Books about Technology

Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining
Volume 5
2025Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University

Innovation Trends and Educational Technology in Higher Education
Roberto Alonso González Lezcano, Universidad CEU San Pablo; Şenol Orakcı, Aksaray University

Quarterly Review of Distance Education
Volume 25 #1
2024Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Anymir Orellana, Nova Southeastern University

Pedagogies for Equitable Access
Reimagining Multilingual Education for an Uncertain World
2024Lourdes Cardozo-Gaibisso, Mississippi State University; Ruth Harman, University of Georgia; Max Vazquez Dominguez, University of North Georgia; Cory Buxton, Oregon State University

Digital Developments
Perspectives in Psychology
2024Dominik S. Mihalits, Sigmund Freud University; Greta Riboli, Sigmund Freud University; Regina Gregori Grgič, Sigmund Freud University

Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and Psychometrics
Hong Jiao, University of Maryland; Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland

Innovations in Computational Intelligence, Big Data Analytics and Internet of Things
Sam Goundar, RMIT University; J. Avanija, Mohan Babu University; Gurram Sunitha, Mohan Babu University; K. Reddy Madhavi, Mohan Babu University

The Entrepreneurship SIG at the European Academy of Management
Setting the Base for Tomorrow's Challenges
2024Lucrezia Songini, Eastern Piedmont University; Luca Gnan, University of Rome Tor Vergata; Marzena Starnawska, University of Warsaw; Matthias Raith, Otto-von-Guericke University; Massimiliano Pellegrini, University of Rome Tor Vergata

Digital Technologies and Early Childhood in China
Policy and Practice
2024Ilene R. Berson, University of South Florida; Wenwei Luo, Shanghai Normal University; Michael J. Berson, University of South Florida; Chuanmei Dong, Macquarie University

Teaching and Learning at a Distance
Foundations of Distance Education 8th Edition
2024Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Susan Zvacek,

Leadership in a VUCA World
Lou L. Sabina, Stetson University; Chris J. Colwell, Stetson University; James Tager, Bangor School Department, Maine

Quarterly Review of Distance Education
Volume 24 #1
2023Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University

Utilizing Visual Representation in Educational Research
Harriet J. Bessette, Kennesaw State University; Camille Sutton-Brown, Kennesaw State University

AI Enabled Business
A Smart Decision Kit
2023Melodena Stephens, Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government; Himanshu Vashishtha, SixthFactor Consulting; Dirk Nicolas Wagner, Karlshochschule International University

Management Consulting in the Era of the Digital Organization
David Brian Szabla, Western Michigan University

Digital Transformation
Organizational Challenges and Management Transformation Methods
2023Emmanuel Monod, EMSS and CPMC, Shanghai; Yuewei Jiang, UCMT

Effectively Using Data for Educator Preparation Program Improvement
Christine Carrino Gorowara, University of Delaware; Erica M. Brownstein, Independent Consultant; Timothy Wall, Northwest Missouri State University

Quarterly Review of Distance Education
Volume 23 #2
2022Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Anymir Orellana, Nova Southeastern University

Effective Learning Environments in Higher Education Online Settings
Establishing Social Presence
2022Karen Moroz, Hamline University; Trish Harvey, Hamline University; Jennifer Carlson, Hamline University

Professional Development for In-Service Teachers
Research and Practices in Computing Education
2022Chrystalla Mouza, University of Delaware; Anne Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Indiana University; Aman Yadav, Michigan State University

Effects of Government Mandates and Policies on Public Education in Africa, the Caribbean, and the Middle East
Cynthia S Sunal, University of Alabama; Oluseyi Matthew Odebiyi, Arizona State University; Kagendo Mutua, University of Alabama

Teaching and Learning Online
Science for Elementary Grade Levels
2022Franklin S. Allaire, University of Houston-Downtown; Jennifer E. Killham, University of La Verne

Teaching Large Online and Blended Classes
Selma Koc, Cleveland State University; Marius Boboc Ed.D., Cleveland State University

Back to a New Normal
In Search of Stability in an Era of Pandemic Disruption – Insight from Practitioners and Academics
2022S. Charles Malka, Sullivan University; Robert H. Tiell, Psychology Resource Group

