Beyond Provincialism
Promoting Global Competencies in Teacher and Educator Preparation
Edited by:
Mahmoud Suleiman, California State University, Bakersfield
Tonya Huber, Texas A&M International University
A volume in the series: International Education Inquiries: People, Places, and Perspectives of Education 2030. Editor(s): Tonya Huber, Texas A&M International University.
Published 2022
International Education Inquiries is a book series dedicated to realizing the global vision of Education 2030. This vision involves “ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all.” The founding editors seek to provide a forum for the diverse voices of scholars and practitioners from across the globe, asking questions about transforming the vision of Education 2030 into a reality. Published chapters will reflect a variety of formats, free of methodological restrictions, involving disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary inquiries. We expect the series will be a leading forum for pioneers redefining the global discussion about the people, places, and perspectives shaping Education 2030 outcomes.
"The educational impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has created the most serious crisis in the history of public education. Addressing this crisis effectively will require efforts aligned with an inclusive and sustainable vision of development, such as articulated by the UN Education 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. To build back better educators need to guide their practice by knowledge that is local as well as global, in ways that help their students understand those interdependencies. Beyond Provincialism is an invitation to such an exploration. In this edited volume, Professors Mahmoud Suleiman and Tonya Huber and their colleagues take the reader on a journey that illuminates the impact of hunger among college students in America, how the SDGs can help turnaround high poverty schools, the role of curriculum to promote cross-national collaboration, and how math and science instruction, as well as study abroad, can help students develop procedural and conceptual knowledge that makes visible the relevance of what they learn to the world around them and the impact of the pandemic on teacher preparation in Palestine. The kaleidoscope of insights offered by this book will expand the global awareness and understanding of education as a global activity. A timely and useful resource for teachers and teacher educators that will contribute to advance a transformational education that helps us build back better from the devastation created by the pandemic." — Fernando M. Reimers, Harvard Graduate School of Education
"Suleiman and Huber convene a dynamic group of scholars committed to transforming our schools. Using the latest theories and methodological approaches, Beyond Provincialism offers crucial frameworks to understand teaching and learning in a global perspective. This groundbreaking volume wholeheartedly embraces the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and calls upon all of us to simultaneously dismantle systemic inequality and promote equity and social justice in pre-K-20 schools across nations and their institutions. It’s simply a must-read book, especially for practitioners, educators, reformers, researchers, and policy-makers who seek to internationalize education and take it beyond its cursory provincial goals." — Gilberto Q. Conchas, Wayne K. and Anita Woolfolk Hoy, Pennsylvania State University
"At a time when proponents of diversity, equity and inclusion are under attack, it is valuable to examine Beyond Provincialism to see how far we still need to go to reform schools and invest in teacher, educator and leader preparation. Grounded in solid frameworks, this timely and informative book astutely provides insights from forceful practitioners, scholars, and researchers whose fascinating experiences and models have practical implications for promoting global multicultural competencies needed to combat racist mindsets and provincial outlooks. Based on Education 2030 vision, the book provides a thoughtful blueprint for integrating international and global dimensions in teacher and educator preparation." — Ken Magdaleno, Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research (CLEAR)
Interpretive Framework: The Place of Sustainable Development Goals in Educator Preparation Programs for Local–Global Professionals, Mahmoud Suleiman and Tonya Huber. Editor’s Introduction: Towards Becoming a Local–Global Education Professional, Mahmoud Suleiman. PART I: ALTRUISM, COLLECTIVISM, COSMOPOLITANISM, AND PLURALISM. Empowering the Hungry and Hesitant Among College Pantry Users Within the Context of Goal 2 of the Sustainable Development Goals, Jason Watkins and Mahmoud Suleiman. Global Thinking, Local Action: Promoting Global Competencies and Sustainable School Improvement in High-Poverty Contexts, Marco A. Muñoz, P. Tyler Stevens, and R. Aaron Wisman. Global Social Justice in Education: Developing a Virtual Intercultural Community of Practice, Lili Zhou, Bima Sapkota, Rose Mbewe, Jill Newton, and JoAnn Phillion. PART II: EQUITY, DIVERSITY, INCLUSION, AND PEDAGOGY. Knowing the World Through Mathematics: Development of an Undergraduate Mathematics Course for International Social Justice, Michael Lolkus and Jill Newton. Fire Ecology in Fourth Grade: Moving Place-Based Education to the Global Stage, Emily C. Adah Miller, Susan K. Codere, Jeanane Charara, Alice Severson, and Hannah Spaul. Internationalization of the Curriculum: Planning, Implementation, and Expected Learning Outcomes, Eugenia Charoni. The Effects of Utilizing Distance Learning on Palestinian Teachers’ Knowledge and Skills, Iyad Elias Rabea, Naseem Mustafa Khatib, and Zaher Mustafa Atwa. About the Editors. About the Contributors. Recognizing Reviewers’ Critical Feedback.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook979-8-88730-014-6

- EDU053000 - EDUCATION: Training & Certification
- EDU046000 - EDUCATION: Professional Development
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