Science & Engineering Education Sources
This book series provides volumes that are of general significance to theory development and research in Science & Engineering education. The series provides an opportunity to publish monographs, reviews, and collections of papers, which are at the forefront of the field. It publishes work from leading practitioners in the field, and cutting edge researchers.
Call for Monographs
This series is looking for monographs, reviews, and collections of papers that would be the basis for future research on the development of student understanding in science education.Sample issues include:
What is the stage of the students’ intellectual development?
How can the instructor enable the student to resolve cognitive dissonance in the difficulties students have in transcending their misconceptions toward target ideas?
Students can have great difficulty reading scientific texts and trying to cope with the professor in the classroom. Part of the reason for student’s difficulties is that for a student taking a science gateway course the language and epistemology of science are akin to a foreign culture. For many students in the introductory gateway course, although individual words are understandable, the sentences appear to take the form of an unknown language.
What is the students’ world view; knowledge-in-pieces as described by diSessa, a coherent theory as described for example by Posner, Strike, Hewson, and Gertzog or and an ontological view as described by Chi.
What instructional supports are necessary for students to examine their own ideas and compare them to the ideas presented by peers, the textbook, and the instructor? Feyerabend (1993, p.33) has pointed out that evaluation of a theoretical framework doesn’t occur until there is an alternative (principle of counter induction.)
Relating epistemic change to conceptual change in students.
All inquiries and papers may be directed to Series Editor Calvin S. Kalman: Calvin.Kalman@concordia.ca
Editorial Board:
Dewey Dykstra, Professor of Physics at Boise State University
Igal Galili, Head of The Science Teaching Department Hebrew University
Charles Henderson Chair, Physics Education Research Editor, American Journal of Physics and Associate professor physics & Mallinson Institute for Science Education, Western Michigan University
Teresa Larkin, chair Physics Department American University
Michael Matthews, School of Education, University of New South Wales, Editor Science & Education, Past President International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching Group
Craig Nelson, First President, International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Emeritus Professor of Biology, Indiana University
Edward Redish, Professor of Physics University of Maryland
David W Rudge, President of the International History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Group & Associate Professor, Biological Sciences & The Mallinson Institute for Science Education Western Michigan University
Eric Scerri, Editor, Foundations of Chemistry
Developing Science Literacy in the 21st Century
Keri-Anne Croce, Towson University; Jonah Firestone, Washington State University
Using and Developing Measurement Instruments in Science Education
A Rasch Modeling Approach 2nd Edition
2020Xiufeng Liu, State University of New York, Buffalo
Successful Science and Engineering Teaching in Colleges and Universities, 2nd Edition
Calvin S. Kalman, Concordia University
Deep Learning in Introductory Physics
Exploratory Studies of Model‐Based Reasoning
2016Mark J. Lattery, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
- Contemporary Perspectives on Curricular Interactions, Behavior, Relationships, and Classroom Management
- Current Perspectives in Holistic Education
- Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue
- Curriculum and Pedagogy
- Curriculum Windows
- Hollywood or History
- International Perspectives on Curriculum
- Issues in Curriculum Theory, Policy and Research
- Lived Experience, Nonviolence, and Curriculum Studies
- Pioneers of Science Education
- Research in Curriculum and Instruction
- Research in Life Writing and Education
- Research in Science Education
- Research in Social Education
- Teachers Engaged in Research
- The Center for PAInT Series on Arts-integrated Education
- The Handbook of Curriculum Inquiry