Theorizing Women & Leadership
New Insights & Contributions from Multiple Perspectives
Edited by:
Julia Storberg-Walker, George Washington University
Paige Haber-Curran, Texas State University
A volume in the series: Women and Leadership. Editor(s): Susan R. Madsen, Utah Valley University. Karen A. Longman, Azusa Pacific University. Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Concordia College, MN.
Published 2017
Theorizing Women and Leadership: New Insights and Contributions from Multiple Perspectives is the fifth volume in the Women and Leadership: Research, Theory, and Practice series. This cross‐disciplinary series, from the International Leadership Association, enhances leadership knowledge and improves leadership development of women around the world. The purpose of this volume is to provide a forum for women to theorize about women’s leadership in multiple ways and in multiple contexts. Theorizing has been a viewed as a gendered activity (Swedberg, 2014), and this series of chapters seeks to upend that imbalance. The chapters are written by women who represent multiple disciplines, cultures, races, and subject positions. The diversity extends into research paradigm and method, and the chapters combine to illuminate the multiple ways of knowing about and being a woman leader.
Twenty‐first century leadership scholars acknowledge the importance of context, and many are considering post‐heroic leadership models based on relationships rather than traits. This volume contributes to this discussion by offering a diverse array of perspectives and ways of knowing about leadership and leading. The purpose of the volume is to provide readers with not only interesting new ideas about women and leadership, but also to highlight the diverse epistemologies that can contribute to theorizing about women leaders. Some chapters represent typical social scientific practices and processes, while others represent newer knowledge forms and ways of knowing. The volume contributors adopt various epistemological positions, ranging from objective researcher to embedded co‐participant. The chapters link their new findings to existing empirical or conceptual work and illustrate how the findings extend, amend, contradict, or confirm existing research. The diversity of the chapters is one of the volume’s strengths because it illuminates the multiple ways that leadership theory for women can be advanced.
Typically, research based on a realist perspective is more valued in the academy. This perspective has indeed generated robust information about leadership in general and women’s leadership in particular. However, readers of this volume are offered an opportunity to explore multiple ways of knowing, different ways of researching, and are invited to de‐center researcher objectivity. The authors of the chapters offer conceptual and empirical findings, illuminate multiple and alternative research practices, and in the end suggest future directions for quantitative, qualitative, and mixed‐methods research.
Foreword, Laura L. Bierema. Theorizing Women’s Leadership as Praxis: Creating New Knowledge for Social Change, Julia Storberg‐Walker and Paige Haber‐Curran. PART I: NEW CONCEPTS AND THEORIES. Impossible Selves: Image Strategies and Identity Threat in Professional Women’s Career Transitions, Herminia Ibarra and Jennifer L. Petriglieri. Collaborative Theory Building on Women’s Leadership: An Exercise Toward Responsible Leadership, Valerie Stead, Carole Elliott, Belinda Blevins‐Knabe, Emily Chan, Kathleen S. Grove, Maylon Hanold, and Amy E. Smith. Constructing the Double Bind: The Discursive Framing of Gendered Images of Leadership in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Susan V. Iverson, Elizabeth J. Allan, and Suzanne P. Gordon. Revolution From Within: A Theory of Embodied Transformation of Roles for Girls and Women Through Leadership Blockbusters, Carol Burbank. Embracing Context in Leadership Theory: Lessons From Negotiation Research, Mary M. Keegin, Alice F. Stuhlmacher, and Amber S. Cotton. PART II: NEW MODELS AND METHODS. Multivocal Meaning Making: Using Collaborative Autoethnography to Advance Theory on Women and Leadership, Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Heewon Chang, and Kathy‐Ann C. Hernandez. Capacious Model of Leadership Identities Construction, Chrys Egan, S. Lynn Shollen, Constance Campbell, Karen A. Longman, Kelly Fisher, Wendy Fox‐Kirk, and Brionne G. Neilson. Theorizing Women’s Ways of Knowing and Leading for International Development Projects: The Adaptive Transformational System Leadership Model, Randal Joy Thompson. The Leadership Repertoire of Select Filipina Women in the Diaspora and Implications for Theorizing Leadership, Maria Africa Beebe. Theorizing Leadership Development for Marginalized Women Students: Threading Diverse Experiences Into a Recognized Leadership Identity Development Model, Virginia Byrne, Crystal Diaz‐Espinoza, and Jess Myers. PART III: NEW INSIGHTS AND IDEAS. Social Justice Leadership: Theorizing the Relationship Between Leadership and Activism for Latina/Chicana Educators, Marcia Venegas‐Garcia. Tracing the Developmental Precursors of Leadership During Childhood and Adolescence: A Collaborative Autoethnographic Study of Women’s Leader Identity Development, Marlene Janzen Le Ber, Judith Babcock LaValley, Lynne E. Devnew, Ann M. Berghout Austin, Chanda D. Elbert, Lorri L. Sulpizio, and Marianne Tremaine. Intersectional Leadership Praxis: Unpacking the Experiences of Women Leaders at the Nexus of Roles and Identities, Faith Wambura Ngunjiri, Jennifer M. Almquist, Maria Beebe, Chanda D. Elbert, Rita A. Gardiner, and Michelle Shockness. Theorizing Leadership Identity Development in Girlhood Through Collaborative Autoethnography and Women’s Ways of Knowing, Heather I. Ricks‐Scott, Katherine L. Yeager, Julia Storberg‐ Walker, Lisa M. Gick, Paige Haber‐Curran, and Denise Bauer. African‐American Women Administrators in Higher Education: Adapting the Centered Leadership Model to Reflect African‐American Leadership Experiences, Marcelle C. Holmes and Denise Hayes. About the Editors. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781681236841

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