American Educational History Journal
Volume 46 #1 & 2
Edited by:
Shirley Marie McCarther, University of Missouri-Kansas City
A volume in the series: American Educational History Journal. Editor(s): Shirley Marie McCarther, University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Published 2019
The American Educational History Journal is a peer-reviewed, national research journal devoted to the examination of educational topics using perspectives from a variety of disciplines. The editors of AEHJ encourage communication between scholars from numerous disciplines, nationalities, institutions, and backgrounds. Authors come from a variety of disciplines including political science, curriculum, history, philosophy, teacher education, and educational leadership. Acceptance for publication in AEHJ requires that each author present a well-articulated argument that deals substantively with questions of educational history.
AEHJ accepts papers of two types. The first consists of papers that are presented each year at our annual meeting. The second type consists of general submission papers received throughout the year. General submission papers may be submitted at any time. They will not, however, undergo the review process until January when papers presented at the annual conference are also due for review and potential publication. For more information about the Organization of Educational Historians (OEH) and its annual conference, visit the OEH web site at:
VOLUME 46, NUMBER 1, 2019
Editor’s Introduction, Shirley Marie McCarther. ARTICLES: 2018 Presidential Address: Chasing the Elusive Muse in the History of Education, Theodore G. Zervas. “If You Go There ... It Will Happen Again”: The Historical Legacies of Racism, Law Enforcement, and Educational Inequality in Covington, Kentucky, Karen Zaino. Harry S. Broudy, Champion for Educationalists, Jayson Evaniuck. Superintendent James Greenwood and Teacher Training Programs in the Kansas City, Missouri School District, Curtis Mason. Baylor University Alumni Financial Support: An Archival Case Study on How Campus Expansion Persisted in a World War II Economy, Ryan W. Erck. The Peace Movement’s Attitude toward History Education during the Age of Manifest Destiny, Edward C. McInnis. Close Enough to Touch: The Civil War in Living Memory, M. R. Graham and Lynn M. Burlbaw. The Franklin Institute Science Museum’s Cold War Consortium for Science Recruitment, 1955–1960, D. O. McCullough. Regalia Remembered: Exploring the History and Symbolic Significance of Higher Education Academic Costume, R. Eric Platt and Lauren Huffman Walker. BOOK REVIEW: Cooper, Brittney C. 2017. Beyond Respectability: The Intellectual Thought of Race Women, Holly Hick.
VOLUME 46, NUMBER 2, 2019
Editor’s Introduction, Shirley Marie McCarther. ARTICLES: Neither Just Nor Equitable: Race in the Congressional Debate of the Second Morrill Act of 1890, Katherine I. E. Wheatle. Contrary to the Mind and Will of God: White Flight and the Desegregation of Southern Episcopal Schools, Wade H. Morris. Alive and Well: Enduring Stereotypes in Southern School Desegregation, ArCasia D. James-Gallaway. Martial Law’s Impact on Education in the Territory of Hawai’i during WW II: Instilling Patriotism to the U.S. and Service to the Plantation Economy of Hawai'i, Carl Kalani Beyer. Advancing Archival Research With Technology: Application to Brazoria County Schools, 1917–1921, Karen E. McIntush, Robin Pierce, Elizabeth McIntush, Angel Alcala, Karla A. Garza, Emily Hardin, Lindsey Lawson, Robyn Ramirez, Salma Torres, Uzair Waheed, Deshaun Yarbrough, and Lynn M. Burlbaw. Septima Clark Yelled: A Revisionist History of Citizenship Schools, Spencer J. Smith. The Pragmatic Progressives, William G. Wraga. Priming the Pump: Jump Starting California’s Billion Dollar Investment in School Reform, Jared R. Stallones. International Education in the U.S. Through the Prism of Fulbright Program: Historical Analysis, Polina Kaniuka. BOOK REVIEW: Stern, Walter C. 2018. Race and Education in New Orleans: Creating the Segregated City, 1764–1960, R. Eric Platt.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64113-802-4
- EDU000000 - EDUCATION: General
- EDU016000 - EDUCATION: History
- American Educational History Journal Volume 49
- American Educational History Journal Volume 44 # 1 & 2
- American Educational History Journal Volume 45 # 1 & 2
- American Educational History Journal Volume 47 #1 & 2
- American Educational History Journal Volume 48
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