Teaching and Learning Online

The “Teaching and Learning Online” series provides readers with an in-depth look at the current trends, benefits, challenges, and issues of engaging students in online environments. Volumes in the “Teaching and Learning Online” series will serve as textbooks for university teacher preparation courses as well as a wide range of undergraduate/graduate programs and professional development workshops. Edited volumes explore research, theory, and practice at the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary levels. Chapters explore topics and developments related to the use of online technologies, methodologies, and pedagogies for instructors to use as they work to meet the needs of students in online environments. Sections describe experiences and practical strategies that will interest and support PreK-12 and post-secondary educators as well as pre-service teachers, teacher educators, parents, and administrators.

Call for Book Proposals

The expansion of online environments for education poses logistical and pedagogical challenges for PreK-12 and higher education students and teachers. Since the 1990s, the adoption of online coursework across both EC-12 and higher education settings has increased (Darby & Lang, 2019), even during economic downturns, as documented in the report Grade Increase (2018) compiled by the Babson Survey Research Group. Yet, teachers and teacher educators report feeling underprepared or overwhelmed by online learning environments. How do we deliver high-quality instruction and experiences to students in an online environment?

The series editors invite volumes focused on engaging PreK-12 students, undergraduate/graduate students, teachers, and teacher educators in online environments. Potential volumes could be single-authored, co-authored, or edited collections of multiple chapters following a common theme in teaching and learning online. All volumes should include attention to the why and how teachers use online environments as well as the methods and strategies for engaging learners in online environments and, where appropriate, lesson plans readers can implement in their classrooms. Topics for volumes might include:

• Exploring specific disciplines (i.e. mathematics, social studies) in online environments
• Social Justice and Technology
• Teacher Education
• Urban or Rural Online Education
• Engaging diverse learners online

We advise that authors first submit an outline and proposal for consideration in the book series. We welcome a description of the volume mission and vision, possible chapter content, methodological contribution, and how the volume aligns with the series teaching and learning online. Please also include a description of how the book extends the field of scholarship it enters and the potential audiences for the text.

The proposal and manuscript should include author/editor information, institutional affiliation, professional title, and a brief biographical note about the authors/editors. Please follow APA 7th formatting guidelines for the materials. Submit in word documents only to the series editors, as listed below.

Send inquiries to Franklin S. Allaire and Jennifer E. Killham: