Millennial Spring
Designing the Future of Organizations
Edited by:
Miram Grace, The Boeing Company
George B. Graen, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana (retired)
A volume in the series: LMX Leadership: The Series. Editor(s): George B. Graen, University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana (retired).
Published 2014
Our corporate dominated world is resisting the best efforts of the “under 30s” to shape it into the information age. This eBook contains information about what the careers of the “under 30s” corporation will become. This was done examining recent trends in careers of “growing-tip” companies like Apple, Boeing, Microsoft and US and international design schools.
The world of careers is changing fast, and the millennials – the generation of people who became adults around 2000, or in the decade or so after – have been right in the middle of it. From Independence Square in Kyiv to the streets of Caracas, from Taksim Square in Istanbul to Zuccoti Park in New York, and from Silicon Valley to Wall Street, it’s the 30-and-under crowd courageously leading the quest for different ways. Less invested in past approaches, tech-savvy to a fault, and painfully aware of the challenges left to them by earlier generations, they’re not willing to “settle” – to make the same compromises (and mistakes) they think their parents made. And although they sometimes get rapped for being self-centered, all the evidence I see – and I’ve taught thousands of them on two continents, and even have one in my own family -- suggests that the millennials represent real hope for the future. Please consider this a call to all millennials – here, in the pages of this book, are some of the means. Get out there and create the under-30s revolution. Solve the problems your parents couldn’t. Do it together, with a conscientious eye to what works for all involved. Get out there and save the world.
Preface. A Note from the Series Editor. Foreword: Call for an Under-30s Revolution. PART I: PREFLIGHT. A Briefing, Miriam Grace and George Graen. PART II: AIRWORTHINESS. Welcome to the Future of Organizations: Design, Analytics, Innovation! Miriam Grace. Butterfly Designs for Y Careers, George Graen. (Re)Starting from Scratch, Andrea Cifor and Sarah Chana Mocke. PART III: EVENT HORIZONS. Navigating the World of Innovation: A Suggested Path for Today’s Business Managers, Min Basadur. Leverage Points and Prototypes: Integrating Systems Thinking and Design Thinking to Help Organizations Evolve, Peter Coughlan and Colleen F. Ponto. Essential Reins for Guiding Complex Organizations, James K. Hazy and Tomas Backström. PART IV: NEW LANDS. Foundations for Cross-Cultural Success, Deborah E. Gibbons. Introducing Design-Driven Innovation: A Challenging Ride Towards New Possibilities, Marcus Jahnke and Ulla Johansson Sköldberg. The Times They Are A-Changin’ . . . Are We? Frame-Changing Design for Military Interventions, Ben Zweibelson, Grant Martin, and Chris Paparone. Thank You for Your Service! A Design Intervention for Transitioning Soldiers, Skip Rowland. PART V: A DECADE OF PROGRESS. A Call for Strong Design Language, Fred Collopy and Richard Boland. PART VI: DEBRIEFING. The Art of Conducting Dynamic Emergence, Michael N. Erickson. About the Contributors.

- BUS000000 - BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: General
- BUS071000 - BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: Leadership
- BUS085000 - BUSINESS & ECONOMICS: Organizational Behavior
Global Organizing Designs
Knowledge-Driven Corporation Complex Creative Destruction
Management of Team Leadership in Extreme Context Defending Our Homeland, Protecting Our First Responders
New Frontiers of Leadership
New Multinational Network Sharing
Predator's Game-Changing Designs Research-Based Tools
Sharing Network Leadership