Teaching and Learning Social Studies
The Teaching and Learning Social Studies book series primarily focuses on contemporary issues related to the teaching and learning of social studies. The primary aim is to create a substantive body of scholarship, which can improve the understanding of the theory, research, and practice of social studies education.
The Teaching and Learning Social Studies (TLSS) book series is interested in publishing high quality academic books. Particularly authored or edited books geared towards K-12 teachers, pre-services teachers, and/or university faculty with an interest in the teaching and learning of social studies.
I invite book proposals focused on any aspect of teaching and learning social studies.
Book Proposal Process
Proposals should be submitted to Dr. William B. Russell III (Russell@ucf.edu). Please help the series editor and proposal reviewers envision the purpose and audience for your book project by writing a proposal that includes the following elements. The goal is to understand how your book could make an important and unique contribution to the field of social studies education. Begin your proposal by explaining the overall objectives and significance of the book project in a detailed statement of purpose (1-3). In writing your statement of purpose, please respond to the following questions:
Who is/are the author(s)/editor(s)?
If this is an edited volume, include a list of contributors/affiliations. Please indicate if this is a tentative list.
Who is your audience for this book? (e.g., academic or professional, course adoption potential or reference work)?
How could the book be marketed (e.g., are there professional societies or SIGs that would be interested in this book)?
How do you expect readers to make use of this book?
How does the book extend current knowledge in your field of study?
How does the project explore previously unrecognized or infrequently considered topics in the literature?
Also explain:
How this work fits in with the published literature
If any of the information about the book or its author(s) is tentative
The length of the project
Your schedule for delivery of the final draft
About any special production issues such as complicated graphics, art work, photos, etc.
Whether you are submitting your proposal to other prospective publishers.
In addition to your statement of purpose, please add: An outline of the book that provides a short narrative description of each chapter. For edited volumes, provide a list of the chapter titles or topics that will be covered. A resume or curriculum vitae for the authors(s) or editor(s). A sample chapter or section if available, or a sample of a journal article or conference paper that is similar to the proposed volume.
Visual Literacy in the K-12 Social Studies Classroom
Matt Hensley, East Tennessee State University; Stewart Waters, The University of Tennessee; William B. Russell III, University of Central Florida
At the Schoolhouse Gate
Stakeholder Perceptions of First Amendment Rights and Responsibilities in U.S. Public Schools
2022Nancy C. Patterson, Bowling Green State University; Prentice T. Chandler, Austin Peay State University
Real Classrooms, Real Teachers
The C3 Inquiry in Practice
2021Kristy A. Brugar, University of Oklahoma; Kathryn L. Roberts, Wayne State University
Education for Democracy
A Renewed Approach to Civic Inquiries for Social Justice
2021Steven P. Camicia, Utah State University; Ryan Knowles, Utah State University
Movies and Moral Dilemma Discussions
A Practical Guide to Cinema Based Character Development
2020Stewart Waters, The University of Tennessee; William B. Russell III, University of Central Florida
Marking the "Invisible"
Articulating Whiteness in Social Studies Education
2020Andrea M. Hawkman, Utah State University; Sarah B. Shear, University of Washington-Bothell
Teaching for Citizenship in Urban Schools
Antonio J. Castro, University of Missouri; Alexander Cuenca, Indiana University; Jason Williamson, University of Missouri
Extending the Ground of Public Confidence
Teaching Civil Liberties in K-16 Social Studies Education
2019Janie Hubbard, The University of Alabama
More Like Life Itself
Simulations as Powerful and Purposeful Social Studies
2018Cory Wright-Maley, St. Mary’s University
No Reluctant Citizens
Teaching Civics in K-12 Classrooms
2018Jeremiah Clabough, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Timothy Lintner, University of South Carolina Aiken
(Re)Imagining Elementary Social Studies
A Controversial Issues Reader
2018Sarah B. Shear, Penn State University-Altoona; Christina M. Tschida, East Carolina University; Elizabeth Bellows, Appalachian State University; Lisa B. Buchanan, Elon University; Elizabeth E. Saylor, University of Georgia
The Global Education Movement
Narratives of Distinguished Global Scholars
2018Toni Fuss Kirkwood-Tucker, Florida State University
Digging Deeper
Activities for Enriching and Expanding Social Studies Instruction K‐12
2017M. Gail Hickey, Indiana University-Purdue University Fort Wayne; Jeremiah Clabough, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Race Lessons
Using Inquiry to Teach About Race in Social Studies
2017Prentice T. Chandler, Austin Peay State University; Todd S. Hawley, Kent State University
Cinematic Social Studies
A Resource for Teaching and Learning Social Studies With Film
2017William B. Russell III, University of Central Florida; Stewart Waters, The University of Tennessee
Social Justice Education, Globalization, and Teacher Education
Lydiah Nganga, University of Wyoming at Casper; John Kambutu, University of Wyoming at
Unpuzzling History with Primary Sources
Jeremiah Clabough, University of Alabama at Birmingham; Thomas N. Turner, University of Tennessee; William B. Russell III, University of Central Florida; Stewart Waters, The University of Tennessee
Doing Race in Social Studies
Critical Perspectives
2015Prentice T. Chandler, University of Cincinnati
Getting at the Core of the Common Core with Social Studies
Thomas N. Turner, University of Tennessee; Jeremiah Clabough, University of Alabama at Birmingham; William Cole, Sequoyah High School in Madisonville, Tennessee
Integrative Strategies for the K-12 Social Studies Classroom
Timothy Lintner, University of South Carolina Aiken