Teacher Induction Practices, Outcomes, and Influential Factors in Global Contexts

A Large Data-Based Perspective

Edited by:
Jian Wang, Texas Tech University

A volume in the series: Teacher Induction Research, Policy, and Practice: A Global Perspective. Editor(s): Jian Wang, Texas Tech University.

Call for Book Chapters

Teacher Induction Practices, Outcomes, and Influential Factors in Global Contexts is the third book in the book series, Teacher Induction Research, Policy, and Practice Series, to be published by Information Age Publishing. Using large data sets, the book will analyze various relationships between different kinds of teacher induction practices, outcomes, and influential factors in different countries or from a comparative perspective. These data sets can be those from TIMSS, PIRLS, PISA, TALIS, or others, with which the above relationships can be examined.

The book is proposed based on the assumption that while teacher induction practices often take different forms, one of their important purposes is to support beginning teachers to learn to teach effectively and, thus, improve different aspects of student learning in their classrooms. Subsequently, it is important to empirically examine the influences of various contexts and factors on the characteristics and quality of teacher induction practices, the effects of these practices on the quality of beginning teachers' teaching dispositions, knowledge, competencies, practices, and their retention, and thus, the impacts of various kinds of beginning teachers' teaching practices developed in induction on different aspects and areas of student learning. Without a careful analysis of the above issues as a base, teacher induction policies, programs, and practices cannot be effectively developed and implemented to help beginning teachers learn to teach well and, thus, improve their students' learning. Nevertheless, the research on these issues in different countries or from a comparative perspective has not been underdeveloped. The existing studies in the field are mostly case studies or small-scale examinations with few large data-based studies. However, such large data-based studies are central to an extensive understanding of the relationships between teacher induction practices, influential factors, and outcomes as an important knowledge base for developing and improving teacher induction policies, programs, and practices in different countries.

The book editor calls for chapters from scholars or professional researchers from different countries to analyze various relationships between teacher induction practices, influential factors, and outcomes in the specific content area(s) at the particular grade level(s) using any large data sets. Each chapter will be not more than 8000-word including everything following APA 7 style. The chapter is an empirical study including its focus, theoretical framework, empirical bases, methodology, findings, discussions, conclusion, and implications. Its analysis will focus on the following relationships between teacher induction practices, influential factors, and outcomes in a country and/or from a comparative perspective:

• Connections between beginning teachers' backgrounds, teaching training, dispositions, competencies, and beliefs before induction and their induction practices in school contexts, including their relationship with mentors, professional learning activities with other colleagues, professional development sessions, and/or observation-based teaching evaluation, etc.

• Associations between beginning teachers' school characteristics, teaching cultures, and nature of student populations on their induction practices in school contexts, including their relationship with mentors, professional learning activities with other colleagues, professional development sessions, and/or observation-based teaching evaluation, etc.

• Relationships between beginning teachers' induction practices in school contexts and their learning outcomes in teacher induction, including their teaching dispositions, beliefs, knowledge, competencies, etc.

• Connections between beginning teachers' induction practices in school contexts and their learning outcomes in teacher induction, including their teaching practices and retention, etc.

• Relationship between beginning teachers' various teaching practices developed in induction and their student academic performances in the specific content area(s) at the particular grade levels.

• Associations between beginning teachers' various teaching practices developed in induction and their students' dispositions towards learning, learning behaviors, and efficacy in the specific content area(s) at particular grade level(s).

If you are interested in contributing a chapter to the book, please send a 500-word chapter description about how you will cover the above focuses in your chapter and a 150-word self-description for each author of the proposed chapter, including 1) expertise and research interests, 2) affiliation, and 3) contact information to the email:, by December 1, 2023. You will be informed of the decision about whether your proposed chapter will be included in the book by January 1, 2024.

The book is expected to be published in the middle of 2025 by Information Age Publishing. It will start with the book editor's overview of the book and its intention, followed by chapters devoted to analyzing teacher interactions in different countries grouped under each focus listed above. Ultimately, an eminent scholar in teacher induction will critically analyze all the chapters from a comparative perspective to offer the scholarship, policy, and practice implications. The book is expected to attract readers like scholars, policymakers, practitioners, and graduate students in different countries interested in research, policy, and practices of teacher interactions during induction.

For more information, contact Jian Wang at

  • This title is in development and is not yet available to order online. Please call the IAP office for more information: 704.752.9125
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