Promising Practice for Engaging Families and Communities around Mental Health in Schools
Edited by:
Travis Lewis, East Carolina University
A volume in the series: Family School Community Partnership Issues. Editor(s): Diana Hiatt-Michael, Pepperdine University.
Call for Papers
BOOK DESCRIPTION:As the volume and complexity of mental health needs of school-aged children has grown, the capacity of schools to meet those needs has been challenging at best. School closures and social isolation during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated disconcerting trends regarding levels of anxiety, depression, and suicidality in children and adolescents. As resources continue to be strained for many schools, innovative approaches to addressing school mental health are necessary. This volume of the Family-School-Community Series will explore promising practices for engaging families and communities around mental health in schools. The editors invite chapter proposals drawn from the author’s own research to include case studies highlighting collaborations and partnerships that engage and utilize systems of care in unique ways to support schools in addressing student mental health concerns. Also welcomed are conceptual pieces that consider new paradigms for whole child support within the school-family-community context and/or that analyze dilemmas or tensions related to ethics, policy, and practice around school mental health for families and communities.
• School-based mental health partnerships
• Trauma-informed communities
• School-community violence prevention in relation to student mental health
• Rurality and school mental health
• School-family-community allyship for LGBTQIA+ youth
• Effective partnerships for social-emotional learning
• Family engagement for suicide prevention
• Addressing compassion fatigue and secondary traumatic stress in educators
Proposals should be made on one single-spaced page, and consist of your name and affiliation, email address, a tentative title, and an abstract (200-250 words). Please include an additional page with a brief biography (200-300 words) and relevant professional publications. All proposals should be sent as a single Word file of 2 pages to Travis Lewis (lewistr16@ecu.edu) by June 28, 2023.
Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by July 31, 2023 about the status of their submission and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters, ranging from 7,000 to 8,000 words in Times New Roman 12, double spaced text, inclusive of title, abstract, manuscript, and references, should be submitted as a Microsoft Word email attachment by December 11, 2023. Manuscripts should conform to 7th edition APA style conventions. See Author Guidelines Graphics and images may be included.
Abstract Submission: June 28, 2023
Notification of Invite to Submit Chapter: July 31, 2023
Submission of Book Chapter: December 11, 2023
Reviews of Book Chapter Manuscripts Sent to Author(s): March 25, 2024
Receipt by Editors of Final Draft of Book Chapters: June 28, 2024
Reviews of Book Chapter Manuscripts Sent to Author(s): April 15, 2023
Final Book Submitted to Publisher: September 2024
Anticipated Publication: Spring 2025
- This title is in development and is not yet available to order online. Please call the IAP office for more information: 704.752.9125

Composing Storylines of Possibilities Immigrant and Refugee Families Navigating School
Critical Perspectives on Education Policy and Schools, Families, and Communities
Family and Community Engagement in Charter Schools
Family and Community Partnerships Promising Practices for Teachers and Teacher Educators
Family Involvement in Faith-Based Schools
Promising Practices for Engaging Families in STEM Learning
The Power of Community Engagement for Educational Change