Books about Learning & Instruction
Boundary-Spanning in School-University Partnerships
Kristien Zenkov, George Mason University; Drew Polly, UNC Charlotte; Lin Rudder, Lightridge High School; George Mason University
Expanding the Vision of Faculty Learning Communities in Higher Education
Emerging Opportunities for Faculty to Engage Each Other in Learning, Teaching, and Support
2024Kristin N. Rainville, Sacred Heart University; David G. Title, Sacred Heart University; Cynthia G. Desrochers, California State University, Northridge
Faculty Learning Communities
Working Towards a More Equitable, Just, and Antiracist Future in Higher Education
2024Kristin N. Rainville, Sacred Heart University; Cynthia G. Desrochers, California State University, Northridge; David G. Title, Sacred Heart University
Faculty Learning Communities
Communities of Practice that Support, Inspire, Engage and Transform Higher Education Classrooms
2024Kristin N. Rainville, Sacred Heart University; Cynthia G. Desrochers, California State University, Northridge; David G. Title, Sacred Heart University
Motivation and Engagement in Various Learning Environments
Interdisciplinary Perspectives
2024Margareta M. Thomson, North Carolina State University
Developing Culturally Responsive Learning Environments in Postsecondary Education
R. Jason Lynch, Appalachian State University; Charmion B. Rush, Western Carolina University
Frameworks for Integrated Project-Based Instruction in STEM Disciplines
Anthony J. Petrosino, The University of Texas at Austin (Emeritus) and Southern Methodist University; Candace Walkington, Southern Methodist University; Denise Ekberg, UTeach Natural Sciences (Retired)
Professional Learning Journeys of Teacher Educators
Brandon M. Butler, Old Dominion University; Jason K. Ritter, Duquesne University
Learning to Teach
Primer on Teacher Education Methods
2023Sue L. T. McGregor, McGregor Consulting Group
Pathways Into Teacher Education
Profiles of Emerging Teacher Educator Development
2023Brandon M. Butler, Old Dominion University; Alexander Cuenca, Indiana University; Jason K. Ritter, Duquesne University
Visual Literacy in the K-12 Social Studies Classroom
Matt Hensley, East Tennessee State University; Stewart Waters, The University of Tennessee; William B. Russell III, University of Central Florida
Family and Community Partnerships
Promising Practices for Teachers and Teacher Educators
2023Margaret Caspe, National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement; Reyna Hernandez, National Association for Family, School, and Community Engagement
Teaching Learning for Effective Instruction
Michelle M. Buehl, George Mason University; Jane S. Vogler, Oklahoma State University
Instructional Design Fieldbook
Kathryn A. Wolfe, Anderson University; Josh Herron, Anderson University; Wanda V. Chaves, University of South Carolina
Contemporary Pioneers in Human Learning and Development
Héfer Bembenutty, Queens College of The City University of New York
Mathematics as the Science of Patterns
Making the Invisible Visible to Students Through Teaching
2022Patrick M. Jenlink, Stephen F. Austin State University
Enhancing Effective Instruction and Learning Using Assessment Data
Hong Jiao, University of Maryland; Robert W. Lissitz, University of Maryland
Navigating Complexities in Leadership
Moving Toward Critical Hope
2022Kathy L. Guthrie, Florida State University; Kerry L. Priest, Kansas State University
Purposeful Teaching and Learning in Diverse Contexts
Implications for Access, Equity and Achievement
2022Darrell Hucks, Keene State College; Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Teachers College, Columbia University; Victoria Showunmi, UCL Institute of Education, London; Suzanne C. Carothers, New York University; Chance W. Lewis, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Age of Inference
Cultivating a Scientific Mindset
2021Philip C. Short, Austin Peay State University; Harvey Henson, Southern Illinois University; John R. McConnell, Austin Peay State University
The Talking Point
Creating an Environment for Exploring Complex Meaning 2nd Edition
2021Thomas R. Flanagan, Institute for 21st Century Agoras; Alexander N. Christakis, Institute for 21st Century Agoras
Positive Leadership for Flourishing Schools
Keith D. Walker, University of Saskatchewan; Benjamin Kutsyuruba, Queen’s University; Sabre Cherkowski, University of British Columbia
The Impact of Classroom Practices
Teacher Educators' Reflections on Culturally Relevant Teachers
