On Indian Ground
The Southwest
Edited by:
John W. Tippeconnic III, Arizona State University and California State University San Marcos
Mary Jo Tippeconnic Fox, University of Arizona
A volume in the series: On Indian Ground: A Return to Indigenous Knowledge-Generating Hope, Leadership and Sovereignty through Education. Editor(s): Joely Proudfit, California State University San Marcos . Linda Sue Warner, Northeastern A & M College.
Published 2021
On Indian Ground: The Southwest is one of ten regionally focused texts that explores American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian education in depth. The text is designed to be used by educators of native youth and emphasizes best practices found throughout the state. Previous texts on American Indian education make wide-ranging general assumptions that all American Indians are alike. This series promotes specific interventions and relies on native ways of knowing to highlight place-based educational practices.
On Indian Ground: The Southwest looks at the history of Indian education within the southwestern states. The authors also analyze education policy and tribal education departments to highlight early childhood education, gifted and talented educational practice, parental involvement, language revitalization, counseling, and research. These chapters expose cross-cutting themes of sustainability, historical bias, economic development, health and wellness, and cultural competence.
The intended audience for this publication is primarily those educators who have American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian students in their educational institutions. The articles range from early childhood and head start practices to higher education, including urban, rural and reservation schooling practices. A secondary audience: American Indian education researcher.
Preface, Joely Proudfit and Linda Sue Warner. Introduction, John W. Tippeconnic III and Mary Jo Tippeconnic Fox. Southwest Indian Education History, John R. Gram and Jon Reyhner. Self-Determination Versus Settler Colonial Assimilationist Policies in Indian Education, Jon Reyhner and Joseph Martin. Southwest Tribal Perspectives on Native Language Learning and Assessment: Culture and Practice Implications for Early Childhood Education, Christine P. Sims, Nicole L. Thompson, Jessica V. Barnes-Najor, and Lana Garcia. Community Inspired Approaches to Indigenous Education in New Mexico, Glenabah Martinez, Leola Tsinnajinnie-Paquin, Vincent Werito, Lorenda Belone, Cathy Gutierrez-Gomez, Terri Flowerday, Lloyd Lee, and Robin Zape-tah-hol-ah Minthorn. Puente De Ho zho : An Evolving Story of Revitalization, Schooling, and Globalization in the Southwest, Robert P. Kelty, Michael Fillerup, and Angelina E. Castagno. Shifting Frames: Language Revitalization in Support of Tribal Sovereignty, Elizabeth Ann Redd and Aresta Tsosie-Paddock. Finding Face, Finding Heart, and Finding Foundation: The Making of an Indigenous Teacher, Valerie J. Shirley. A Native Perspective of the Social Studies Curriculum in Arizona, Cynthia Benally. Decolonial Praxis: Hopi/Tewa Educators Engage Critical Indigenous Theories and Pedagogy, Jeremy Garcia. Higher Education: Serving Native Students at Land Grant Institutions in the Southwest, Kestrel A. Smith. Giving Back as an Educational Outcome for Postsecondary Indigenous Students, Jameson D. Lopez. K’e , A daa’ A kohwiinidzin: Relationships and Knowing Yourself, Amelia I. Black and Cynthia Benally. Connecting With Indigenous Students Using Trauma-Informed Approaches in Today’s Educational Landscape, Paulina Whitehat. American Indian Education Funding: Funding Need, Sources, and Observations, John W. Tippeconnic III and Mary Jo Tippeconnic Fox. Culture and Power in Preparing Leaders for American Indian/Alaska Native Schools, Joseph Martin. Moving Toward Community Controlled Research: An Analysis of Research Policies of Arizona Tribes With Implications for Indian Country, Naomi M. Tom. American Indian Educational Architecture in the Southwest, Jason Tippeconnic Fox and Mary Jo Tippeconnic Fox. About the Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-440-5

- SOC021000 - SOCIAL SCIENCE: ETHNIC STUDIES: Native American Studies
- EDU016000 - EDUCATION: History
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