Books about Strategy
Managing Interpartner Cooperation in Strategic Alliances
T. K. Das, City University of New York
AI Smart Kit
Agile Decision-Making on AI (Abridged Version)
2021Melodena Stephens, Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government; Himanshu Vashishtha, SixthFactor Consulting
Managing Performance Strategically in Education Agencies
A Guidebook for Strategic Performance Management (SPM)
2021Allison Layland, Academic Development Institute; Sam Redding, Academic Development Institute
The After-Deal
What Happens After You Close A Deal?
2019Eliane Karsaklian, University of Illinois at Chicago
The Life of Russian Business
(Re)cognizing, (Re)activating and (Re)configuring Institutions
2019Tomas Casas i Klett, University of St. Gallen, SKOLKOVO MSM; Yuliya Ponomareva, ESADE Business School, SKOLKOVO MSM
Intervention Research
From Conceptualization to Publication
2018Anthony F. Buono, Bentley University; Henri Savall, ISEOR and Jean Moulin University; Laurent Cappelletti, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
La Recherche-Intervention Dans les Entreprises et les Organisations
Anthony F. Buono, Bentley University; Henri Savall, ISEOR and Jean Moulin University; Laurent Cappelletti, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers
Corporate Yoga
A Primer for Sustainable and Humanistic Leadership
2017Shiv Tripathi, CMR University, Bangalore, India; Wolfgang Amann, HEC Paris
- Research in Behavioral Strategy. Series Editor(s): T. K. Das, City University of New York
- Research in Strategic Alliances. Series Editor(s): T. K. Das, City University of New York
- Research in Strategy Science. Series Editor(s): T. K. Das, City University of New York