Out-of-School-Time STEM Programs for Females

Implications for Research and Practice Volume II: Short-Term Programs

Edited by:
Lynda R. Wiest, University of Nevada
Heather Glynn Crawford‐Ferre, University of Nevada
Jafeth E. Sanchez, University of Nevada

A volume in the series: Out-of-School-Time STEM Programs for Females: Implications for Research and Practice. Editor(s): Lynda R. Wiest, University of Nevada.

Published 2021

Vol. II: Short-Term Programs features eight OST STEM programs for females from across the United States that run one to three days in length, in most cases, a single day. In this book, the chapter authors describe their programs, the effectiveness of those programs, and practical implications of their program evaluation data. This book series is the first of its kind to offer researchers, educators, school administrators, policy makers, and others detailed insight into the promise and practice of out-of-school-time STEM programs for females.

Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines play a pivotal role in societal progress and economic prosperity, in addition to enhancing individual lives. However, U.S. students lack strong STEM performance in an international context. The pool of STEM-proficient workers is thus insufficient to fuel the nation, with females being one group that is noticeably absent.

Out-of-school-time (OST) programs, which are on the rise, are increasingly suggested as a way to support and encourage underrepresented groups in STEM. Participants in OST programs have shown improved achievement, interest, and confidence in STEM, as well as greater awareness of STEM role models and careers.

Introduction: OST Programs as STEM Support for Females, Lynda R. Wiest, Heather Glynn Crawford-Ferre, and Jafeth E. Sanchez. FEMMES STEM Program for Girls, Kathy Ziyue Dai, Nina Kuprasertkul, and Deborah Liu. Expanding Your Horizons: An Out-of-School-Time STEM Conference for Girls, Judith Iriarte-Gross, Myra Norman, and Monika Whitfield. STEM for Girls: A One-Day Event to Improve Girls’ Attitudes Toward STEM, Julia S. Ribeiro, Michelle E. Kossack, and Tina Jeoh. Girls in Engineering, Math, and Science (GEMS): A Successful Program for Middle School Girls and College Women in Southwest Florida, Zanna Beharry, Katie Johnson, and Laura Frost. Science Technology Engineering Preview Summer (STEPS) at the University of St. Thomas, Deborah Besser and AnnMarie Thomas. The Girls in STEM Program, Sean Hill and Jafeth E. Sanchez. Tech Savvy: The Difference a Day Makes to Facilitate STEM Interest in Girls and the Adults in Their Lives, Tamara E. Brown. Exploring the Impact of Out-of-School STEM Experiences for Girls, Jacqueline D. Spears, Chardie L. Baird, and Beth A. Montelone. Conclusion: Short-Term OST STEM Programs for Females, Lynda R. Wiest, Heather Glynn Crawford-Ferre, and Jafeth E. Sanchez. About the Editors. About the Contributors.