Effective Educational Programs, Practices, and Policies for English Learners
Edited by:
Liliana Minaya-Rowe, University of Connecticut
A volume in the series: Research in Bilingual Education. Editor(s): Mileidis Gort, University of Colorado Boulder.
Published 2014
The central issue of this volume is how to meet the linguistic and academic needs of the increasing numbers of English learners (ELs). At the center of educational turns is the role of school professionals in this Common Core Standards era. Teacher education programs and professional development, or pre-service and in-service programs for teachers of ELs, are currently being reframed to reflect the new demands placed on all teachers in light of the new standards. The expectation is that ELs can learn, and their teachers possess the expertise to teach, both discipline content and academic English at the same time.
The large numbers of ELs across the country have created a wide gap between what teachers have been trained to do and the skills they need to teach and reach them effectively. This practical handbook brings together research, policy and practice on teacher effectiveness, pre-service and in-service programs in the context of student linguistic and cultural diversity. Key features include:
• Clearly articulated teacher training and professional development programs;
• Coverage of Common Core curriculum and a variety of instructional programs and practices with research-based tools to implement them; and,
• Policies to equitably and effectively prepare ELs academically and linguistically.
Introduction. Shared Responsibility: Realizing Opportunities for English Learners in the Common Core English Language Arts and Disciplinary Literacy Standards, George C. Bunch, Amanda Kibler, and Susan Pimentel. New York State Bilingual Common Core Initiative: Creating Scaffolds for the Successful Education of Language Learners, Patricia Velasco and Helen Johnson. Language and Meaning in Mathematics and Science Teacher Training: Helping Teachers Use Language to Help ELs Think and Construct in Disciplined Ways, Zenaida Aguirre-Muñoz. Professional Development in Support of English Learner Achievement: Science and ESOL Educator Collaborations, Carla Meskill, Alandeom W. Oliveira, Karen Gregory, Gretchen Oliver, Bethany Reichen, and Patrick S. Witmer. Higher Order Thinking Skills: An Arts-Infused Core Curriculum for English Learners and their Peers, Evelyn Robles-Rivas. Effective Practices for English Language Learners in Kindergarten and Implications for Policy, Luciana C. de Oliveira, Alsu Gilmetdinova, and Marshall Klassen. Meeting the Needs of English Learners: A Teacher Preparation Program for Content and Special Education Teachers, Lynn Atkinson Smolen, Wei Zhang, Shernavaz Vakil, Lisa Temsey, and Nicole Mann. Rev it Up: Leadership Matters in a Whole School Dual Language Approach, Abie L. Benítez. English Learners in Higher Education: A Dual Language Perspective for Academic Language and Literacy Competence, Liliana Minaya-Rowe. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781623968595

- EDU000000 - EDUCATION: General
- EDU005000 - EDUCATION: Bilingual Education
- EDU016000 - EDUCATION: History
ESL, EFL and Bilingual Education Exploring Historical, Sociocultural, Linguistic, and Instructional Foundations
Innovative Curricular and Pedagogical Designs in Bilingual Teacher Education Bridging the Distance with School Contexts
Mathematics Instruction in Dual Language Classrooms Theory and Research That Informs Practice
Negotiating Social Contexts Identities of Biracial College Women
Teacher Training and Effective Pedagogy in the Context of Student Diversity
The Bilingual School in the United States A Documentary History
Translanguaging Perspectives on Writing Development and Pedagogy Learning from Findings Across Teaching and Learning Contexts