Continuing to Disrupt the Status Quo?
New and Young Women Professors of Educational Leadership
Edited by:
Whitney Sherman Newcomb, Virginia Commonwealth University
A volume in the series: New Directions in Educational Leadership: Innovations in Scholarship, Teaching, and Service. Editor(s): Noelle Witherspoon-Arnold, University of Missouri-Columbia. René O. Guillaume, New Mexico State University. Emily Crawford-Rossi, University of Missouri.
Published 2014
Continuing to Disrupt the Status Quo? Young and New Women Professors of Educational Leadership was conceptualized as a follow-up to Breaking Into the All-Male Club: Female Professors of Educational Administration (Mertz, 2009), a book about and by many women who were the first women faculty admitted into departments of educational administration primarily in the 1970's and 1980's. This book offers narratives of those women new to the field of educational leadership and makes comparisons to those stories shared by the veteran women in the field to highlight both similarities and differences. Continuing to Disrupt the Status Quo? Young and New Women Professors of Educational Leadership is a literary way to preserve and continue the tradition of the sharing/addition of voices to the field of educational leadership that was begun with Breaking Into the All-Male Club. It begs the question, "If the women from Breaking Into the All-Male Club are "firsts," "pioneers," and "groundbreakers," then who are we, the young and new women of the field? If the entrance of women into the field of educational leadership was threatening enough for the veteran women (and still is for many of the young and new women), then the addition of age and ethnicity as confounding factors has likely created a cacophony of dissonance forty years later! Continuing to Disrupt the Status Quo? represents a decade of stories (2002-2012) from young and new women to the field of educational leadership.
Preface, Whitney Sherman Newcomb. Breaking into the All-Male Club and Continuing to Disrupt the Status Quo, Whitney Sherman Newcomb. Cage Fighting in Higher Education: Same Old Fight in a 21st Century Ring, Whitney Sherman Newcomb. Navigating Unchartered Territories in Academe Through Mentoring Networks, Gaëtane Jean-Marie. Young, Gifted, Female, and Black: The Journey to Becoming Who I Am, April L. Peters. The Invisible Other: Ruminations on Transcending “La Cerca” in Academia, Azadeh F. Osanloo. My Transition to the Academy: Lessons and Community, Karen Sanzo. Having It All: Wait, What Does “All” Mean? Jennifer K. Clayton. Still I Rise: An Early-Career African-American Female Scholar’s Told Truths on Surviving Academia, Cosette M. Grant. Navigating My Career as a Trailing Spouse, Melanie C. Brooks. Reflections on Perpetual Liminality, Katherine Cumings Mansfield. My Relationship with Academia as a Latina Scholar, Melissa A. Martinez. Earning a Doctorate in Educational Leadership: The Perspectives and Experiences of a Deaf Female Scholar, Catherine O’Brien. Since She is Gone, Who Will Get Me Through? Anjalé Welton. Sense Making: The Fight to Claim and Continuously Reclaim a Space in Higher Education, Whitney Sherman Newcomb and Catherine Ruziak Gorman. Then . . . and Now: Reflections on Women Faculty in Educational Administration, Norma T. Mertz. Chronology of Young and New Women Professors’ Entry Into Departments of Educational Leadership and Their Ages Upon Entrance. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-62396-642-3
- EDU015000 - EDUCATION: Higher
- SOC028000 - SOCIAL SCIENCE: Women's Studies
- EDU032000 - EDUCATION: Leadership
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