On Indian Ground: A Return to Indigenous Knowledge-Generating Hope, Leadership and Sovereignty through Education
SERIES-This series is devoted to the recent developments, research, and practice of American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian education. It sees to illustrate recent methods, procedures, and applications designed for educators who work with American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian students and seeks to highlight tribal specific interventions by sharing best practices. We especially welcome chapters that combine successful practice with research.
With 566 federally recognized tribes in the United States, we believe that various geographic regions are home to specific practices, policies, and philosophies that highlight our common interests and tribal differences. This series moves away from the historical approach of "American Indian Education" by seeking to highlight successes within diverse tribal nations.
Proposed Volumes:
2023: On Indian Ground: Oklahoma
Editor: Pahdopony (Comanche), Warner
Contact: jpahdopony@cnc.cc.ok.us
2023 (May): On Indian Ground: The Northwest
Editor: Jacobs (Yakama), Ross
Contact: mjacob@sandiego.edu
2023 (Sept): On Indian Ground: The South
Editor: Faircloth (Coharie)
Contact: scfairc2@ncsu.edu
• An easy reading volume that focuses on a specific geographic region and the tribes residing within that region to be used by practitioners and researchers who work with Indian people.
• Each volume will include models, case studies, and references or links to both curriculum materials and current research.
Target Audience:
Each book seeks to offer teachers, administrators, tribal community members and researchers a refreshed, enhanced, and in-depth view of practice as well as theoretical and empirical research for a specific region.
This series is scheduled to be published by Information Age Publishing. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit http://www.infoagepub.com/guidelines.html. Please note that we will use APA style sheet with double spacing. It is helpful if you would name you electronic file as follows:
YOURLASTNAME.Chapter#. Title
Example: Warner.Chapter3.TribalEducation.Dept
The first volume in the series is anticipated to be released in Summer 2015.
Specific Chapter Contents
1. A history of Indian education within the State/s; expect multiple authors if region includes multiple starts to be combined into one chapter.
2. Indian education policy/politics & case law & tribal governance
3. Tribal Departments of Education & Education Associations
4. Early childhood education; P-K and Head start
5. K-12 Best practices (cultural pedagogy and native ways of knowing); expect multiple authors if region includes multi-tribal efforts to be combined into one chapter.
6. Language revitalization
7. Post-secondary education (tribal colleges and public and private IHEs)
8. Exceptional education
9. Curriculum Assessment Practices
10. Counseling
11. Use of technology
12. Funding/Finance
13. Parents & tribal community efforts
14. Research and Evaluation
15. (Open to any topic designated by the volume editor)
We expect such cross-cutting themes such as sustainability, gaming, economic development, health and wellness, etc. will be incorporated as relevant.
Submission Procedure:
Authors are invited to submit a 1-2 page chapter proposal for one of the topics listed above to the Volume Editor. Proposals are invited no later than August 1, 2014 for 2015 publications. Contact volume editor for updates. Inquiries may be forwarded to series editors as well: lsuewarner@yahoo.com

On Indian Ground
Northern Plains
2023Gerald E. Gipp, American Indian Higher Education Consortium; Sandra Fox, Oglala Lakota Nation of South Dakota; Karen Gayton Comeau, Standing Rock Dakota/Lakota