Books about Education Reform

Family and Community Engagement in Charter Schools
Brian Robert Beabout, The University of New Orleans

Unfinished Business
A Regional Education Laboratory Retrospective on School Improvement
2024Paula Egelson, Southern Regional Education Board; C. Steven Bingham, High Point University; Barbara B. Howard, Appalachian State University (Retired)

Critical Empathy as Teacher Education Reform
Thomas A. Lucey, Illinois State University; Kathleen S. Cooter, Bellarmine University

In the Shadow of the Capitol Dome
Critical Legal Theory and State Level Educational Policymaking
2024Brian Boggs, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Redesigning the Future of Education in the Light of New Theories, Teaching Methods, Learning, and Research
Şenol Orakcı, Aksaray University

What Comes After Lunch?
Alternative Measures of Economic and Social Disadvantage and Their Implications for Education Research
2024Thomas Downes, Tufts University; Kieran M. Killeen, University of Vermont

Polling Student Voices for School Improvement
A Guide for Educational Leaders - 2nd Edition
2024Paris S. Strom, Auburn University; Robert D. Strom, Arizona State University

Utilizing Visual Representation in Educational Research
Harriet J. Bessette, Kennesaw State University; Camille Sutton-Brown, Kennesaw State University

Continuous Improvement
A Leadership Process for School Improvement
2023Erin Anderson, University of Denver; Sonya D. Hayes, University of Tennessee

Emerging Trends in Education Policy
Unapologetic Progressive Conversations
2023Theodore S. Ransaw, Michigan State University; Brian Boggs, University of Michigan-Dearborn

Black Faculty Do It All
A Moment in The Life of a Blackademic
2023Antione D. Tomlin, Anne Arundel Community College

Contemporary Perspectives Through Action Research Across Educational Disciplines
The K-12 Classroom
2023Nancy T. Nasr, Independent Scholar; Jill Alexa Perry, University of Pittsburgh; and the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED)

Recent Advancements in Education Finance and Policy
Thomas Downes, Tufts University; Kieran M. Killeen, University of Vermont

Re-Envisioning Education
Affirming Diversity and Advancing Social Justice
2022Rajni Shankar-Brown, Stetson University

Conceptualizing Truth
Implications for Teaching and Learning
2022Kevin S. Krahenbuhl, Middle Tennessee State University

Teacher Militancy, Activism, and School Reform
2022Diana D'Amico Pawlewicz, University of North Dakota

How Did We Get Here?
The Decay of the Teaching Profession
2022Henry Tran, University of South Carolina; Douglas A. Smith, Iowa State University

Keeping School Children Safe and Alive
Strategies to Stop Bullying and Prevent Suicide
2022Phyllis E. Gillians, Bowie State University; Bruce S. Cooper, Fordham University

Rural School Turnaround and Reform
It’s Hard Work!
2022Coby V. Meyers, University of Virginia; Marlene J. Darwin, American Institutes for Research

The Anatomy of Neoliberalism and Education
Imperialism, Class Struggle, and Pedagogy
2022Maria Nikolakaki, University of Peloponnese, Greece

Opportunity and Performance
Equity for Children from Poverty
2021Sam Redding, Academic Development Institute; Linda Cavazos; Allison Layland, Academic Development Institute; Janet Twyman, University of Massachusetts; Bi Vuong

Potential Grizzlies
Making the Nonsense Bearable
2021Kevin G. Welner, University of Colorado - Boulder

Look, Listen, Learn, LEAD
A District-Wide Systems Approach to Teaching and Learning in PreK-12
2020Jeffery Smith, Hampton City Schools; Kate Wolfe Maxlow, Hampton City Schools ; John Caggianno, Hampton City Schools; Karen L. Sanzo, Old Dominion University

Inclusive Education
A Systematic Perspective
2020Aimee Howley, WordFarmers Associates; Cassondra M. Faiella, The University of Cincinnati; Stephen D. Kroeger, The University of Cincinnati; Barbara Hansen, Muskingum University

From Disagreement to Discourse
A Chronicle of Controversies in Schooling and Education
2019Beth A. Durodoye, Georgia Southern University; Rhonda M. Bryant, University of the Pacific

School Turnaround in Secondary Schools
Possibilities, Complexities, & Sustainability
2019Coby V. Meyers, University of Virginia; Marlene J. Darwin, American Institutes for Research

Transformative Education for the Second Renaissance
John P. W. Hudson, Retired teacher. Richmond SD#38 BC Canada; Nanshan Experimental School, Shenzhen, China

Educational Leadership, Culture, and Success in High-Need Schools
Elizabeth T. Murakami, University of North Texas; David Gurr, University of Melbourne; Ross Notman, University of Otago, New Zealand

Physics Teaching and Learning
Challenging the Paradigm
2019Dennis W. Sunal, University of Alabama; Jonathan T. Shemwell, University of Alabama; James W. Harrell, University of Alabama; Cynthia S Sunal, University of Alabama

Shuttered Schools
Race, Community, and School Closures in American Cities
2019Ebony M. Duncan-Shippy, Washington University in St. Louis

Let's Stop Calling it an Achievement Gap
How Public Education in the United States Maintains Disparate Educational Experiences for Students of Color
2019Autumn A. Arnett

Adult Intentions, Student Perceptions
How Restorative Justice is Used in Schools to Control and to Engage
2018Kristin E. Reimer, Monash University

Responding to the Call for Educational Justice
Transformative Catholic-Led Initiatives in Urban Education
2018L. Mickey Fenzel, Loyola University Maryland; Melodie Wyttenbach, University of Notre Dame

Teaching Outside the Box
Beyond the Deficit Driven School Reforms
2018Mai Abdul Rahman, Howard University and American Palestinian Women's Association

Combat Zone
The Continuing War against the Public Schools
2018Arthur Shapiro, University of South Florida

A Quiet Revolution
One District’s Story of Radical Curricular Change in High School Mathematics
2018Michael D. Steele, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Craig Huhn, Holt (MI) High School

Enduring Myths That Inhibit School Turnaround
Coby V. Meyers, University of Virginia; Marlene J. Darwin, American Institutes for Research

Working Together
Enhancing Urban Educator Quality Through School-University Partnerships
2017Diane Yendol-Hoppey, University of North Florida; Deborah Shanley, Brooklyn College – CUNY; Darby C. Delane, Alachua County Public Schools; David T. Hoppey, University of North Florida

Better Teachers, Better Schools
What Star Teachers Know, Believe, and Do
2017Valerie Hill-Jackson, Texas A&M University; Delia Stafford, Haberman Educational Foundation

Sustainable Peace in the Twenty‐First Century
Bridging the Gap from Theory to Practice
2017Dilip Vasudeo Kulkarni

Imagining Education
Beyond the Logic Of Global Neoliberal Capitalism
2017Arturo Rodriguez, Boise State University; Kevin R. Magill, The University of Texas at Austin

Cultivating Achievement, Respect, and Empowerment (CARE) for African American Girls in PreK‐12 Settings
Implications for Access, Equity and Achievement
2016Dr. Patricia J. Larke, Texas A&M University; Dr. Gwendolyn Webb-Hasan, Texas A&M University; Dr. Jemimah L. Young, University of North Texas

Learning, Teaching, and Practice
2016Autumn Cyprès, St. John’s University, New York City

Educational Policies and Youth in the 21st Century
Problems, Potential, and Progress
2016Sharon L. Nichols, University of Texas at San Antonio

Class Size and Pupil‐Teacher Ratios
Where Education and Economics Collide
2016Chris Peers, Monash University

From Socrates to Summerhill and Beyond
Towards a Philosophy of Education for Personal Responsibility
2016Ronald Swartz, Oakland University, Professor Emeritus

Learning from the Federal Market‐Based Reforms
Lessons for ESSA
2016William J. Mathis, University of Colorado, Boulder; Tina M. Trujillo, University of California, Berkeley

Re-envisioning Education & Democracy
2nd Edition
2016Ruthanne Kurth-Schai, Macalester College; Charles R. Green, Macalester College

News Media and the Neoliberal Privatization of Education
Zane C. Wubbena, Texas State University; Derek R. Ford, DePauw University; Brad J. Porfilio, Seattle University

Educational Opportunity in Rural Contexts
The Politics of Place
2015Sheneka M. Williams, The University of Georgia; Ain A. Grooms, Southern Regional Education Board

Blame Teachers
The Emotional Reasons for Educational Reform
2015Steven P. Jones, Missouri State University

Law & Education Inequality
Removing Barriers to Educational Opportunities
2015Susan C. Bon, University of South Carolina; Jeffrey C. Sun, University of Louisville

