Vincent A. Anfara Jr.
University of Tennessee
Vincent A. Anfara, Jr. is Associate Professor and Department Head of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He received the Ph.D. in Educational Administration from the University of New Orleans in 1995. Before entering the professorate, he taught for 23 years in both middle and high schools in Louisiana and New Mexico. His research interests focus on middle school reform, school improvement planning, leadership in middle schools, and issues related to student achievement. He is Past Chair of the National Middle School Association’s (NMSA) Research Advisory Board, Executive Director and Past-President of the American Educational Research Association’s (AERA) Middle Level Education Research Special Interest Group, a member of the AERA SIG Executive Committee, and a member of the National Forum to Accelerate Middle-Grades Reform. He has authored over 80 articles published in journals including Middle School Journal, Research in Middle Level Education Annual, Education and Urban Society, The Journal of School Leadership, NASSP Bulletin, and Educational Researcher. Vincent is the author/editor of 10 books related to middle grades education. Recent works include The Encyclopedia of Middle Grades Education (with Andrews & Mertens, 2005), The Developmentally Responsive Middle Level Principal: A Leadership Model and Measurement Instrument (2006), and Theoretical Frameworks in Qualitative Research (with Mertz, 2007). He serves on the editorial boards of Urban Education, NASSP Bulletin, Research in Middle Level Education Online, and the International Studies in Educational Administration.

Common Planning Time in Middle Level Schools
Research Studies from the MLER SIG’s National Project
2013Steven B. Mertens, Illinois State University; Vincent A. Anfara Jr., University of Tennessee; Micki M. Caskey, Portland State University; Nancy Flowers, CPRD / University of Illinois

An International Look at Educating Young Adolescents
Steven B. Mertens, Illinois State University; Vincent A. Anfara Jr., University of Tennessee; Kathleen Roney, University of North Carolina Wilmington

The Young Adolescent and the Middle School
Steven B. Mertens, Illinois State University; Vincent A. Anfara Jr., University of Tennessee; Micki M. Caskey, Portland State University

The Encyclopedia of Middle Grades Education
Vincent A. Anfara Jr., University of Tennessee; Gayle Andrews, The University of Georgia; Steven B. Mertens, Illinois State University

Reforming Middle Level Education
Considerations for Policymakers
2004Sue C. Thompson, University of Missouri, Kansas City; Vincent A. Anfara Jr., University of Tennessee

Leaders for a Movement
Professional Preparation and Development of Middle Level Teachers and Administrators
2003Vincent A. Anfara Jr., University of Tennessee; Gayle Andrews, The University of Georgia
- FOUNDING EDITORThe Handbook of Resources in Middle Level Education
- FOUNDING EDITORThe Handbook of Research in Middle Level Education
- Administration
- Black Studies
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