Research in Second Language Learning
Editorial Board: Bogum Yoon, Editor, State University of New York at Binghamton. JoAnn Hammadou Sullivan, Founding Editor, University of Rhode Island. Minhee Eom, University of Texas-Pan American. L. Kathy Heilenman, University of Iowa. Keiko Koda, Carnegie Mellon University. Kimi Kondo-Brown, University of Hawaii at Manoa. Scott McGinnis, Defense Language Institute. Lia Plakans, University of Texas at Austin.
The field of second language learning research has grown rapidly in recent years. Educators have become increasingly aware that pedagogical knowledge varies significantly from one subject domain to the next and that findings from educational research in one domain are not necessarily applicable to the next. Researchers in second language learning are adding to our understandings of secondlanguage specific pedagogy. There exists a need, therefore, for an outlet for these ever improving understandings of this content-specific pedagogy. The new book series, Research in second Language Learning, will provide just such an outlet. The series invites articles from all methodological approaches to research. The series will promote a research-based approach to the decision-making process in second language teaching/learning.
Call for Book Proposals
The field of second language learning research has grown rapidly in recent years. Educators have become increasingly aware that pedagogical knowledge varies significantly from one subject domain to the next and that findings from educational research in one domain are not necessarily applicable to the next. Researchers in second language learning are adding to our understandings of second language specific pedagogy. There exists a need, therefore, for an outlet for these ever improving understandings of this content-specific pedagogy. The book series, Research in Second Language Learning, will provide just such an outlet. The series will promote a research-based approach to the decision-making process in second language teaching and learning.For the book series volume 15, we invite the scholars and researchers in the field of second language and literacy to submit the proposals on the edited or authored book. Interested scholars/researchers from around the world are welcome. The topics are wide open, but we are particularly interested in the work which will bring new insights to the second language and literacy field. Preference is given to the scholars and researchers whose projected books are in the stage of completion to be published.
Book proposals include the following:
1. book title
2. purpose
3. rationale
4. contents
5. tentative timeline
6. author/editor’s brief bio.
Book proposal due: October 30, 2022
Please submit proposals to the series editor, Bogum Yoon, byoon@binghamton.edu

The Matter of Practice
Exploring New Materialisms in the Research and Teaching of Languages and Literacies
2021Curt Porter, Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Rachel Griffo, Community College of Allegheny County

Transforming Schooling for Second Language Learners
Theoretical Insights, Policies, Pedagogies, and Practices
2019Mariana Pacheco, University of Wisconsin-Madison; P. Zitlali Morales, University of Illinois at Chicago; Colleen Hamilton, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Inquiries Into Literacy Learning and Cultural Competencies in a World of Borders
Tonya Huber, Texas A&M International University; Philip S. Roberson, Texas A&M International University

Critical Views on Teaching and Learning English Around the Globe
Qualitative Research Approaches
2016José Aldemar Álvarez V., Universidad del Valle, Colombia; Cathy Amanti, Georgia State University; Shireen Keyl, Utah State University; Erin Mackinney, Roosevelt University

Academic Language In Second Language Learning
M. Beatriz Arias, Arizona State University; Christian J. Faltis, University of California, Davis

Studies and Global Perspectives of Second Language Teaching and Learning
John W. Schwieter, Wilfrid Laurier University

Teachers' Roles in Second Language Learning
Classroom Applications of Sociocultural Theory
2012Bogum Yoon, State University of New York at Binghamton; Hoe Kyeung Kim, Cleveland State University

Research Informing Practice - Practice Informing Research
Innovative Teaching Methologies for World Language Teachers
2011David Schwarzer, Montclair State University; Mary Petrón, Sam Houston State University; Christopher Luke, Ball State University

Crossing Languages and Research Methods
Analyses of Adult Foreign Language Reading
2009Cindy Brantmeier, Washington University in St. Louis

Project-Based Second and Foreign Language Education
Past, Present, and Future
2006Gulbahar H. Beckett, Iowa State University; Paul Chamness Iida

Research as a Tool for Empowerment
Theory Informing Practice
2006David Schwarzer, Montclair State University; Melanie Bloom; Sarah Shono

Research in Technology and Second Language Learning
Developments and Directions
2005Yong Zhao, Michigan State University
- Bogum Yoon
State University of New York at Binghamton - FOUNDING EDITORJoAnn Hammadou Sullivan
University of Rhode Island
- Contemporary Language Education
- Contemporary Perspectives on Social and Emotional Learning
- Current Perspectives on Cognition, Learning and Instruction
- Early Childhood Education Assembly
- Hollywood or History
- International Advances in Self Research
- Lifespan Learning
- Literacy, Language and Learning
- Nebraska Symposium on Information Technology in Education
- Psychological Perspectives on Contemporary Educational Issues
- Readings in Language Studies
- Research in Bilingual Education
- Research in Life Writing and Education
- Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning
- Selected Topics in Language and Linguistics