Four Chinese ELLs
Their School Experiences and Journeys in Pursuing the American Dream
Nan Li, Claflin University
Michael Meng, Claflin University
Published 2019
This book is written for K-12 teachers and educators to understand the school experiences and life journeys of the English Language Learners (ELLs) through four Chinese ELLs by documenting their transitional experiences into an American school.
Traditionally, Chinese students are perceived as the model minority in American schools who are academically successful. Yet, this book provides a new perspective by documenting the life journey and school experiences of the four Chinese ELLs. The book gives a detailed account of the four ELLs in transition from Chinese language and culture into American school and culture. Interview, observation, and documentary data at their homes and American school reflect this transitional journey. The book helps K-12 teachers and educators understand that Chinese students also come from different family backgrounds and have different previous schooling experiences. This will help teachers and educators better working with Chinese and all ELLs who adapt the new school environment.
This book is reader-friendly and carefully crafted with six chapters. Each chapter focuses on one Chinese ELL with genuine research data. The book begins with an introduction to provide basic information of the four ELLs and concludes with the final chapter that provides an update on the ELL students.
This book can also be used as reading texts by college students in teacher education and training programs. The book is targeted for the TESOL organizations. The TESOL has one of the largest memberships with over 12,000 members representing 156 countries (TESOL Brochure, 2017). This book also benefits various attendees of professional education conferences.
Preface. Acknowledgments. CHAPTER 1: Four Chinese ELLs and One American Dream. CHAPTER 2: Jay and His Journey. CHAPTER 3: Benson and His Journey. CHAPTER 4: Ann and Her Journey. CHAPTER 5: Tom and His Journey. CHAPTER 6: Conclusion. About the Authors. Index for Subject Glossary.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64113-785-0

- LAN020000 - LANGUAGE ARTS & DISCIPLINES: Study & Teaching
- EDU018000 - EDUCATION: Language Experience Approach
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