2021Antonio L. Ellis, American University; Nathaniel Bryan, Miami University; Yolanda Sealey-Ruiz, Teachers College, Columbia University; Ivory Toldson, Howard University; Christopher Emdin, Teachers College, Columbia University
Co-Teaching for English Learners
Evidence-based Practices and Research-Informed Outcomes
2020Maria G. Dove, Molloy College; Andrea Honigsfeld, Molloy College
The Inspirational Untold Stories of Secondary Mathematics Teachers
Alice F. Artzt, Queens College of the City University of New York; Frances R. Curcio, Queens College of the City University of New York
Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Intersecting New Needs and New Approaches
2020Sandra L. Stacki, Hofstra University; Micki M. Caskey, Portland State University; Steven B. Mertens, Illinois State University
Pedagogy of Vulnerability
Edward J. Brantmeier, James Madison University; Maria K. McKenna, University of Notre Dame
Algebra for the Middle Grades
Francis Gardella, Hunter College-CUNY; Maria DeLucia, Middlesex County College
Contemplative Pedagogies for Transformative Teaching, Learning, and Being
Jing Lin, University of Maryland; Tom E. Culham, City University in Canada and Simon Fraser University; Sachi Edwards, University of Tokyo
Equity in Mathematics Education
Addressing a Changing World
2019Constantinos Xenofontos, University of Stirling, UK
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Vol. 21 # 1 & 2
2019Chara Haeussler Bohan, Georgia State University; John L. Pecore, University of West Florida; Franklin S. Allaire, University of Houston-Downtown
Practitioners Advance Equity and Access in Out-of-School Time Programs
2019Sara Hill; Femi Vance
Supervision Modules to Support Educators in Collaborative Teaching
Helping to Support & Maintain Consistent Practice in the Field
2019Kathryn L. Lubniewski, Monmouth University; Debbie F. Cosgrove, Elmhurst College; Theresa Y. Robinson, Elmhurst College
More Like Life Itself
Simulations as Powerful and Purposeful Social Studies
2018Cory Wright-Maley, St. Mary’s University
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Vol. 20 # 1 & 2
2018Chara Haeussler Bohan, Georgia State University
Constructivism and the New Social Studies
A Collection of Classic Inquiry Lessons
2018Geoffrey Scheurman, University of Wisconsin-River Falls; Ronald W. Evans, San Diego State University
Big Theories Revisited 2
Gregory Arief D. Liem, Nanyang Technological University; Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong
Implementing and Analyzing Performance Assessments in Teacher Education
Joyce E. Many, Georgia State University; Ruchi Bhatnagar, Georgia State University
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Vol. 19 # 1 & 2
2017Christy M. Moroye, University of Northern Colorado
Exploding the Castle
Rethinking How Video Games & Game Mechanics Can Shape the Future of Education
2017Michael F. Young, University of Connecticut; Stephen T. Slota, University of Connecticut
Control is Not a Four‐Letter Word!
Establishing Positive Classroom Behavior for the Year in the First Five Days
2017Sarah Clancy‐Ballard
Race Lessons
Using Inquiry to Teach About Race in Social Studies
2017Prentice T. Chandler, Austin Peay State University; Todd S. Hawley, Kent State University
Teaching Social Studies
A Methods Book for Methods Teachers
2017S. G. Grant, Binghamton University; John Lee, North Carolina State University; Kathy Swan, University of Kentucky
Rethinking Social Studies
Critical Pedagogy in Pursuit of Dangerous Citizenship
2017E. Wayne Ross, University of British Columbia
Memory Practices and Learning
Interactional, Institutional and Sociocultural Perspectives
2017Åsa Mäkitalo, University of Gothenburg; Per Linell, University of Linköping, Sweden; Roger Säljö, University of Gothenburg
10 Dilemmas in Teaching with Discussion
Managing Integral Instruction
2016Jody S. Piro, Western Connecticut State University
Challenges and Innovations in Educational Psychology Teaching and Learning
M Cecil Smith, Southern Illinois University Carbondale; Nancy DeFrates-Densch, Northern Illinois University
Never Give Up
An Experienced Teacher Overcomes Obstacles to Change
2016Sharon A. Schwille, Michigan State University, Emeritus
The Classroom Teacher’s Behavior Management Toolbox
Roger Pierangelo, Long Island University; George Giuliani, Hofstra University
Critical Mathematics Education
Theory, Praxis and Reality
2016Paul Ernest, University of Exeter, UK; Bharath Sriraman, University of Montana; Nuala Ernest
Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Multiculturalism and Pluralism
2nd Edition
2015Patricia Ruggiano Schmidt, Le Moyne College; Althier Lazar, St. Joseph's University
