Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Vol. 15 # 1 & 2
Edited by:
David J. Flinders, Indiana University
P. Bruce Uhrmacher, University of Denver
Christy M. Moroye, University of Northern Colorado
A volume in the series: Curriculum & Teaching Dialogue. Editor(s): Bradley Conrad, Capital University. Crystal D. Howell, Randolph College. Cristy Sellers, Pacific University.
Published 2013
Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue (CTD) is a publication of the American Association of Teaching and Curriculum (AATC), a national learned society for the scholarly field of teaching and curriculum. The field includes those working on the theory, design and evaluation of educational programs at large. At the university level, faculty members identified with this field are typically affiliated with the departments of curriculum and instruction, teacher education, educational foundations, elementary education, secondary education, and higher education. CTD promotes all analytical and interpretive approaches that are appropriate for the scholarly study of teaching and curriculum. In fulfillment of this mission, CTD addresses a range of issues across the broad fields of educational research and policy for all grade levels and types of educational programs.
Presidents’ Message: Curriculum and Community, Amy Masko. Editor’s Notes: Anthem of the Dead: Live Curriculum and an Education of Improvisation, P. Bruce Uhrmacher. VOLUME 15, NUMBER 1. Continuing the Work of Unpopular Ideas: Moving Beyond Curricular Paralysis, Rich L. Biffle III. Teacher Identity and Curriculum: Space for Dissent, Paul T. Parkison. Accomplishing the Goals of Multicultural Education: A Transdisciplinary Perspective, Patriann Smith. Questioning and Learning: How Do We Recognize Children’s Questions? Maria Vittoria Cifone. The Risking of Observations in the Classroom: Teacher as Cultural Critic, Houman Harouni. Narrative Authority = Making Mathematics Personal With Hands-On Experiences, Angela López Pedrana. Heritage Language Use Among 10th-Grade Asian and Hispanic Students in the United States, Eunjeong Choi. Developing Dynamic Artist/Teacher/Leaders in Preservice Art Education Programs, Delane Ingalls Vanada. Teacher Insights About Teaching, Mentoring, and Schools as Workplaces, Virginia Resta, Leslie Huling, and Pat Yeargain. Teachers’ Experiences With Classroom Management and Children Diagnosed With Emotional Behavioral Disorder, Candace Schlein, Raol Taft, and Valerie Tucker–Blackwell. The Teacher Work Sample and 21st Century Learning, Kim Hartnett-Edwards. VOLUME 15, NUMBER 2. Editor’s Notes: Exploring the Art of Teaching and the Earth of Which We Are a Part, David J. Flinders. Notes on Composing and Composition, Elliot W. Eisner and Susan Freeman. Eisner’s Evaluation in the Age of Race to the Top, Derek Gottlieb. Common Core and Inner Core: Cocollaborators in Preparing Teachers to Serve All Learners, Paul Michalec. A Model of Associated Teaching, Brian White. The 4E Wiki Writing Model: Redefining Collaboration for Technological Relevance, Jenifer Thornton. Translating Sustainability: The Design of a Secondary Charter School, Todd Hodgkinson. Making a Long-Term Impact on Students Through a Place-Based Experiential Approach to Academics, Lauren Victor. Teachers’ Revitalizing the Culture Commons: An Ecological Imperative for the 21st Century Curriculum, Audrey Dentith and Debra A. Root. Technology From Gutenberg to Google and the Plastic Brain: A Review of Nicholas Carr’s The Shallows, Kari Hodge and Lucinda Harman. Review of I’d Like to Apologize to Every Teacher I’ve Ever Had: My Year as a Rookie Teacher at Northeast High by Tony Danza, Jacqueline Bach and Sarah Ramsey. Acknowledgments. About the Authors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781623964320

- EDU007000 - EDUCATION: Curricula
- EDU032000 - EDUCATION: Leadership
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