Enhancing Effective Instruction and Learning Using Assessment Data
Hong Jiao, University of Maryland; Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland

Quarterly Review of Distance Education
Volume 22 #4
2021Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Anymir Orellana, Nova Southeastern University

The Talking Point
Creating an Environment for Exploring Complex Meaning 2nd Edition
2021Thomas R. Flanagan, Institute for 21st Century Agoras; Alexander N. Christakis, Institute for 21st Century Agoras

Social Media
Influences on Education
2021Marlynn M. Griffin, Georgia Southern University; Cordelia Zinskie, Georgia Southern University

Preparing Pre-Service Teachers to Teach Computer Science
Models, Practices, and Policies
2021Chrystalla Mouza, University of Delaware; Aman Yadav, Michigan State University; Anne Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Indiana University

AI Smart Kit
Agile Decision-Making on AI (Abridged Version)
2021Melodena Stephens, Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government; Himanshu Vashishtha, SixthFactor Consulting

The High School Teacher Technology Guidebook
22 Questions and 313 Answers
2021Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Middle Tennessee State University; Gene Cowart, Central Magnet High School, Murfreesboro, TN; Jill A. Robinson, Wellsville, NY, School District

Adolescents in the Internet Age
A Team Learning and Teaching Perspective Third Edition
2021Paris S. Strom, Auburn University; Robert D. Strom, Arizona State University

Women of Color In STEM
Navigating the Double Bind in Higher Education
2021Beverly Irby, Texas A&M University; Nahed Abdelrahman, Texas A&M University; Barbara Polnick, Texas A&M University; Julia Ballenger, Texas A&M University, Commerce

Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining
Volume 4
2021Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University

Enterprise Systems and Technological Convergence
Research and Practice
2021Sam Goundar, RMIT University

Measure, Use, Improve!
Data Use in Out-of-School Time
2021Christina A. Russell, Policy Studies Associates; Corey Newhouse, Public Profit

Out-of-School-Time STEM Programs for Females
Implications for Research and Practice Volume II: Short-Term Programs
2021Lynda R. Wiest, University of Nevada; Heather Glynn Crawford‐Ferre, University of Nevada; Jafeth E. Sanchez, University of Nevada

The Elementary School Teacher Technology Guidebook
21 Questions and 282 Answers
2021Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Middle Tennessee State University; Shannon E. Harmon, Middle Tennessee State University; Jill A. Robinson, Wellsville, NY, School District

Designing and Teaching Online Courses During Uncertain Times
A Special Issue of Distance Learning Ends and Means Columns, Distance Learning - Volume 17 #4
2020Natalie B. Milman, The George Washington University

Girls and Women of Color In STEM
Their Journeys in Higher Education
2020Nahed Abdelrahman, Texas A&M University; Beverly Irby, Texas A&M University; Julia Ballenger, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Barbara Polnick, Texas A&M University

Girls and Women of Color In STEM
Navigating the Double Bind in K-12 Education
2020Barbara Polnick, Texas A&M University; Julia Ballenger, Texas A&M University, Commerce; Beverly Irby, Texas A&M University; Nahed Abdelrahman, Texas A&M University

Innovative Psychometric Modeling and Methods
Hong Jiao, University of Maryland; Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland

Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Business
Wolfgang Amann, HEC Paris; Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Canadian University Dubai

Transforming Healthcare with Big Data and AI
Alex Liu, IBM; Anna Farzindar, University of Southern California; Mingbo Gong, Slalom Consulting

Application of Artificial Intelligence to Assessment
Hong Jiao, University of Maryland; Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland

Contemporary Urban Youth Culture in China
A Multiperspectival Cultural Studies of Internet Subcultures
2019Jing Sun, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Teaching and Learning at a Distance
Foundations of Distance Education 7th Edition
2019Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Susan Zvacek,; Sharon Smaldino, Northern Illinois University

The Middle-Level Teacher Technology Guidebook
20 Questions and 260 Answers
2019Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Middle Tennessee State University; Jill A. Robinson, Wellsville, NY, School District; Richard P. Lipka, St. Bonaventure University

