Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Business
Edited by:
Wolfgang Amann, HEC Paris
Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Canadian University Dubai
A volume in the series: Contemporary Perspectives in Corporate Social Performance and Policy. Editor(s): Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch, Canadian University Dubai.
Published 2020
Artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are one of top investment priorities in these days. They are aimed at finding applications in fields of special value for humans, including education.
The fourth industrial revolution will replace not only human hands but also human brains, the time of machines requires new forms of work and new ways of business education, however we must be aware that if there is no control of human-chatbot interaction, there is a risk of losing sight of this interaction’s goal. First, it is important to get people to truly understand AI systems, to intentionally participate in their use, as well as to build their trust, because “the measure of success for AI applications is the value they create for human lives” (Stanford University 2016, 33). Consequently, society needs to adapt to AI applications if it is to extend its benefits and mitigate the inevitable errors and failures. This is why it is highly recommended to create new AI-powered tools for education that are the result of cooperation between AI researchers and humanities’ and social sciences’ researchers, who can identify cognitive processes and human behaviors.
This book is authored by a range of international experts with a diversity of backgrounds and perspectives hopefully bringing us closer to the responses for the questions what we should teach (what the ‘right’ set of future skills is), how we should teach (the way in which schools should teach and assess them) and where we should teach (what implications does AI have for today’s education infrastructure). We must remember as we have already noticed before “…education institutions would need to ensure that that they have an appropriate infrastructure, as well as the safety and credibility of AI-based systems. Ultimately, the law and policies need to adjust to the rapid pace of AI development, because the formal responsibility for appropriate learning outcomes will in future be divided between a teacher and a machine. Above all, we should ensure that AI respect human and civil rights (Stachowicz-Stanusch, Amann, 2018)”.
Acknowledgements. PART I: INTRODUCTION. Should We Be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence? Towards Understanding, Consciousness and Responsibility of Artificial Intelligence, Agata Stachowicz-Stanusch and Wolfgang Amann. PART II: THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON THE BUSINESS WORLD: THE CHALLENGES. How Will AI Change/Impact Management and Business World, Li-Hwa Hung and Kuo-Shun Sun. Should We Fear Artificial Intelligence? Athanasios Chymis. In the AI Era, Soft Skills are the New Hard Skills, Niva Dolev and Yariv Itzkovich. Artificial Intelligence in the Industry 4.0: Managerial Approach and Challenges for Leaders, Aneta Aleksander. PART III: THE IMPACT OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ON BUSINESS WORLD: THE IMPLICATIONS. Subjectivity of the Dyadic Relationship Human-Robot in the Light of Intentional Stance: Implications For Performing Knowledge-Based Work, Agnieszka Wojtczuk-Turek. An AI and Robotic World: Which Implications for Social Responsibility? Duane Windsor. Integrating Artificial Intelligence Concepts into Traditional University Business Management Programs, Marjorie L. McInerney and Marc Sollosy. Digital-Era Governance: Implications for Management Education and Training in Public Sector, Filomena Buonocore, Paola Briganti, Davide de Gennaro and Luisa Varriale. Organizational Innovation in Healthcare: The Role of Information Technology, Stefania De Simone and Andrea Tomo. About the Editors and Contributors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook9781648020759
- BUS041000 - BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: Management
- EDU000000 - EDUCATION: General
- Academic Social Responsibility Sine Qua Non for Corporate Social Performance
- Contemporary Perspectives in Corporate Social Performance and Policy The Middle Eastern Perspective
- Fostering Sustainability by Management Education
- Management Education for Corporate Social Performance
- Mastering Anti-Corruption The Practitioners' View
- Organizational Social Irresponsibility Tools and Theoretical Insights
- The Social Issue in Contemporary Society Relations Between Companies, Public Administrations and People