Co-Teaching for English Learners
Evidence-based Practices and Research-Informed Outcomes
Edited by:
Maria G. Dove, Molloy College
Andrea Honigsfeld, Molloy College
Published 2020
This edited volume examines co-teaching and integrated service delivery for English learners (ELs). Through research and documentary accounts, it explores the collaborative instructional cycle—co-planning, co-instruction, co-assessment, and reflection practices—of co-taught programs for ELs. This volume presents current, classroom-based, practitioner-oriented research related to all aspects of co-taught programs for ELs and offers authentic evidence and practical recommendations that yield positive outcomes for this student population.
Preface. Acknowledgments. PART I: TEACHER PROFESSIONAL LEARNING: CAPACITY BUILDING. Redefining Borders Through Co-Teaching: ESL/ELD Teachers as Change Agents in K–5 Classrooms, Jennifer C. Norton. “They See Us Together”: Collaborative Activity in a Math Middle School Classroom, Amanda Giles and Bedrettin Yazan. “They See Me as a Real Teacher Now”: ESL Teacher Identity in Collaborative Contexts, Greg McClure. Embedded Professional Development for the Collaborative Work of Content Area Teachers and Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, Adam Cooper and Stephen Kroeger. Mistakes Made, Lessons Learned, Leia Bruton. Is There Magic in Co-Teaching? Maria G. Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld. PART II: SYSTEM-WIDE INITIATIVES: SCALING IT UP. Two Brains Are Better Than One! State-Level Professional Development and Teachers’ Descriptions of the Benefits of Co-Teaching, Joan R. Lachance. The St. Louis Co-Teaching for ELs Regional Initiative, Debra Cole. Co-Teaching Programming for English Learners: From Exploration to Sustainability, Holly J. Porter. The Impact of a Sustained Professional Learning Community Around Co-Teaching for ELLs, Lucia Perez-Medina. PART III: COLLABORATIVE PLANNING AND CO-TEACHING PRACTICES. Collaborative Meaning Making of Student Data to Guide Instruction for English Learners, Amy Frederick and Anne C. Ittner. Divergent Paths of Understanding: Teacher and Leader Perceptions of Co-Teaching for English Learners, Felice Atesoglu Russell. Shared Spaces: Systems At Work in English as a New Language Co-Teaching Classrooms, Beth Clark-Gareca and David Mumper. The Meaning of “Co” in Co-Teaching: Resolving Co-Teaching Challenges, Karrie S. Woodruff. PART IV: COTEACHING TO ENHANCE INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE. Positive Outcomes for ELs in an Integrated Social Studies Class, Carrie McDermott and Andrea Honigsfeld. A Culture of Collaboration: How Do We Create The Greatest Thinkers for the World, Marie Edgerton and Jane Charlotte Weiss. Co-Teaching in Kindergarten: Connecting the Dots Between Content, Language Instruction, Oracy, and Writing, Kathryn Toppel. Co-Teaching to Support Project-Based Learning: A Model United Nations Approach With Dual Language Learners, Samantha Chung, Laura Baecher, and William Hargrove. Co-Teaching Twice Exceptional Students: Perspectives From ESOL/Special Education Teacher Education, Ebony Terrell Shockley and Kia Myrick McDaniel. Improving ELLs’ Scientific Writing Through Co-Teaching: Collaboration Between ESL and Science Teachers in a Secondary School in Canada, Brandy Gibb, Guofang Li, and Teresa Schwartz. Collaborative Conversations, Jennifer S. Daddino, Kimberly Grogan, and Marina A. Moran. About the Editors. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-227-2

- EDU050000 - EDUCATION: Collaborative & Team Teaching
- EDU018000 - EDUCATION: Language Experience Approach
Contemporary Perspectives on English as a Medium of Instruction
Cultivating Democratic Literacy Through the Arts Guiding Preservice Teachers Towards Innovative Learning Spaces in ELA Classrooms
Frameworks for Integrated Project-Based Instruction in STEM Disciplines
How We Take Action Social Justice in PK-16 Language Classrooms
Narratives of TESOL Professionals Experiences Navigating the Doctoral Program
Pedagogies for Equitable Access Reimagining Multilingual Education for an Uncertain World
When We Hear Them Attuning Teachers to Language-Diverse Learners