Work-Life Balance
The purpose of this book series is to promote research on work-life balance.
Contact Joanne M. Marshall at jmars@iastate.edu for information about this series.
Call for Papers
We seek edited volumes, textbooks, and full-length studies focused on research that explores the ways in which people manage their work and "not-work." The first books in the series have come from higher education, and from the specific discipline of educational leadership, but we hope that other work areas and disciplines will follow. Possible topics include, but are not restricted to, the following:- Definitions and Conceptions of Work-Life Balance
- Critical Interpretations of Work-Life Balance
- Mentoring for Work-Life Balance
- Graduate Students and Work-Life Balance
- Gender and Work-life Balance
- Race and Ethnicity and Work-Life Balance
- International Perspectives on Work-Life Balance
- Elder Care and Work-Life Balance
- Singleness and Work-Life Balance
- Non-Traditional Families and Work-Life Balance
We invite you and your colleagues to submit a book proposal of five to ten pages. All proposals will undergo editorial team and/or blind peer review. Proposals should include the following sections:
1. Overview and Purpose
Explain the purpose and scope of the book project, providing a rationale for how it is grounded in and extends the current research on work-life balance.
2. Summary of Contents
Provide a proposed table of contents, brief synopsis of each chapter, and an approximate page count for each chapter, including any references and appendices. If you have identified authors or editors, please omit their names but provide a description of their expertise. If you are sending out a call for chapters, please include the call and guidelines for authors.
3. Timeline
The timeline should include phases of the publication process. Include dates for a call for chapters, for submission of chapters to the editor, for peer review, for revisions, for final editing, and for submission. Accepted proposals will undergo editorial and/or blind peer review by the series editors.

Bounding Greed
Worklife Integration and Positive Coping Strategies Among Faculty of Color in Early, Middle, and Late Career Stages at Comprehensive Universities
2023René O. Guillaume, New Mexico State University; Edna Martinez, The University of Texas at El Paso

Parenting in the Pandemic
The Collision of School, Work, and Life at Home A Collection of Essays
2021Rebecca Lowenhaupt, Boston College; George Theoharis, Syracuse University

Gender, Tenure, and the Pursuit of Work-Life-Family Stability
Kristen E. Willmott, University of Rochester

Advancing Women in Academic STEM Fields through Dual Career Policies and Practices
Marci R. McMahon, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Marie T. Mora, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Ala R. Qubbaj, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley

Identity Intersectionalities, Mentoring, and Work–Life (Im)Balance
Educators (Re)Negotiate the Personal, Professional, and Political
2016Katherine Cumings Mansfield, Virginia Commonwealth University; Anjalé D. Welton, University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign; Pei‐Ling Lee, The University of Texas at Austin

Abriendo Puertas, Cerrando Heridas (Opening doors, closing wounds)
Latinas/os Finding Work-Life Balance in Academia
2015Frank Hernandez, University of Texas of the Permian Basin; Elizabeth Murakami-Ramalho, University of Texas at San Antonio; Gloria M. Rodriguez, UC Davis

On the High Wire
Education Professors Walk Between Work and Parenting
2015George Theoharis, Syracuse University; Sharon Dotger, Syracuse University

Beyond The Pride and The Privilege
The Stories of Doctoral Students and Work-Life Balance
2014Agustina Purnamasari, Iowa State University; Genise Henry, University of Texas at Austin; Chinasa Ordu, Kent State University; Edna Martinez, The University of Texas at El Paso

Juggling Flaming Chain Saws
Academics in Educational Leadership Try to Balance Work and Family
2012Joanne M. Marshall, Iowa State University; Jeffrey S. Brooks, University of Idaho; Kathleen M. Brown, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Leslie Hazle Bussey, Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement; Bonnie Fusarelli, North Carolina State University; Mark A. Gooden, The University of Texas-Austin; Catherine A. Lugg, Rutgers University; Latish C. Reed, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee; George Theoharis, Syracuse University
- Joanne M. Marshall
Iowa State University - Jeffrey S. Brooks
Curtin University - Bonnie Fusarelli
North Carolina State University - Latish C. Reed
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee - George Theoharis
Syracuse University