Journal of Character Education
Vol. 11 #2
Edited by:
Jacques S. Benninga, California State University, Fresno
Marvin W Berkowitz, University of Missouri - St. Louis
A volume in the series: Journal of Character Education. Editor(s): Marvin W Berkowitz, University of Missouri - St. Louis. Jonathan M. Tirrell, Tufts University.
Published 2015
The Journal of Character Education is the only professional journal in education devoted to character education. It is designed to cover the field—from the latest research to applied best practices. We include original research reports, editorials and conceptual articles by the best minds in our field, reviews of latest books, ideas and examples of the integration with character education of socio‐emotional learning and other relevant strategies, and manuscripts by educators that describe best practices in teaching and learning related to character education.
The Journal of Character Education has for over a decade been the sole scholarly journal focused on research, theory, measurement, and practice of character education. This issue includes four empirical articles, a practitioner’s voice, and a book review. Topics covered in this issue include different approaches to character education in the classroom (e.g., using literature, narrative writing), how teachers promote character education, and how coaches may promote character development.
Narnian Virtues: C.S. Lewis as Character Educator, Mark Pike, Thomas Lickona, and Victoria Nesfield
Promoting Character Development through Coach Education, F. Clark Power and Alesha D. Seroczynski
The Character of Achievement: An Analysis of Teachers’ Instructional Practices for Character Education, Claire Robertson‐Kraft and Kimberly Austin
What’s Important to Me: Identifying At‐Risk and Resilient Students through Narrative Writing about Personal Values, Cesalie T. Stepney, Maurice J. Elias, and Yakov M. Epstein
VOICESCultivating the Interaction of Academics and Character Education: A Teacher’s Call for Modest Adjustments in David Levin’s Character Education Course and Similar Programs, Dan LaSalle
BOOK REVIEWCharacter Under Attack and What You Can Do About It, by Carl Sommer (2006) Reviewed by Michael Hylen

Developing an Intersectional Consciousness and Praxis Moving Toward Antiracist Efforts in Higher Education
Ethical Considerations for Research and Practice in the Human Sciences
Inclusion Diversity Equity & Access
Journal of Character Education Vol. 18 #1
Mentoring Doctoral Students in Higher Education An International Perspective
Mentoring for Wellbeing in Higher Education
Students as Curriculum