International Psychology
This new book series embraces all aspects of the growing field of “international psychology:†research, practice, teaching, consulting, advocacy. This series is sponsored by the Psychology Coalition at the United Nations (PCUN), which provides two-way communication between behavioral scientists and UN and other global policy-makers. Topics spans all 17 diverse UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)—such as health, education, gender, LGBT+, work, human rights, urbanization, climate, justice, equality, peace, democracy. (https://sdgs.un.org/goals) It is based on three growing realizations that (1) almost all problems facing humanity today actually have a behavioral component, (2) that behavioral science can deepen our understanding of these problems, and thus (3) help policy-makers to design more effective solutions to these problems. The series welcomes cross-disciplinary work by experts in psychology, social work, and related behavioral sciences.

Children Around the World
The Future of Our Earth
2024Niels P. Rygaard, Fairstart Foundation; Uwe Gielen, St. Francis College; Elaine P. Congress, Fordham University; Julia Larock, Fordham University

Behavioral Science in the Global Arena
Global Health Trends and Issues
2022Elaine P. Congress, Fordham University; Dalton Meister, University of Michigan; Shenae C. Osborn, Fordham University; Harold Takooshian, Fordham University

Behavioral Science in the Global Arena
Global Mental, Spiritual, and Social Health
2022Elaine P. Congress, Fordham University; Dalton Meister, University of Michigan; Shenae C. Osborn, Fordham University; Harold Takooshian, Fordham University
- Advances in Applied Developmental Psychology
- Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Advances in Subjectivity and Development
- Contemporary Perspectives on Social and Emotional Learning
- Dialogical Self Theory
- Innovations in Qualitative Research
- Studies on Inner Speech
- Studies on Phenomenological Mind
- Yearbook of Idiographic Science