The Payne Center Book Series

The Dr. N. Joyce Payne Center for Social Justice was established by the Thurgood Marshall College Fund to provide pragmatic policy ideas highlighting research from and about HBCUs. The mission of the Payne Center is to conduct and convene public policy research that centers the lives of Black Americans and other marginalized groups. The Payne Center’s research philosophy asserts that those directly impacted by systemic discrimination and injustice are often well-suited to propose solutions to eliminate those barriers.

Call for Publications

The Payne Center Book Series seeks publications that provide pragmatic policy ideas related to social justice. In particular, it invites research on social justice and civic participation, economics & wealth, educational equity, the future of work, communities & environments, and organizational entities.

1) Civic Participation: Research on the life experiences of Black Americans and other marginalized groups in the public space, government structures, body politics, and civic institutions.

(2) Economics & Wealth: Research on the distribution of tangible resources and the expansion and access to wealth via homeownership, financial education, and entrepreneurship.

(3) Educational Equity: Research on equitable educational opportunities and outcomes from birth to adulthood.

(4) The Future of Work: Research on the contexts of workplaces, pathways to the workforce, and the disaggregation of labor.

(5) Communities & Environments: Research on health disparities that pervade American society and the influences on life

(6) Organizational Entities: Research on legacy institutions or movements created, populated, or operated by Black Americans and other marginalized groups to accelerate social justice (particularly within the ten areas of people activity: economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, gender/sex, war, and health.

Submitting a Manuscript Prospectus:
In addition to a current curriculum vita, authors submitting a prospectus for consideration should include in their narrative: (1) a treatment of the book’s conceptual/theoretical approach; (2) a review of the relevant literature; (3) commentary on the method of inquiry; (4) a proposed outline of chapters; (5) an analysis of market competition; (6) a strategy statement on potential sales/readership; and (7) a clear summary of importance or significance of the proposed book. The prospectus should not exceed 30 double-spaced pages (excluding references). Depending on the topic, authors are encouraged to submit one to three sample chapters to facilitate decision-making.

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