Queer & Trans Advocacy in the Community College
Edited by:
Joshua Moon Johnson, American River College
Emilie Mitchell, Cosumnes River College
Lemuel W. Watson, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University
A volume in the series: Contemporary Perspectives on LGBTQ Advocacy in Societies. Editor(s): Lemuel W. Watson, Kinsey Institute, Indiana University. Erin A. Mikulec, Illinois State University. Kyle O'Daniel, Mahomet-Seymour High School.
Published 2022
LGBTQ+ advocacy and support continues to be a priority in the U.S. higher education, and recent research shows this as a critical population who continues to be marginalized and mistreated on college and university campuses. Over the last few decades there has been significant research describing how LGBTQ students experience higher education and highlighting that these students are not graduating or succeeding at the same rates as the general population. However, few if any research studies or articles address LGBTQ advocacy on community college campuses. There are more than 1,000 community colleges in the U.S. Even with the extraordinary number of students that the community college system educates, approximately 15 institutions nationally have paid staff to provide LGBTQ services to students. That being said, community colleges are now putting a larger emphasis on understanding and supporting this community. For example, The California Community College (CCC) system’s 116 colleges now require all campuses to create a plan on how to improve success rates of LGBTQ+ students. The CCC is the largest higher education system in the country serving over 2 million students. This comprehensive practitioner focused book will combine relevant research and guidance on practices to aid colleges in establishing services and programs to build effective LGBTQ+ services on their college campuses.
"Read. This. Book! Our community college LGBTQ+ students are crying out for support and understanding. They want to thrive and succeed at our colleges and we need to develop our capacity to listen, learn and engage with this critical student population.” — Lori M. Berquam, Mesa Community College
“As President of the Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA), I see the value “Queer and Trans Advocacy in the Community College” adds to our call for equity and justice. This is an effective and practical tool for anyone who wants to understand how to be an advocate, accomplice, and ally to our LGBTQ+ family. Written with freshness, honesty, intensity, and power.” — Wyman M. Fong, Association of California Community College Administrators (ACCCA)
"I am thrilled to see new research on LGBTQ+ needs on Community Colleges. The number of LGBTQ+ Centers on university campuses have grown over the last 20 years but most colleges do not have LGBTQ+ Centers. This book expands the knowledge, dialogue, and efforts in LGBTQ+ services for students at Community Colleges. It is an exciting new resource for Community Colleges." — Bruce E. Smail, Indiana University
“Queer & Trans Advocacy in the Community College is good old fashion truth telling. An honest critique of the barriers systems impose on people and in particular those from the LGBT+ communities. The call to action is palpable and the guidance actionable. Community Colleges must welcome the challenge and aggressively respond to the pervasive needs of the Queer and Trans communities.” — Melanie Dixon, Los Rios Community College District
“Queer & Trans Advocacy in the Community College is a ground-breaking book. It offers valuable insights into the challenges that LGBTQ+ community college students face, and it provides concrete suggestions for how colleges can help this vulnerable population achieve their academic and career goals. This should be a must-read for every community college professional who is dedicated to improving the diversity, equity, and inclusion climate at their college.“ — Erika Endrijonas, Pasadena City College
Foreword. Acknowledgement. CHAPTER 1: An Introduction to Queer and Trans Advocacy in the Community College. CHAPTER 2: Historical Context and Perspectives for LGBTQ+ Centers/Services. CHAPTER 3: Identities, Intersections, and Student Support. CHAPTER 4: Institutionalizing LGBTQ Efforts. CHAPTER 5: Building Partnerships for Impact. CHAPTER 6: Practitioners’ Voices. CHAPTER 7: Students’ Voices CHAPTER 8: Conclusion. References. About the Authors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-922-6

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