Trust and Distrust
Sociocultural perspectives
Edited by:
Ivana Markova, University of Stirling, Scotland
Alex Gillespie, University of Stirling
A volume in the series: Advances in Cultural Psychology: Constructing Human Development. Editor(s): Jaan Valsiner, Niels Bohr Professor of Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University.
Published 2007
The dynamics of trust and distrust are central to understanding modern society. These dynamics are evident at all levels of society, from the child’s relation to caregivers to the individual’s relation to the state, and they span from taken for granted trusting relationships to highly reflective and negotiated contractual interactions. The collection of papers in this book questions the diverse ways in which the concept of trust has been previously used, and advances a coherent theorisation of the socio-cultural dynamics of trust and distrust. In this volume, trust and distrust are analysed in relation to lay knowledge and situated in historical, cultural and interactional contexts.
The contexts analysed include witch-hunting during the Reformation, China before and after the move to capitalism, building close personal relationships in South Korea, the representation of political corruption in Brazil, tourists bargaining for souvenirs in the Himalaya, disclosing being HIV+ in India, the historical shaping of trust in Portugal, and the role of trust and distrust in the economic development of the Baltic States. Throughout these analyses, and in associated commentaries and theoretical chapters, the focus is upon the cultural and social constitution of trust and distrust.
Acknowledgments. Series Editor’s Introduction: The Basics of Trust: How Culture Matters. Preface. Part I: Trust and Distrust: Forms, History, and Development. Trust and Distrust in Society, Ivana Marková, Per Linell, and Alex Gillespie. The Reformation as a Crisis of Trust, Geoffrey Hosking. Part II: The Cultural Dynamics of Trust and Distrust. Filial Piety, Guanxi, Loyalty, and Money: Trust in China, Li Liu. Immanent Trust in a Close Relationship: A Cultural Psychology of Trust in South Korea, Sang-Chin Choi and Gyuseog Han. Trust and Social Representations: Understanding Relations between Self and Other in the Brazilian Public Sphere, Sandra Jovchelovitch. Trust in Everyday Interaction, Alex Gillespie. Part III: Trust and Distrust within the Dynamics of Social Interaction. In the Other We Trust: Buying Souvenirs in Ladakh, North India, Alex Gillespie. The Micropolitics of Disclosure, Stigma, and (Dis)trust Surrounding HIV/AIDS in India, Srikant Sarangi. Theorizing the Social Dynamics of Trust in Portugal, Jorge Correia Jesuino. Beyond the Authentic Mind, Ivana Marková. Part IV: Trust and Distrust in the Baltic States. Economic Success and Social Trust: Evidence from the Baltic States, Emmanuel Mathias. Changing Patterns of Trust: The Estonian Case, Maaris Raudsepp, Mati Heidmets, and Jüri Kruusvall. Trust and Distrust in
Transition Toward Democracy, Ivana Marková. Part V: Concluding Comment. The Intersubjective Dynamics of Trust, Distrust, and Manipulation, Alex Gillespie.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607526322

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- PSY003000 - PSYCHOLOGY: Applied Psychology
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