Social Justice, the Common Core, and Closing the Instructional Gap
Empowering Diverse Learners and Their Teachers
2015Janet C. Richards, University of South Florida; Kristien Zenkov, George Mason University
Mobile Makes Learning Free
Building Conceptual, Professional and School Capacity
2015Boris Handal, The University of Notre Dame, Australia
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Vol. 17 # 1 & 2
2015David J. Flinders, Indiana University; Christy M. Moroye, Regis University
Instructional Guidance
A Cognitive Load Perspective
2015Slava Kalyuga, University of New South Wales
New Directions in Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge Research
Multiple Perspectives
2015Dr. Myint Swe Khine, Emirates College for Advanced Education, United Arab Emirates
The Course Reflection Project
Faculty Reflections on Teaching Service-Learning
2015Nicole Schonemann, Indiana University; Emily Metzgar, Indiana University; Andrew Libby, Indiana University
Teaching Peace Through Popular Culture
Laura L. Finley, Barry University; Joanie Connors, Western New Mexico University; Barbara Wien, American University
Getting to the Common Core
Using Research-based Strategies that Empower Students to Own Their Own Achievement
2015Sharon L. Spencer, North Carolina Central University; Sandra Vavra, North Carolina Central University
Biographical Ruptures and Their Repair
Cultural Transitions in Development
2014Amrei C. Joerchel, Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität; Gerhard Benetka, Sigmund Freud Privatuniversität
The Handbook on Innovations in Learning
Marilyn Murphy, Temple University; Sam Redding, Academic Development Institute; Janet Twyman, University of Massachusetts
Online Learner Competencies
Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes for Successful Learning in Online Settings
2013Michael Beaudoin, University of New England; Gila Kurtz, College for Academic Studies; Insung Jung, International Christian University; Katsuaki Suzuki, Kumamoto University; Barbara L. Grabowski, Pennsylvania State University
Storybridge to Second Language Literacy
The theory, research and practice of teaching English with children's literature
2013Irma-Kaarina Ghosn, Lebanese American University
Instructional Designer Competencies
The Standards (Fourth Edition)
2013Tiffany A. Koszalka, Syracuse University; Darlene F. Russ-Eft, Oregon State University; Robert Reiser, Florida State University
Reflections From The Field
How Coaching Made Us Better Teachers
2013Eric J. DeMeulenaere, Clark University; Colette N. Cann, Vassar College; James E. McDermott, Clark University; Chad R. Malone, Premier Elite Athlete’s Collegiate
Creating Connections in Teaching and Learning
Lindy Abawi, University of Southern Queensland; Joan Conway, University of Southern Queensland; Robyn Henderson, University of Southern Queensland
Adult Learning and Relationships
Paris S. Strom, Auburn University; Robert D. Strom, Arizona State University
Taking Play Seriously
Children and Play in Early Childhood Education – an Exciting Challenge
2009Ole Fredrik Lillemyr, Queen Maud University College
Adolescents in the Internet Age
Paris S. Strom, Auburn University; Robert D. Strom, Arizona State University
The Handbook of the Evolving Research of Transformative Learning
Based on the Learning Activities Survey (10th Anniversary Edition)
2009Kathleen P. King, University of Central Florida
Contemporary Perspectives on Mathematics in Early Childhood Education
Olivia Saracho, University of Maryland; Bernard Spodek, University of Illinois
Standards in Education
Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong; Shawn Van Etten, SUNY Cortland; Martin Dowson, Australian College of Ministries
Educating the Evolved Mind
Conceptual Foundations for an Evolutionary Educational Psychology
2007Jerry Carlson, University of California - Riverside; Joel R. Levin, University of Arizona
Accessible Education for Blind Learners
Kindergarten through Post-Secondary
2007Shelley Kinash; Ania Paszuk, University of Calgary, Canada
Project-Based Second and Foreign Language Education
Past, Present, and Future
2006Gulbahar H. Beckett, Iowa State University; Paul Chamness Iida
New Frontiers for Self Research
Herbert Marsh, University of Western Sydney; Rhonda G. Craven, University of Western Sydney; Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong
Transfer of Learning from a Modern Multidisciplinary Perspective
Jose P. Mestre, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Technology-Based Education
