism
2nd Edition
2015Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt, Le Moyne College; Althier Lazar, St. Joseph's University
Chinese Education from the Perspectives of American Educators
Chuang Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Wen Ma, Le Moyne College; Christie L. Martin, University of South Carolina
Getting to Know Ourselves and Others Through the ABCs
A Journey Toward Intercultural Understanding
2015Claudia Finkbeiner, Universitaet Kassel; Althier Lazar, St. Joseph's University
Getting to the Common Core
Using Research-based Strategies that Empower Students to Own Their Own Achievement
2015Sharon L. Spencer, North Carolina Central University; Sandra Vavra, North Carolina Central University
Learner's Privilege and Responsibility
A Critical Examination of the Experiences and Perspectives of Learners from Chinese Backgrounds in the United States
2014Wen Ma, Le Moyne College; Chuang Wang, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
International Collaborations in Literacy Research and Practice
Cynthia B. Leung, University of South Florida St. Petersburg; Janet C. Richards, University of South Florida; Cynthia A. Lassonde, SUNY College at Oneonta
Struggling Readers Can Succeed
Teaching Solutions Based on Real Kids in Classrooms and Communities
2013Nina L. Nilsson, Saint Joseph’s University; Sandra E. Gandy, Governors State University
Learning from the Boys
Looking Inside the Reading Lives of Three Adolescent Boys
2013Valarie G. Lee, Rowan University
Inspiring Student Writers
Strategies and Examples for Teachers
2009Tom Scheft, North Carolina Central University
Multicultural Families, Home Literacies, and Mainstream Schooling
Guofang Li, Michigan State University
The Perfect Norm
How to Teach Differentially, Assess Effectively, and Manage a Classroom Ethically in Ways That Are
2009Sharon L. Spencer, North Carolina Central University; Sandra Vavra, North Carolina Central University
African-American Middle-Income Parents
How Are They Involved in Their Children's Literacy Development?
2007Ethel Swindell Robinson, Swindell Associates
Closing the Gap
English Educators Address the Tensions Between Teacher Preparation and Teaching Writing in Secondary Schools
2007Karen Keaton Jackson, North Carolina Central University; Sandra Vavra, North Carolina Central University
Research and Reflection
Teachers Take Action for Literacy Development
2006Andrea Izzo, Gallaudet University
ABC's of Cultural Understanding and Communication
National and International Adaptations
2006Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt, Le Moyne College; Claudia Finkbeiner, Universitaet Kassel
Preparing Educators to Communicate and Connect with Families and Communities
Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt, Le Moyne College
- Claudia Finkbeiner
Universitaet Kassel - Wen Ma
Le Moyne College - FOUNDING EDITORPeter B. Mosenthal
Syracuse University - FOUNDING EDITORPatricia Ruggiano Schmidt
Le Moyne College