Integrating Digital Technology in Education
School-University-Community Collaboration
2019R. Martin Reardon, East Carolina University; Jack Leonard, University of Massachusetts Boston (retired)

Negotiating Place and Space through Digital Literacies
Research and Practice
2019Damiana G. Pyles, Appalachian State University; Ryan M. Rish, University at Buffalo; Julie Warner, Independent Researcher

Braided Organizations
Designing Augmented Human-Centric Processes to Enhance Performance and Innovation
2019Michel Zarka, Theano Advisors; Elena Kochanovskaya, Theano Advisors; William Pasmore, Columbia University

Data Analytics and Psychometrics
Informing Assessment Practices
2018Hong Jiao, University of Maryland; Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland; Anna Van Wie, University of Maryland

Collaborative Learning in a Global World
Miri Shonfeld, Kibbutzim College of Education; David Gibson, Curtin University

The Online Classroom
Resources for Effective Middle Level Virtual Education
2018Brooke B. Eisenbach, Lesley University; Paula Greathouse, Tennessee Tech University

Crossing the Bridge of the Digital Divide
A Walk with Global Leaders
2018Anthony H. Normore, California State University Dominguez Hills; Antonia Issa Lahera, California State University Dominguez Hills

Democracy's Discontent and Civic Learning
Multiple Perspectives
2018Charles S. White, Social Science Education Consortium

Distance Education
Definition and Glossary of Terms, 4th Edition
2018Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Deborah J. Seepersaud, The University of Mississippi

Learning Analytics in Education
David Niemi, Kaplan Inc.; Roy D. Pea, Stanford University; Bror Saxberg, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative; Richard E. Clark, University of Southern California

The Rise of the Human Digital Brain
How Multidirectional Thinking is Changing the Way We Learn
2018Beatriz Pacheco, Spalding University

Hacking Education in a Digital Age
Teacher Education, Curriculum, and Literacies
2018Bryan Smith, James Cook University; Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, University of Ottawa; Linda Radford, University of Ottawa; Sarah Smitherman Pratt, University of North Texas

Mobile Learning
Perspectives on Practice and Policy
2018Danielle Herro, Clemson University; Sousan Arafeh, Southern Connecticut State University; Richard Ling, Nanyang Technological University; Chris Holden, University of New Mexico

The Brave New World of eHRM 2.0
James H. Dulebohn, Michigan State University; Dianna L. Stone, Universities of New Mexico, Albany, and Virginia Tech

Technology Enhanced Innovative Assessment
Development, Modeling, and Scoring From an Interdisciplinary Perspective
2017Hong Jiao, University of Maryland; Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland

Foundations for Teacher Education in Audio-Visual Instruction
Elizabeth Goudy Noel; J. Paul Leonard

National Society for the Study of Education Forty-Eighth Yearbook, Part I
Audio-Visual Materials of Instruction
Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining
Volume 3
2017Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University

Technological Innovation Networks
Collaboration and Partnership
2017Bing Ran, Penn State Harrisburg

Exploding the Castle
Rethinking How Video Games & Game Mechanics Can Shape the Future of Education
2017Michael F. Young, University of Connecticut; Stephen T. Slota, University of Connecticut

Computers, Cockroaches, and Ecosystems
Understanding Learning through Metaphor
2017Kevin J. Pugh, University of Northern Colorado

Techwise Infant and Toddler Teachers
Making Sense of Screen Media for Children Under 3
2016Patricia A. Cantor, Plymouth State University; Mary M. Cornish, Plymouth State University

Distance Education
Statewide, Institutional, and International Applications of Distance Education, 2nd Edition
2016Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University

Virtual Teams in Higher Education
A Handbook for Students and Teachers
2016Madelyn Flammia, University of Central Florida; Yvonne Cleary, University of Limerick; Darina M. Slattery, University of Limerick

2016 BPOL (Best Practices in Online Learning) Forum Proceedings
2016Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University

Beyond the Online Course
Leadership Perspectives on e-Learning
2016Anthony A. Pina, Sullivan University System; Jason B. Huett, University of West Georgia

