American Educational History Journal
Volume 47 #1 & 2
Edited by:
Shirley Marie McCarther, University of Missouri-Kansas City
A volume in the series: American Educational History Journal. Editor(s): Shirley Marie McCarther, University of Missouri-Kansas City.
Published 2020
The American Educational History Journal is a peer-reviewed, national research journal devoted to the examination of educational topics using perspectives from a variety of disciplines. The editors of AEHJ encourage communication between scholars from numerous disciplines, nationalities, institutions, and backgrounds. Authors come from a variety of disciplines including political science, curriculum, history, philosophy, teacher education, and educational leadership. Acceptance for publication in AEHJ requires that each author present a well articulated argument that deals substantively with questions of educational history.
AEHJ accepts original papers of two types. The first consists of papers that are presented each year at our annual meeting. The second type consists of general submission papers received throughout the year. General submission papers may be submitted at any time. They will not, however, undergo the review process until January when papers presented at the annual conference are also due for review and potential publication. For more information about the Organization of Educational Historians (OEH) and its annual conference, visit the OEH web site at: www.edhistorians.org.
VOLUME 47, NUMBER 1, 2020 Dedication—Professor, Researcher, Mentor, Friend: Bernardo P. Gallegos, Ann Marie Ryan. Editor’s Introduction, Shirley Marie McCarther. ARTICLES: 2019 Presidential Address: Historically Conscious Educational Spaces, Ann Marie Ryan. Did Teacher Educators Choose the Wrong Tradition? Teacher Education in Texas After World War II, J. Wesley Null. Herman H. Dreer: A Twentieth Century Black Radical Curriculum Activist, Cheryl D. Osby and Matthew D. Davis. Illuminating Educational History Through the Use of a 1933 Murder Trial, Robert K. Poch. Mission Incomplete: Affirmative Action Policies and Indiana University Bloomington’s Minoritized Student Recruitment and Retention Programs, Sacha Sharp. Not Inferior but Backward: Representation of Asia in U.S. World History Textbooks During the Interwar Period (1919–1938), Jiyoung Kang. BOOK REVIEWS: Lopez, Ann E. and Elsie Lindy Olan, eds. 2019. Transformative Pedagogies for Teacher Education: Critical Action, Agency, and Dialogue in Teaching and Learning Centers, Luana Salvarani. Geiger, Roger I. 2019. American Higher Education Since World War II: A History, Bob Pepperman Taylor. VOLUME 47, NUMBER 2, 2020 Editor’s Introduction: Shirley Marie McCarther. ARTICLES: Beginning Reading Instruction in the Nineteenth Century: The Path Towards Eclecticism, Nicholas A. DiObilda and Robert L. Petrillo. Interracial Cooperation and Southern Education Between the Wars: Robert B. Eleazer and the Conference on Education and Race Relations, Mark Ellis. Is Ruth Harris’ Third Principle, Communities as Learning Laboratories, Situated in Funds of Knowledge? Vanessa Garry. Eagle Pass High School: A Community’s High School Karla Adelina Garza and M. R. Graham. The Journey in the Establishment of the Kindergarten for the Blind: Michael Anagnostopoulos’ Contribution to the History of Educational Ideas, Bill Kondellas, Marcel Fredericks, and Janet Fredericks. Hidden Black Voices in the History of Montessori Education, Angela K. Murray, Luz Casquejo Johnston, Ayize Sabater, and Kiara Clark. Beyond the Boundaries of the Primary Grades: Kentucky’s Radical Reform, Jared Stallones. BOOK REVIEWS: Weathersby, Claude and Davis, Matthew D. 2019. Anti-Blackness and Public Schools in the Border South: Policy, Politics, ad Protest in St. Louis, 1865–1972, Mark Groen. Snyder Jeffrey Aaron. 2018. Making Black History: The Color Line: Culture and Race in the Age of Jim Crow, Cheryl D. Osby.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-64802-270-8

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