Families and Family Values in Society and Culture
Edited by:
Isabelle Albert, University of Luxembourg
Mirza Emirhafizovic, University of Sarajevo
Carmit-Noa Shpigelman, University of Haifa
Ursula Trummer, Center for Health and Migration
A volume in the series: Perspectives on Human Development. Editor(s): Isabelle Albert, University of Luxembourg. Jaan Valsiner, Niels Bohr Professor of Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University. Koji Komatsu, Osaka Kyoiku University.
Published 2021
This book which has been created in the framework of the EU-funded COST Action INTERFASOL brings together researchers from 22 INTERFASOL countries, who frame intergenerational family solidarity in the specific historical, cultural, social and economic context of their own country. Integrating different perspectives from social and political sciences, economics, communication, health and psychology, the book offers country-specific knowledge and new insights into family relations, family values and family policies across Europe.
Praise for Families and Family Values in Society and Culture:
"This comprehensive study of families in Europe reveals the strength and variation in family solidarity and values. By drawing together detailed descriptions of continuity and change, Families and Family Values in Society and Culture provides a fascinating account of the social and cultural contexts that shape European family life. The case studies of families in different European countries compare demographic and welfare regimes to consider the challenges facing generations in Europe and responses to these. The book is an invaluable resource for researchers studying family life and inter-generational solidarity."
Clare Holdsworth
Professor of Social Geography
Keele University
"This book is based on the testimony of experts, each of them proposing analyses which are specific to their own society. It provides an opportunity for the reader to take a new look at the evolution of intergenerational solidarity in 22 countries, whose wealth, welfare systems, and demographic situations, as well as recent events (wars, migratory movements, …) offer specific challenges. It adopts the perspective of the insider to shed light not only on culture and values in each country, but also on conflicts between tradition and modernity, and between subcultures in the same society. The book thus allows better understanding of changes in intergenerational and gender relations, and the variety of solutions implemented or suggested to promote more satisfactory expressions of intergenerational solidarity for the next decade. Families and Family Values in Society and Culture provides an invaluable contribution for cross-cultural and social sciences researchers interested in understanding how different forms of solidarity arise from family and social dynamics."
Anne Marie Fontaine
Professor of Psychology
University of Porto
Series Editors’ Preface. Introduction to the Volume: Intergenerational Family Solidarity Across Europe, Isabelle Albert, Mirza Emirhafizovic, Carmit-Noa Shpigelman, and Ursula Trummer. Intergenerational Family Solidarity in Austria: Scientific Evidence Seems Scarce, and Migration a Decisive Dimension, Ursula Trummer, Sonja Novak-Zezula, and Lena Fuchs-Bouvier. Families and Family Values in Belgium: Country Report, Catherine Coppée and Willy Lahaye. Intergenerational Family Solidarity in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sanela Šadić and Mirza Emirhafizović. Intergenerational Family Solidarity: The Case of Croatia, Ljiljana Kaliterna Lipovčan, Andreja Brajša-Žganec, and Ivana Hanzec Marković. Country Report—Denmark: Intergenerational Families in Denmark, Anne Leonora Blaakilde and Anu Siren. Intergenerational Relations in a Rapidly Changing Social Context: The Case of Estonia, Luule Sakkeus and Kairi Kasearu. Finnish Family, Helena Helve. Families, Family Values, and Intergenerational Relations in France Today, Marie-Thérèse Letablier and Claudine Attias-Donfut. Families and Family Values in German Society and German Culture, Katja Knauthe, Martina Brandt, and Andreas Hoff. Family Change and Family Values in Greece, Laura Alipranti-Maratou (in cooperation with Vasiliki Gountsidou). Families and Family Values in Society and Culture: Country Report of Hungary, Márton Medgyesi and Annamária Orbán. Intergenerational Relations Among Israeli Families, Carmit-Noa Shpigelman and Cheryl Zlotnick. Country Report: Intergenerational Family Solidarity and Key Life Domains in Italy, Donatella Bramanti, Matteo Moscatelli, and Camillo Regalia. Intergenerational Family Solidarity in Lithuania: Context and Patterns, Aušra Maslauskaitė and Margarita Gedvilaitė-Kordušienė. Family in a Multicultural Context: Country Report for Luxembourg, Isabelle Albert, and Andreas Heinz. Demography, Society, and Active Ageing: A Maltese Perspective, George (Gino) Pavia. Intergenerational Family Relationships in Norway, Katharina Herlofson, Tale Hellevik, and Svein Olav Daatland. Families and Family Values in Poland, Laura Dryjanska. Intergenerational Family Solidarity: A Brief Overview of Research in Portugal, Marisa Matias, Irene Monteiro, and Susana Coimbra. Intergenerational Solidarity in Slovenia: Key Issues, Valentina Hlebec, Tatjana Rakar, Vesna Dolničar, Andraž Petrovčič, and Maša Filipovič Hrast. Families and Family Values in Society and Culture: Spain, Esther Martínez Pastor and Miguel Ángel Nicolás Ojeda. Demography, Society, and Culture: The Profile of Turkey, Hatice Çelebi and Nafiye Çiğdem Aktekin. About the Authors.
Web price: $62.04 (Reg. 72.99)
Web price: $89.24 (Reg. 104.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-435-1

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