New Directions in Human Resource Management
Edited by:
Chester A. Schriesheim, University of Miami
Linda L. Neider, University of Miami
A volume in the series: Research in Management. Editor(s): Timothy Ewest, Houston Baptist University.
Published 2003
Leaders for a Movement: An Introduction to Professional Preparation and Development of Middle Level Teachers and Administrators, P. Gayle Andrews and Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. Part I: Professional Preparation and Development of Middle Level Teachers. Middle Level Teacher Preparation: Status, Progress, and Challenges, C. Kenneth McEwin, Thomas S. Dickinson, and Tracy W. Smith. When Puberty Defines Middle School Students: Challenging Secondary Education Majors’ Perceptions of Middle Level Students, Schools, and Teaching, Angela J. Lexmond. Preparing Middle Level Teachers in Field-Based Cohorts, Micki M. Caskey. Approaching and Avoiding the Middle: Teacher Preparation in New Zealand, C. J. Patrick Nolan, Ruth G. Kane, and Peter Lind. Professional Development and the Middle School: Tangled Threads, Thomas S. Dickinson, Deborah A. Butler, and M. Michele Pittard. Effective Professional Development: What Is It?, P. Elizabeth Pate and Katherine F. Thompson. Professional Development for Middle Grades Teachers: Does One Size Fit All?, Nancy Flowers and Steven B. Mertens. National Board Certification as Staff Development: A Teacher’s Perspective, Timothy M. Mullen and P. Gayle Andrews. Part II: Professional Preparation and Development of Middle Level Administrators. Leadership Standards or Leaving Standardization for Leadership? What Best Meets the Needs of a Middle Level Movement During Times of Severe Turbulence?, Steven Jay Gross. Voices from the Middle: Pre-Service Preparation and Professional Development of Middle School Principals, Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. and Kathleen M. Brown. Support for New and Experienced Middle Level Principals: A Proposed Model for Professional Development, Vicki N. Petzko. Distributed Leadership in the Middle Grades: Lessons from School Self-Assessment, Pritha Gopalan and Alexandra T. Weinbaum. Leadership for Results, Ronald Williamson and Susan Galletti. Leadership Self-Efficacy: Beginning an Inquiry into the Development and Impact of Middle School Principal Leadership, Stephen E. Lucas. A Constructivist Approach to Developing Transformational Urban School Leaders, Sue C. Thompson, Donna M. Davis, Loyce Caruthers, and Larry Gregg. Stranger in a Strange Land: School Climate, Theory, and Practice, Mark T. Miles. Part III: Resources. Early Adolescent Developmental Psychology Syllabus, T. Chris Riley-Tillman. Elementary School and Middle School Curriculum Syllabus, Richard P. Lipka. The National Forum’s Policy Statement on Teacher Preparation: The National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform. Guidelines for Observation and Participation in the Classroom, P. Maureen Musser and Rosalyn Edelson. Turning Points: Some Questions to Ask, Sally N. Clark and Donald C. Clark. Using Structured Interviews to Facilitate Reflection and Systematic School Improvement, Donald C. Clark and Sally N. Clark. Eastern Kentucky University’s Middle Grades Methods, Dorie Combs, Melinda Wilder, Keith Kull, Sara Moore, Faye Newsome, Rodney White, and John Brown. Middle Grades Master Teacher Interview Guide, Holly Thornton. Tomorrow’s Teachers Today: A Symposium on Middle Level Teacher Preparation: Summary Session—A Professional Development Technique, Mary Henton. Middle Level Teacher Education Questionnaire, Paul D. Deering and Barbara DeBaryshe. Kimo’s Not-So-Excellent Day in Intermediate School: A Parable about Life in Traditional Middle Level Schools, Paul D. Deering. About the Authors. Index.
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Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781607529194
- Advances in Authentic and Ethical Leadership
- Affect and Emotion New Directions in Management Theory and Research
- Current Theory and Research in Transforming Organizations
- Perspectives on Justice and Trust in Organizations
- Power and Influence in Organizations
- Research in Management International Perspectives
- The 'Dark' Side of Management