Current Issues in Out-of-School Time

About the Book Series
The Current Issues in Out-of-School Time (OST) series, published by Information Age Publishing, promotes and disseminates original theoretical and empirical research, promising practices, and policy perspectives from practitioners to further grow and develop the OST field.

The Current Issues in Out-of-School Time book series bridges research and practice, and is guided by the following principles: a) includes a focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, and culture; bridges and includes chapters ono research, policy, and practice; appeals to a variety of OST audiences—including researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and philanthropy; elevates youth voices; and is intended to spark cross-sectoral conversations and collaborations.

The first book in the series, The Growing Out-of-School Time Field: Past, Present, and Future (2017) lays the foundation on which the series rests. Social and Emotional Learning in Out-Of-School-Time: Foundations and Futures (2018) offers a clear framing of SEL in relation to other OST concepts and initiatives. Our third book, Changemakers! Practitioners Advance Equity and Access in Out-of-School Time Programs (2019), addresses through an equity lens considerations organizations, programs, and OST professionals should hold when engaging underserved young people and communities. At Our Best: Building Youth-Adult Partnerships in Out-of-School Time Settings (2020) brings together the voices of over 50 adults and youth to explore both the promises and challenges of intergenerational work in out-of-school time (OST) programs. Our fifth book, Measure, Use, Improve! Data Use in Out-of-School Time (2021), shares wisdom on building support for learning and evaluation in OST, creating and sustaining quality improvement efforts, authentically engaging youth people and caregivers in evaluation, and securing funder support for evaluation. Our sixth book, It Takes an Ecosystem (2022), explores the idea and potential of the Allied Youth Fields—an aspirational term that suggests increased connection across the multiple systems in which adults engage with young people, and provides research and examples to make the case that each young person’s learning and development is shaped in positive and negative ways by the interactions they have with all the adults in their life. Our latest book, The Heartbeat of the Youth Development Field: Professional Journeys of Growth, Connection, and Transformation (2023), shines a light on the intricate connections between research and practice touching upon both the vulnerability and triumph of youth development work.

The audience for this book series is wide-ranging, including: teachers and youth-serving professionals, schools and school districts, education and youth development leaders at all levels (including intermediaries, direct-service national/regional/local organization, membership organizations), college students and faculty, evaluators and researchers, funders, and other decision-makers and policy influencers. We look for book volumes that offer diverse perspectives on cross-cutting issues in the OST field.

The Book Series Board

Dr. Helen Janc Malone (Series Editor), Senior Vice President for Strategy, Research, and Policy, Institute for Educational Leadership. Dr. Jaynemarie Angbah, Director, REDI Change Learning Journey, Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies. Horatio Blackman, Vice President for Education Policy, Advocacy, and Engagement, National Urban League. Brodrick Clarke, Vice President of Programs, National Summer Learning Association. Jessie Dickerson, Manager of Program Quality Systems, American Camp Association. Edward Franklin, Rebecca Goldberg, Consultant, Rebecca Goldberg Consulting. President/CEO, Voice of Hope Ministries. Dr. Georgia Hall, Director, National Institute on Out-of-School Time (NIOST), Wellesley Centers for Women at Wellesley College. Jessica Hay, Education and Healthcare Policy Advocate, California School Employees Association. Dr. Ryan Heath, Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work, Syracuse University. Dr. Elizabeth Hilvert, Manager of Research & Evaluation, Afterschool Matters. Dr. Car Mun Kok, Director of College Opportunity Programs, UC Davis School of Education. Angelica Portillo, Director of Advocacy and Workforce Initiatives, National After School Association. Zakia Redd, Program Area Director, Youth Development, Poverty and Inequality Child Trends. Michelle Rodriguez, Senior Manager, Organizational Learning & Development, YMCA OF THE USA. Charlotte Steinecke, Communications Manager, Afterschool Alliance. Dr. Tanya Wiggins, Clinical Associate Professor, Foundations & Adolescent Education, Pace University. Dr. Steven Worker, 4-H Youth Development Advisor, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Education. Dr. Jill Young, Senior Researcher, Youth, Family, and Community Development, American Institutes for Research.

The Book Series Board Service: A Note of Gratitude

We thank the following former Board members on their service and contribution to advance this book series: Dr. Jennifer Agans, Dr. Tom Akiva, Dr. Karl Alexander, Dr. Ken Anthony, Dr. Dale Blyth, Dr. Corey Bower, Dr. Kimberly Boyer, Dr. Katie Brohawn, Ebony Campbell, Dr. Nikki Dawes, Elizabeth Devaney, Jessica Donner, Dr. Jacquelynne Eccles, Dan Gilbert, Dr. Nia Imani Fields, Terri Fishback, Ayeola Fortune, Ellen Gannett, Dr. Aisha Griffith, Dr. Maria Guzman-Rocha, Dr. Robert Halpern, Dr. Sara Hill, Laura Johnson, Dr. Sabrina Kataoka, Dr. Natalie King, Dr. Reed Larson, Priscilla Little, Sarah Lohnes, Brenda McLaughlin, Dr. Milbrey McLaughlin, Dr. Deborah Moroney, Dr. Gil Noam, Dr. Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir, Karen Pittman, Christina Russell, Byron Sanders, Dr. Mavis Sanders, Carlos Santini, Dr. Sandi Simpkins, Chris Smith, Bela Shah Spooner, Dr. Femi Vance, Dr. Deborah Vandell, Dr. Deepa Vasudevan, Gina Warner, and Dr. Roger Weissberg.

Questions/More Information
For questions about this book series, please contact