Bringing Researchers and Practitioners Together
2006Lisa M. PytlikZillig, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Mary Bodvarsson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Roger Bruning, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Effective Schools
Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong; Martin Dowson, Australian College of Ministries; Shawn Van Etten, SUNY Cortland
The Case of the No Child Left Behind Legislation
Educational Research and Federal Funding
2006Jerry Carlson, University of California - Riverside; Joel R. Levin, University of Arizona
Research as a Tool for Empowerment
Theory Informing Practice
2006David Schwarzer, Montclair State University; Melanie Bloom; Sarah Shono
Research in Technology and Second Language Learning
Developments and Directions
2005Yong Zhao, Michigan State University
Focus on Curriculum
Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong; Shawn Van Etten, SUNY Cortland
What Works in Distance Learning
2005Harold F. O'Neil, University of Southern California/CRESST
Instructor Competencies
Standards for Face-to-Face, Online, and Blended Settings
2004James D. Klein, Arizona State University; J. Michael Spector, Florida State University; Barbara L. Grabowski, Pennsylvania State University; Ileana de la Teja, LICEF Research Center, Tele-universite
Big Theories Revisited
Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong; Shawn Van Etten, SUNY Cortland
International Advances in Self Research - volume 1
Herbert Marsh, University of Western Sydney; Rhonda G. Craven, University of Western Sydney; Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong
Sociocultural Influences and Teacher Education Programs
Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong; Shawn Van Etten, SUNY Cortland
Culture as the Core
Perspective on Culture in Second Language Education
2003Dale L. Lange, University Of Minnesota
Instructional Design
Systems Strategies
2002Bruce R. Ledford, Auburn University; Phillip J. Sleeman, University of Connecticut
Taking Small Classes One Step Further
Jeremy D. Finn, State University of New York at Buffalo; Kenneth K. Wong, Brown University
Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning - 2nd Volume
Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong; Shawn Van Etten, SUNY Cortland
- Contemporary Perspectives on Social and Emotional Learning. Series Editor(s): Roisin Corcoran, IRINSTITUTES & UCD
- Current Perspectives on Cognition, Learning and Instruction. Series Editor(s): Daniel H. Robinson, University of Texas at Arlington; Marlynn M. Griffin, Georgia Southern University
- Hollywood or History. Series Editor(s): Scott L. Roberts, Central Michigan University; Charles J. Elfer, Clayton State University
- International Advances in Self Research. Series Editor(s): Herbert Marsh, Australian Catholic University; Rhonda G. Craven, Australian Catholic University; Dennis M. McInerney, The Education University of Hong Kong; Frédéric Guay, Université Laval Québec; Theresa Dicke, Australian Catholic University
- Lifespan Learning. Series Editor(s): Paris S. Strom, Auburn University; Robert D. Strom, Arizona State University
- Nebraska Symposium on Information Technology in Education. Series Editor(s): Roger Bruning, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
- Psychological Perspectives on Contemporary Educational Issues. Series Editor(s): Jonathan Plucker, Johns Hopkins University
- Research in Second Language Learning. Series Editor(s): Bogum Yoon, State University of New York at Binghamton
- Research on Sociocultural Influences on Motivation and Learning. Series Editor(s): Gregory Arief D. Liem, Nanyang Technological University
- Administration
- Adolescent Education
- Adult Education
- Asian Studies
- Autism
- Bilingual Education
- Black Studies
- Bullying
- Careers
- Classics
- Common Core
- Curriculum
- Distance Learning
- Early Childhood Education
- Education
- Education in Mathematics
- Education Reform
- Education Research
- Educational Leadership
- Evaluation
- Higher Education
- History of Education
- International & Comparative Education
- Language & Literacy
- Linguistics
- Mathematics
- Measurement Research Methods
- Medical
- Mentoring
- Middle Grades
- Multicultural Education
- Music
- Parenting
- Peace Education
- Philosophy
- Policy & Politics of Education
- Religion
- Science Education
- Service Learning
- Social Context of Education
- Social Education
- Social Issues in Education
- Social Justice
- Special Education
- Sports
- Teacher Education
- Technology
- Urban Education