Student Leadership Model for Hispanic Serving and Emerging Hispanic Serving Institutions
Norma S. Guerra, University of Texas at San Antonio
Daniel Loera, University of La Verne
Martha Enciso, California State University, Fullerton
Lorena Claeys, The University of Texas at San Antonio
Published 2024
Although empirical evidence indicates that HSIs (Hispanic Serving Institutions) are making some progress in recognizing that enhancing the racial and cultural experiences of Latino/a/x students, “Latinx-enhancing” is part of their role as institutions that enroll and serve large numbers of minoritize students (Garcia, 2019), there are still institutional gaps on prioritizing opportunities for Latino/a/x students to engage in leadership development.
Latino/a/x students often rely on informal out-of-college support systems found in their community-- comunidad, such as family and peers to thrive within college (Ceballo, 2004; Easley, et al, 2012), it is important to assist them in their development and implementation of strengths-based problem-solving communication approach (Guerra, 2015, 2016).
"This book is valuable to scholars and practitioners of higher education, especially those at minority-serving institutions invested in culturally relevant approaches to student success and asset-based development—particularly in relation to Latinx students and communities. Overall, the book paints a beautiful portrait of culturally responsive leadership that is rooted in partnership with the students we serve." — Christian A. Bracho, California State University, Long Beach
"The manuscript presents a perspective that has been untapped at HSIs- the student, student leadership and the student advocacy that is required to improve and intentionally influence HSI development. To date, no other work has been developed that addresses the role of the student in growth and servingness at HSIs." — Paloma Vargas, Oxnard College
Endorsement. Preface. Introduction. SECTION I: HSI STUDENT CHAPTER 1: AHSIE Student Leadership Institute: Validation of Self: Who is the HSI Student Leader? CHAPTER 2: HSI Student Assets and Cultural Efficacy: Trust of Self and Others. CHAPTER 3: HSI Culturally Embracing Self: Identifying One’s Cultural Efficacy. CHAPTER 4: HSI Student Leadership and Advocacy. SECTION II: CHANGE AND GROWTH CHAPTER 5: Inclusive Strategic Planning Guidelines for Processing Hispanic Serving Institutional Change. CHAPTER 6: HSI Students and Human Development. CHAPTER 7: HSI Student and Strength-Based Problem-Solving. CHAPTER 8: HSI Student and Social Development. SECTION III: HSI STUDENT LEADER COMMISSION CHAPTER 9: Anchoring to Strength-Based Problem-Solving Communication. CHAPTER 10: Creating Your HSI Student Leadership Experience in Comunidad. Glossary. Appendix 1: Text Examples: HSI Students. Biographies.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook979-8-88730-535-6

- EDU032000 - EDUCATION: Leadership
- EDU015000 - EDUCATION: Higher
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