E-Learning and Social Media
Education and Citizenship for the Digital 21st Century
2016Elinor L. Brown, University of Kentucky; Anna Krasteva, New Bulgarian University; Maria Ranieri, University of Florence

Technology For Transformation
Perspectives of Hope in the Digital Age
2016Libbi R. Miller, California State University, Fresno; Daniel Becker, Lakehead University; Katherine Becker, Lakehead University, Orillia

Mobile Makes Learning Free
Building Conceptual, Professional and School Capacity
2015Boris Handal, The University of Notre Dame, Australia

Going Back to Our Future II
Carrying Forward the Spirit of Pioneers of Science Education
2015Jon Pedersen, University of South Carolina; Kevin D. Finson, Bradley University; Barbara S. Spector, University of South Florida

New Directions in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Research
Multiple Perspectives
2015Dr. Myint Swe Khine, Emirates College for Advanced Education, United Arab Emirates

Application of Visual Data in K-16 Science Classrooms
Kevin D. Finson, Bradley University; Jon Pedersen, University of South Carolina

Assessment in Online and Blended Learning Environments
Selma Koç, Cleveland State University; Xiongyi Liu, Cleveland State University; Patrick Wachira, Cleveland State University

A Guide to Data-Driven Leadership in Modern Schools
Leslie Jones, Nicholls State University; Eugene Kennedy, Louisiana State University

Becoming Political in the Digital Age
2014Ben Kirshner, University of Colorado School of Education; Ellen Middaugh, Mills College

Research on Technology Use in Multicultural Settings
Tirupalavanam Ganesh, Arizona State University; Anna W. Boriack, Texas A&M University; Jacqueline R. Stillisano, Texas A&M University; Trina J. Davis, Texas A&M University; Hersch C. Waxman, Texas A&M University

Teaching and Learning at a Distance
Foundations of Distance Education, 6th Edition
2014Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Sharon Smaldino, Northern Illinois University; Susan Zvacek,

Technologies of Government
Politics and Power in the "Information Age"
2014Benjamin Baez, Florida International University

Adolescents In The Internet Age, 2nd Edition
Teaching And Learning From Them
2014Paris S. Strom, Auburn University; Robert D. Strom, Arizona State University

Research on Course Management Systems in Higher Education
Angela D. Benson, University of Alabama; Andrew Whitworth, Manchester University

Real-Life Distance Education
Case Studies in Practice
2014Anthony A. Pina, Sullivan University System; Al. P. Mizell, Nova Southeastern University

Online Learner Competencies
Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes for Successful Learning in Online Settings
2013Michael Beaudoin, University of New England; Gila Kurtz, College for Academic Studies; Insung Jung, International Christian University; Katsuaki Suzuki, Kumamoto University; Barbara L. Grabowski, Pennsylvania State University

Learning Through Visual Displays
Gregory Schraw, University of Nevada - Las Vegas; Matthew T. McCrudden, Victoria University of Wellington; Daniel Robinson, Colorado State University

Advances in Help-Seeking Research and Applications
The Role of Emerging Technologies
2013Stuart A. Karabenick, University of Michigan; Minna Puustinen, INS HEA

Killing ideas softly?
The promise and perils of creativity in the classroom
2013Ronald A. Beghetto, University of Oregon

A Learner Centered Approach To Online Education
Lisa Harrell, Instructional Designer and Online Course Instructor

Distance Education
Statewide, Institutional, and International Applications of Distance Education
2013Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University

Applications of Self-Regulated Learning across Diverse Disciplines
A Tribute to Barry J. Zimmerman
2013Héfer Bembenutty, Queens College of The City University of New York; Timothy J. Cleary, Rutgers University; Anastasia Kitsantas, George Mason University

Cultural Competence in America’s Schools
Leadership, Engagement and Understanding
2013Bruce Anthony Jones, University of South Florida; Edwin J. Nichols, Nicolas & Associuates, Inc.

