Research in Mathematics Education
Call for Proposals
Denisse R. Thompson (University of South Florida, emeritus, denisse@usf.edu)
Mary Ann Huntley (Cornell University, huntley@math.cornell.edu)
Christine Suurtamm (University of Ottawa, Christine.Suurtamm@uottawa.ca)
Scholars in many countries are involved in researching effective approaches to the teaching and learning of mathematics. Each book in the series, Research in Mathematics Education, focuses on a theme that is of interest to a broad range of audiences, including researchers, professional development providers, teacher educators, curriculum developers, and classroom teachers.
The editors are currently inviting proposals from a variety of perspectives at all levels of schooling. Any high-quality research that addresses an important issue in mathematics education and is of interest to an international audience will be considered. Some topics for which there is particular interest include (but are not limited to) the following: curriculum, assessment, equity in addressing diverse learners, research on the teaching and learning of particular content strands, teacher education (along the entire continuum, from preparation to induction to professional development of practicing teachers), and models of and research into effectiveness of alternative paths to teacher certification.
The editors also welcome proposals with the purpose of sharing research that has been discussed at conferences in order to make it available to a wide audience. In this way, papers can be presented in more detail or extended further than is often possible at conferences.
Lessons Learned from Research on Mathematics Curriculum
Denisse R Thompson, University of South Florida; Mary Ann Huntley, Cornell University; Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa
International Perspectives on Mathematics Teacher Education
Denisse R Thompson, University of South Florida; Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa; Mary Ann Huntley, Cornell University
Researching Pedagogy and Practice with Canadian Mathematics Teachers
David A Reid, Universitetet i Agder; Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa; Annie Savard, McGill University; Elaine Simmt, University of Alberta; Dominic Manuel, University of Alberta; Lisa Lunney Borden, St. Francis Xavier University; Richard Barwell, University of Ottawa
International Perspectives on Mathematics Curriculum
Denisse R Thompson, University of South Florida; Mary Ann Huntley, Cornell University; Christine Suurtamm, University of Ottawa
Digital Curricula in School Mathematics
Meg Bates, The University of Chicago; Zalman Usiskin, The University of Chicago
Approaches to Studying the Enacted Mathematics Curriculum
Dan Heck, Horizon Research, Inc.; Kathryn Chval, University of Missouri; Iris Weiss, Horizon Research, Inc.; Steven W. Ziebarth, Western Michigan Univeristy
Variability is the Rule
A Companion Analysis of K-8 State Mathematics Standards
2010John P. Smith III, Michigan State University
Language and Mathematics Education
Multiple Perspectives and Directions for Research
2010Judit N. Moschkovich, University of California at Santa Cruz
A Five-Year Study of the First Edition of the Core-Plus Mathematics Curriculum
Harold Schoen; Steven W. Ziebarth, Western Michigan Univeristy; Christian R. Hirsch, Western Michigan University; Allison BrckaLorenz
Future Curricular Trends in School Algebra And Geometry
Proceedings of A Conference
2010Zalman Usiskin, The University of Chicago; Kathleen Andersen; Nicole Zotto
A Decade of Middle School Mathematics Curriculum Implementation
Lessons Learned from the Show-Me Project
2008Margaret R. Meyer, University of Wisconsin–Madison; Cynthia W. Langrall, Illinois State University
Mathematics Curriculum in Pacific Rim Countries - China, Japan, Korea, and Singapore
Proceedings of a Conference
2008Zalman Usiskin, The University of Chicago; Edwin Willmore, The University of Chicago
The History of the Geometry Curriculum in the United States
Nathalie Sinclair, Michigan State University
The Classification of Quadrilaterals
A Study in Definition
2008Zalman Usiskin, The University of Chicago
- Denisse R Thompson
University of South Florida - Mary Ann Huntley
Cornell University - Christine Suurtamm
University of Ottawa - FOUNDING EDITORBarbara J. Dougherty
Iowa State University
- International Sourcebooks in Mathematics and Science Education
- Research on Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Syntheses, Cases, and Perspectives
- The AMTE Monograph Series
- The Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators (AMTE) Professional Book Series
- The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast