Perspectives on Mentoring

Call for Book Proposals

Book proposals are currently being solicited for the Perspectives on Mentoring Series published by Information Age Publishing.

A volume published within this series incorporates conceptual and/or empirical work that contributes to our understanding of various aspects of the mentoring process in a variety of organizational settings and contexts. The series does not have a particular geographic focus; theoretical and empirical works are welcome that deal with any country or region, as well as those which are intended to provide broad, comparative overviews of a particular topic (e.g., mentoring programs; mentoring across the professions; mentoring of early career teachers; peer mentoring in higher education; connection between mentoring and coaching, new trends and approaches to mentoring; mentoring program effectiveness, etc.). The series is interested in national and international perspectives that provide both research-based guidance and practitioner orientation for enhancing the practice and theory of mentoring, while also exploring tensions and dilemmas of mentoring processes and programmatic components.

For more information, contact Benjamin Kutsyuruba at or +1 (613) 533-3049.

The book proposal should be emailed directly to or mailed to:

Dr. Benjamin Kutsyuruba
Faculty of Education, Queen’s University
Duncan McArthur Hall, 511 Union St., Kingston, ON, Canada
K7M 5R7

Mentoring is an important aspect of professional development and talent management efforts in a wide variety of fields such as health sciences, education, business, engineering, and social work. Mentoring entails forming a mutually supportive and learning relationship between the more experienced (mentor) and less experienced (protégé) colleagues for the purposes of personal support and professional learning. There is an increased interest in the topic of mentoring in the workplace on a global scale. Research indicates that those who receive mentoring rise faster in their organizations and have more success in their careers than those who do not have this experience. This series will focus on various aspects of the mentoring process in a variety of organizational settings and contexts.

We have proudly partnered with the International Mentoring Association for this series, with the joint aim to share practices and research with the global community for the development and enhancement of mentoring programs and relationships across disciplines and contexts.