Learning to Learn with Integrative Learning Technologies (ILT)
A Practical Guide for Academic Success (Chinese Edition)
2013Anastasia Kitsantas, George Mason University; Nada Dabbagh, George Mason University

Principal 2.0
Technology and Educational Leadership
2013Matthew Militello, North Carolina State University; Jennifer Friend, University of Missouri - Kansas City

Research on Technology in English Education
Carl A. Young, North Carolina State University; Sara Kajder, Shady Side Academy

New Directions in Social Education Research
The Influence of Technology and Globalization on the Lives of Students
2013Brad M. Maguth, The University of Akron

Contemporary Uses of Technology in K-12 Physical Education
Policy, Practice, and Advocacy
2013Steve Sanders, University of South Florida; Lisa Witherspoon, University of South Florida

Instructional Technology
The Definition and Domains of the Field
2012Barbara B. Seels, University of Pittsburgh; Rita C. Richey, Wayne State University

Computers and Their Impact on State Assessments
Recent History and Predictions for the Future
2012Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland; Hong Jiao, University of Maryland

Best Practices of Online Education
A Guide for Christian Higher Education
2012Mark A. Maddix, Northwest Nazarene University; James R. Estep, Lincoln Christian University; Mary E. Lowe, Erskine Theological Seminary

Designing Problem-Driven Instruction with Online Social Media
Kay Kyeong-Ju Seo, University of Cincinnati; Debra A. Pellegrino, University of Scranton; Chalee Engelhard, University of Cincinnati

The Education of Children in Geographically Remote Regions Through Distance Education
Elaine Lopes, The University of Western Australia; Tom O'Donoghue, The University of Western Australia; Marnie O’Neill, The University of Western Australia

The Professor's Guide to Taming Technology
Leveraging Digital Media, Web 2.0 and More for Learning
2011Kathleen P. King, University of Central Florida; Thomas D. Cox, University of Houston-Victoria

Online Conferences
Professional Development for a Networked Era
2010Lynn Anderson; Terry Anderson, Athabasca University

Hybrid-Context Instructional Model
The Internet and the Classrooms: The Way Teachers Experience It
2010Udeme T. Ndon, AU and Associates, Inc.

Evaluating Technology in Teacher Education
Lessons From the Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers for Technology (PT3) Program
2010Walt Heinecke, University of Virginia; Pete Adamy, University of Rhode Island

Technology in Retrospect
Social Studies in the Information Age, 1984-2009
2010Richard A. Diem, University of Texas - San Antonio; Michael J. Berson, University of South Florida

Educational Technology in Practice
Research and Practical Case Studies from the Field
2010Wanjira Kinuthia, Georgia State University; Stewart Marshall, The University of the West Indies

High-Tech Tots
Childhood in a Digital World
2010Ilene R. Berson, University of South Florida; Michael J. Berson, University of South Florida

Topics in Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
A Technology-Enhanced Experiential Approach
2010Sergei Abramovich, State University of New York at Potsdam

Cases 'n' Places
Global Cases in Educational and Performance Technology
2010Stewart Marshall, The University of the West Indies; Wanjira Kinuthia, Georgia State University

Handbook on Developing Curriculum Materials for Teachers
Lessons From Museum Education Partnerships
2010Gerald Bailey; Tara Baillargeon; Cara D. Barragree, Kansas State University; Ann Elliott, Auburn Washburn Unified School District, Topeka, Kansas; Raymond Doswell, Negro Leagues Baseball Museum

Learning to Learn with Integrative Learning Technologies (ILT)
A Practical Guide for Academic Success
2010Anastasia Kitsantas, George Mason University; Nada Dabbagh, George Mason University

Research on Technology in Social Studies Education
John Lee, North Carolina State University; Adam M. Friedman, Wake Forest University

Adolescents in the Internet Age
Paris S. Strom, Auburn University; Robert D. Strom, Arizona State University

Constructivist Instructional Design (C-ID)
Foundations, Models, and Examples
2009Jerry W. Willis, Manhattanville College

Distance Education 3rd Edition
Definition and Glossary of Terms
2009Lee Ayers Schlosser, Southern Oregon University; Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University

Wired for Learning
An Educators Guide to Web 2.0
2009Terry T. Kidd, Texas A&M University; Irene Chen, University of Houston-Downtown

The Perfect Online Course
Best Practices for Designing and Teaching
2009Anymir Orellana, Nova Southeastern University; Terry L. Hudgins, Nova Southeastern University; Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University

Bridging the Knowledge Divide
Educational Technology for Development
2009Stewart Marshall, The University of the West Indies; Wanjira Kinuthia, Georgia State University; Wallace Taylor, The University of the West Indies

Cross-National Information and Communication Technology Policies and Practices in Education
(Revised Second Edition)
2009Tjeerd Plomp, University of Twente; Ronald E. Anderson, University of Minnesota; Nancy Law, University of Hong Kong; Andreas Quale, University of Oslo, Norway

Connected Minds, Emerging Cultures
Cybercultures in Online Learning
2009Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth

Podcasting for Teachers Revised 2nd Edition
Using a New Technology to Revolutionize Teaching and Learning
2008Kathleen P. King, University of Central Florida; Mark Gura, Fordham University

Framing Research on Technology and Student Learning in the Content Areas
Implications for Educators
2008Lynn Bell, University of Virginia; Lynne Schrum, George Mason University; Ann D. Thompson

Qualitative Research Methods in Education and Educational Technology
Jerry W. Willis, Manhattanville College

The Impact of the Laboratory and Technology on Learning and Teaching Science K-16
Dennis W. Sunal, University of Alabama; Emmett L. Wright, Kansas State University; Cheryl Sundberg, University of Alabama

What Works in Distance Learning
Sample Lessons Based on Guidelines
2008Harold F. O'Neil, University of Southern California/CRESST

Contemporary Perspectives on Science and Technology in Early Childhood Education
Olivia Saracho, University of Maryland; Bernard Spodek, University of Illinois

Accessible Education for Blind Learners
Kindergarten through Post-Secondary
2007Shelley Kinash; Ania Paszuk, University of Calgary, Canada

Faculty Development by Design
Integrating Technology in Higher Education
2007Punya Mishra, Michigan State University; Matthew J. Koehler, Michigan State University; Yong Zhao, Michigan State University

Faculty Mentoring
The Power of Students in Developing Technology Expertise
2007Ann D. Thompson; Hsueh-Hua Chuang; Ismail Sahin

Online Professional Development for Teachers
Charalambos Vrasidas, Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology; Gene V Glass, Arizona State University

Technology-Based Education
Bringing Researchers and Practitioners Together
2006Lisa M. PytlikZillig, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Mary Bodvarsson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Roger Bruning, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Research on Enhancing the Interactivity of Online Learning
Vivian H. Wright, University of Alabama; Elizabeth K. Wilson, The University of Alabama; Cynthia S Sunal, University of Alabama

Trends and Issues in Distance Education
International Perspectives
2005Yusra Laila Visser, Florida Atlantic University; Lya Visser, Learning Development Institute; Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University; Ray Amirault, Florida Atlantic University

Preparing Teachers to Teach with Technology
Charalambos Vrasidas, Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology; Gene V Glass, Arizona State University

What Works in Distance Learning
2005Harold F. O'Neil, University of Southern California/CRESST

What Should Teachers Know about Technology
Perspectives and Practices
2003Yong Zhao, Michigan State University

Towards the Virtual University
International On-line Learning Perspectives
2003Nicolae Nistor, Ludwig Maximilian University; Lyn English, Queensland University of Technology; Steve Wheeler, University of Plymouth

Electronic Learning Communities Issues and Practices
Sorel Reisman, California State University, Fullerton

Distance Education and Distributed Learning
Gene V Glass, Arizona State University; Charalambos Vrasidas, Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology

Learning from Media
Arguments, Analysis, and Evidence
2001Richard E. Clark, University of Southern California

Methods of Evaluating Educational Technology
Walt Heinecke, University of Virginia; Laura Blasi, University of Virginia

AI and Deep Learning Enabled Surveillance System Using Image Processing
Jay Kumar Pandey, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University; Mritunjay Rai, Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University; Faizan Ahmad, Cardiff School of Technologies

AI and Digital Transformation Success
The “TMT” framework (Tools, Methods, Theories)
Emmanuel Monod, EMSS and CPMC, Shanghai; Yuewei Jiang, UCMT

Artificial Intelligence and Change Management
Organizational Transformation, AI Challenges, and Management Consulting
Emmanuel Monod, EMSS and CPMC, Shanghai; Ingrid Qi, Shanghai SUIBE University, China; Anthony F. Buono, Bentley University

Embracing Artificial Intelligence in the Classroom
Elodie Jones, Fort Hays State University; Betsy Crawford, Fort Hays State University; Matthew Clay, Fort Hays State University

Meaningful Work in the Post Covid Age
The Impact of New Technologies
Timothy Ewest, Houston Baptist University; Sharlene Buszka, Daemen University

Rewiring for Artificial Intelligence
Education, Contemporary Issues, and Futurities
Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, University of Ottawa; Patrick Phillips, University of Ottawa
- Advances in Information Processing. Series Editor(s): Nancy Minshew
- Classics in Distance Learning. Series Editor(s): Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University
- Contemporary Perspectives in Data Mining. Series Editor(s): Kenneth D. Lawrence, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ronald Klimberg, Saint Joseph’s University
- Contemporary Perspectives in Philosophy and Technology. Series Editor(s): Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, University of Ottawa; Bryan Smith, James Cook University; Cristyne Hébert, University of Regina
- Contemporary Perspectives on Technological Innovation, Management and Policy. Series Editor(s): Bing Ran, Penn State Harrisburg
- Current Perspectives on Applied Information Technologies. Series Editor(s): Gene V Glass, Arizona State University; Charalambos Vrasidas, Centre for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology
- Digital Media and Learning. Series Editor(s): Danielle Herro, Clemson University; Remi Kalir, University of Colorado, Denver
- Educational Design and Technology in the Knowledge Society. Series Editor(s): Stewart Marshall, The University of the West Indies; Wanjira Kinuthia, Georgia State University
- Emerging Information Technologies: Applications, Innovations, and Research. Series Editor(s): Sam Goundar, RMIT University
- Instructional Technology Guidebooks for Educators and Parents. Series Editor(s): Thomas M. Brinthaupt, Middle Tennessee State University; Richard P. Lipka, St. Bonaventure University
- Nebraska Symposium on Information Technology in Education. Series Editor(s): Roger Bruning, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Perspectives in Instructional Technology and Distance Education. Series Editor(s): Charles Schlosser, Nova Southeastern University; Michael Simonson, Nova Southeastern University
- Research on Technology and the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics: Syntheses, Cases, and Perspectives. Series Editor(s): M. Kathleen Heid, The Pennsylvania State University; Glendon W. Blume, The Pennsylvania State University
- Research, Innovation & Methods in Educational Technology. Series Editor(s): Chrystalla Mouza, University of Delaware; Nancy C. Lavigne, University of Delaware
- Teaching and Learning Online. Series Editor(s): Franklin S. Allaire, University of Houston-Downtown; Jennifer E. Killham, University of La Verne
- The USDLA Book Series on Distance Learning. Series Editor(s): John G. Flores, United States Distance Learning Association
- Administration
- Adolescent Education
- Adult Education
- Asian Studies
- Autism
- Bilingual Education
- Black Studies
- Bullying
- Careers
- Classics
- Common Core
- Curriculum
- Distance Learning
- Early Childhood Education
- Education
- Education in Mathematics
- Education Reform
- Education Research
- Educational Leadership
- Evaluation
- Higher Education
- History of Education
- International & Comparative Education
- Language & Literacy
- Learning & Instruction
- Linguistics
- Mathematics
- Measurement Research Methods
- Medical
- Mentoring
- Middle Grades
- Multicultural Education
- Music
- Parenting
- Peace Education
- Philosophy
- Policy & Politics of Education
- Religion
- Science Education
- Service Learning
- Social Context of Education
- Social Education
- Social Issues in Education
- Social Justice
- Special Education
- Sports
- Teacher Education
- Urban Education

Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis
Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education