Learning the Left
Popular Culture, Liberal Politics, and Informal Education from 1900 to the Present
2015Paul J. Ramsey, Eastern Michigan University

Resisting Reform
Reclaiming Public Education through Grassroots Activism
2015Kjersti VanSlyke-Briggs, State University of New York–Oneonta; Elizabeth Bloom, Hartwick College; Danielle Boudet, Oneonta Area for Public Education

Immigration and Schooling
Redefining the 21st Century America
2015Touorizou Hervé Somé, Ripon College; Pierre W. Orelus, New Mexico State University

The Phenomenon of Obama and the Agenda for Education - 2nd Edition
Can Hope (Still)Audaciously Trump Neoliberalism?
2015Paul R. Carr, Université du Québec en Outaouais; Brad J. Porfilio, Seattle University

An Activist Handbook for the Education Revolution
United Opt Out's Test of Courage
2014Morna M. McDermott, United Opt Out National; Peggy Robertson, United Opt Out National; Rosemarie Jensen, United Opt Out National; Ceresta Smith, United Opt Out National

Rebel Music
Resistance through Hip Hop and Punk
2014Priya Parmar, Brooklyn College – CUNY; Anthony J. Nocella II, Hamline University; Scott Robertson, University of California, Los Angeles; Martha Diaz, New York University

Educational Reform in Europe
History, Culture, and Ideology
2014Richard R. Verdugo, UAB - Centre for Demographic Studies, Barcelona, Spain

Knowing What’s Local
Ethnographic Inquiry, Education and Democracy
2014David Landis, KIMEP University; Sapargul Mirseitova, Kazakhstan Reading Association

Caring Leadership in Turbulent Times
Tackling Neoliberal Education Reform
2014Mary G. Green, Acadia University

Left Behind in the Race to the Top
Realities of School Reform
2013Julie A. Gorlewski, SUNY New Paltz; Brad J. Porfilio, Lewis University in Romeoville, IL

Transforming Schools
Alternative Perspectives on School Reform
2013D. G. Mulcahy, Central Connecticut State University

Great Leaders Equal Great Schools
Alliances and Discourse for Educational Reform
2013Autumn Cyprès, University of Tennessee

Critical Small Schools
Beyond Privatization in New York City Urban Educational Reform
2012Maria Hantzopoulos, Vassar College; Alia R. Tyner-Mullings, The New Community College at CUNY

Yes We Can!
Improving Urban Schools through Innovative Educational Reform
2011Leanne L. Howell, Baylor University; Chance W. Lewis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Norvella Carter, Texas A&M

A Place For Teacher Renewal
Challenging the Intellect, Creating Educational Reform
2008Anthony G. Rud Jr.; Walter P. Oldendorf
- Contemporary Perspectives on School Turnaround and Reform. Series Editor(s): Adam Kho, University of Southern California; Alisha Butler, Wesleyan University; Lam D. Pham, North Carolina State University
- Current Issues in Out-of-School Time. Series Editor(s): Helen Janc Malone, Institute for Educational Leadership
- International Education Inquiries: People, Places, and Perspectives of Education 2030. Series Editor(s): Tonya Huber, Texas A&M International University
- Leadership for School Improvement. Series Editor(s): Khalid Arar, Texas State University
- The Center for PAInT Series on Arts-integrated Education. Series Editor(s): Brianne L. Reck, University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee
- Transforming Education Systems. Series Editor(s): Karen L. Sanzo, Old Dominion University; Kate Wolfe Maxlow, Hampton City Schools
- Administration
- Adolescent Education
- Adult Education
- Asian Studies
- Autism
- Bilingual Education
- Black Studies
- Bullying
- Careers
- Classics
- Common Core
- Curriculum
- Distance Learning
- Early Childhood Education
- Education
- Education in Mathematics
- Education Research
- Educational Leadership
- Evaluation
- Higher Education
- History of Education
- International & Comparative Education
- Language & Literacy
- Learning & Instruction
- Linguistics
- Mathematics
- Measurement Research Methods
- Medical
- Mentoring
- Middle Grades
- Multicultural Education
- Music
- Parenting
- Peace Education
- Philosophy
- Policy & Politics of Education
- Religion
- Science Education
- Service Learning
- Social Context of Education
- Social Education
- Social Issues in Education
- Social Justice
- Special Education
- Sports
- Teacher Education
- Technology
- Urban Education

Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis
Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education