Trust and Governance Institutions

Asian Experiences

Yilin Sun, South Seattle Community College
Clay Wescott
Lawrence R. Jones, Naval Postgraduate School

A volume in the series: Research in Public Management. Editor(s): Lawrence R. Jones, Naval Postgraduate School.

Published 2013

This book explores trust in government from a variety of perspectives in the Asian region. The book is divided into three parts, and there are seven Asian countries that have been covered by ten chapters. The first part contains three chapters which focus on two East Asian governments – Hong Kong and Taiwan. The second part includes case studies from two Southeast Asian countries – Thailand and Philippines. The third part consists of four chapters dealing with two South Asian countries – India and Bangladesh. The last chapter analyzes governance failure (i.e., the absence of trust) as uncertainty from a theoretical perspective.

Preface: Exploring the Dilemma of Trust and Governance, Milan Tung-Wen Sun, Clay G. Wescott, L. R. Jones. PART I: TRUST, LEGITIMACY, NETWORKS AND E-GOVERNMENT. 1 Trust and Governance in the Philippines and Singapore: A Comparative Analysis, Jon S. T. Quah. 2 In Search of Trust and Legitimacy: The Political Trajectory of Hong Kong as Part of China, Anthony Cheung. 3 Trust and Transparency in Network Governance: The Implications of Taiwan’s Anti-Corruption Activities, Mei-Chiang Shih. 4 The Effects of E-Government on Political Trust and Efficacy: A Case Study of Taiwan, Don-yun Chen, Tong-yi Huang, Naiyi Hsiao, and Yu-chin Chien. PART II: RESTORING TRUST AND PERFORMANCE CAPACITY. 5 Government Interference, Trust, and the Capacity to Perform: Comparing Governance Institutions in Thailand, Bidhya Bowornwathana. 6 Restoring Trust and Building Integrity in Government: Issues, Concerns and Reform in the Philippines, Alex B. Brillantes, Jr. and Maricel T. Fernandez. PART III: ANTI-CORRUPTION INITIATIVES, SOCIAL INTEGRATION, AND GOVERNANCE FAILURE. 7 Designing an Anti-Corruption Strategy for Contemporary Indian Administration, Shiladitya Chakraborty. 8 Political Corruption in India: Coalition Dharma? Krishna K. Tummala. 9 Social Integration Through Rural Transport Expansion in Bangladesh: Improving Performance at a Local Government Engineering Department, Clay G. Wescott. 10 Governance Failures as Uncertainties: Risk Management in the Administrative Reform Era, Milan Tung-Wen Sun. Author Biographies.

"The relationship between trust and governance institutions has attracted attention from public administration scholars in recent years (Klijn, Edelenbos, & Steijn, 2010). Over the past three decades or so, the concept of governance has become pervasive in government around the globe, inspiring a mode of government in which the public, private, and third sector work together to provide public service. Does this partnership among stakeholders from different sectors affect public trust? If so, how? What factors determine the level of trust in government as a whole? If the trust-governance link seems to be intuitive, is there empirical evidence to support it? These are legitimate questions that have not been adequately studied. In this regard, Trust and governance institutions: Asian experiences, edited by Milan Sun, Clay Wescott, and Lawrence Jones, is timely. It provides a notable contribution to the existing literature by introducing the Asian experience of the trust challenge in the era of governance." Jie Gao National University of Singapore in International Review of Public Administration (Read full review)