Beyond Exchange
Revisiting Leadership as a Relationship
Olga Epitropaki, Durham University Business School, Durham University, UK; Robin Martin, Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

Boundary-Spanning in School-University Partnerships
Kristien Zenkov, George Mason University; Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte; Lin Rudder, Lightridge High School; George Mason University

Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis
Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education
Jonathan A. McElderry, Elon University; Stephanie Hernandez Rivera, Elon University

Dismantling Spaces of Silence in Social Science Education
Eric B. Claravall, California State University, Sacramento; Jessica Ferreras-Stone, Western Washington University

Educating About/for Food Security Through Environmental Education
An Account of Integration Practices in Teacher Education Programs Across Ontario, Canada
Alishia A. Valeri

Educational Leadership Program Coordinators
Partnership Creators Through Social Connectedness
Ellen H. Reames, Auburn University; Noelle A. Paufler, Clemson University

Ethical Considerations for Research and Practice in the Human Sciences
Mila Tuli, University of Delhi; Bhavna Negi, University of Delhi

Handbook of Cultural Sports Psychology
Natalie Jancosek, Sigmund Freud University; Christian Højen Bisgaard, Bisgaard Performance

Hollywood or History?
An Inquiry-Based Strategy for Using Cartoons to Teach Topics in Elementary and Secondary Social Studies
Scott L. Roberts, Central Michigan University; Charles J. Elfer, Clayton State University

In Their Own Voices
Let the People Who Do the Teaching Do the Talking
Suzanne C. Carothers, New York University

Inclusion Diversity Equity & Access
Pinar Ayyildiz, Ankara Medipol University; Mehmet Durnali, Zonguldak Bulent Ecevit University
The SoJo Journal
Educational Foundations and Social Justice Education
Middle Grades Research Journal
A Research Journal Published by the Institute for School Improvement
- AERA Hispanic Research Issues
- AERA Leadership for School Improvement
- AERA Learning and Teaching Educational Leadership
- AERA Politics of Education Association
- AERA Studying and Self Regulated Learning
- Social Science Education Consortium
- Advances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development
- Hollywood or History
- Identity & Practice in Higher Education-Student Affairs
- Leadership for School Improvement
- Research, Advocacy, Collaboration, and Empowerment Mentoring Series
- Research, Theory, and Practice Within Academic Affairs
- Transforming Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

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Call for papers & Manuscripts
We have many books and series with open calls for manuscripts and papers
- Antione D. TomlinAnne Arundel Community College
- Anymir OrellanaNova Southeastern University
- Brian MurrayUniversity of Dallas
- Brittany DeviesFlorida State University
- Cynthia G. DesrochersCalifornia State University, Northridge
- David G. TitleSacred Heart University
- Dianna L. StoneUniversities of New Mexico, Albany, and Virginia Tech
- Jaan ValsinerNiels Bohr Professor of Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University
- James H. DulebohnMichigan State University
- Kathy L. GuthrieFlorida State University
- Kimberly M. LukaszewskiWright State University
- Kristin N. RainvilleSacred Heart University
- Michael SimonsonNova Southeastern University
- Mikki R. HeblRice University
- Pietro A. SassoDelaware State University
- Composing Storylines of Possibilities
- Hollywood or History?
- Imagining the Future
- It Takes an Ecosystem
- Polling Student Voices for School Improvement
- Principled Governance
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