Social and Emotional Learning in Out-Of-School Time

Foundations and Futures

Edited by:
Elizabeth Devaney, Children’s Institute, University of Rochester
Deborah A. Moroney, American Institutes for Research

A volume in the series: Current Issues in Out-of-School Time. Editor(s): Helen Janc Malone, Institute for Educational Leadership.

Published 2018

This volume focuses on social and emotional learning (SEL) from a variety of perspectives. The goal of the volume is to offer a clear framing of SEL in relation to other related out-of-school time concepts and initiatives. SEL has gained popularity as a concept in recent years and there remains confusion as well as great interest in the meaning and implementation of SEL in OST. Policymakers, researchers, and practitioners are pursuing work related to SEL in OST and this volume offers an opportunity to share that work by:

• Defining and explaining SEL in a variety of out of school contexts and highlighting opportunities for integration and alignment with other fields (e.g., formal education)

• Clarifying the language and framework confusion and honoring the field’s foundation in thinking about social and emotional development through high quality youth development practice

• Sharing information about current trends and new developments and how that work is shaping the field across the developmental continuum

• Making the research to practice connection by including in each chapter foundational research on the topic, evidence of effective efforts, and practical implications

• Offering recommendations for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers related to SEL in OST settings


"The social and emotional development of our nation's youth is a common, essential concern of those working in school and out of school. This volume will be the catalyst for long overdue conversation, collaboration, and synergy. It is essential reading for practitioners, researchers, and policy makers in both contexts who are concerned with preparing children for the tests of life, and not a life of tests." ~ Maurice J. Elias, Ph.D., Rutgers University, Co-director, Academy for Social-Emotional Learning in Schools and After School Settings

"Having spent all of my adult life working with, and advocating for, high-quality youth programming, I understand the critical role out-of-school-time (OST) programs play in the social and emotional development of young people. As the Executive Director of the New York State Network for Youth Success, I am thrilled to see such a comprehensive view of current best practices and research on social-emotional learning (SEL) in OST programs. It is exciting and encouraging to see so much documented progress with SEL in OST condensed into one comprehensive book that furthers understanding of both research-informed practices and systems building around policy. This book, edited by two leading researchers in the field, Elizabeth Devaney and Deborah Moroney, should be required reading for any practitioners, policy makers, and educators in the field. Both the editors' and contributors' emphasis on making SEL an "intentional practice" is the exact conversation we all should be having right now." ~ Kelly Malone Sturgis, Executive Director, New York State Network for Youth Success

"Social Emotional Learning and Out-Of-School-Time: Foundations and Futures is an extremely important and timely publication. The scope and depth of this work makes it a must read for any serious out-of-school-time or K-12 educator. In 2014 California identified social emotional learning as the most promising bridge to bring coherence between expanded learning programs and the school day. (A Vision for Expanded Learning in California – Strategic Plan 2014-2016) I have found this to be the exact case. All across California, school day and out-of-school-time professionals are having deep and authentic conversations about youth centered collaborative efforts. We also know that providing social emotional development opportunities is a corner stone for any high quality out-of-school-time program. I plan to share this publication widely with K-12 educators, policy makers, parents and so many others." ~ Michael Funk, Director, Expanded Learning Division, California Department of Education

Book reviews:

Journal of Youth Development: Book Review—Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School-Time: Foundations and Futures

Youth Today: Outstanding Insights About SEL in OST in Major Book

Foreword: Social and Emotional Learning In and Out of School Benefits Young People, Joseph l. Mahoney and Roger P. Weissberg. SECTION I: SEL IN OST: BACKGROUND AND FRAMEWORKS. Focusing and Framing SEL in OST: An Introduction to the Volume, Elizabeth Devaney and Deborah Moroney. The Challenges of Blending Youth Development and Social and Emotional Learning: Getting More Intentional About How Competencies Are Both Caught and Taught in Out-of-School Time, Dale A. Blyth. SECTION II: RESEARCH-INFORMED SEL PRACTICE. From Quality to SEL: A Community in Motion, Christina Dandino, Luiz A. Perez, and Carla Stough Huffman. Social and Emotional Learning in Elementary School, Bridget Durkan Laird, Jolie Logan, and Elizabeth Mester. A Combined Approach to Summer, SEL, and STEM in Boston and Providence, Hillary Salmons and Chris Smith. Supporting Social and Emotional Learning Among Teens Through Instructor Practice, Mary Ellen Caron and Jill Young. Social and Emotional Learning and Connections to the School Day, Katie Brohawn and Saskia Traill. How Out-of-School Time Can Support College and Career Readiness Through Social and Emotional Learning, Jennifer Brown Lerner and Carinne Deeds. SECTION III: SEL SYSTEMS AND POLICY. Building a System of SEL: A Pathway to Change, Leona Hess, Denice Williams, J. Tyler McCormick, and Jessica Jackson. The Role of Statewide After-School Networks in Social and Emotional Learning Systems Building, Ken Anthony. Building Capacity for Social and Emotional Learning at the District and State Level, Katie Brackenridge. Social and Emotional Learning in Out-of-School Time: Public Opinion and Policy Landscape, Jodi Grant and Dan Gilbert. SEL: Fertile Ground for Philanthropy, Rebecca Goldberg, Haviland Rummel Sharvit, and Polly Singh. SECTION IV: SEL RESEARCH, MEASUREMENT, AND ASSESSMENT. The Measurement of Youth Social and Emotional Competencies in OST Settings, Gil G. Noam, Patricia J. Allen, and Bailey Triggs. Describing and Measuring Adult Instructional Practice in OST Settings for Middle and High School Youth, Kiley Bednar, Karen Pittman, Joseph Bertoletti, Poonam Borah, Stephen C. Peck, and Charles Smith. Measuring Social and Emotional Skills in OST Settings: Opportunities and Challenges, Neil Naftzger and Sarah Terry. Closing Commentary, Karen Pittman.

"Most books on SEL only mention individual SEL assessments and program evaluations and do not include the research base to substantiate the instruments. This book offers numerous assessments, strategies, program recommendations, and evaluations to make the lives of individuals better by implementing good, research-based SEL." Mary M. Murray Bowling Green State University in School Community Journal (Read full review)