Assessment in Online and Blended Learning Environments
Edited by:
Selma Koç, Cleveland State University
Xiongyi Liu, Cleveland State University
Patrick Wachira, Cleveland State University
Published 2015
Online and blended learning requires the reconstruction of instructor and learner roles, relations, and practices in many aspects. Assessment becomes an important issue in non-traditional learning environments. Assessment literacy, i.e., understanding assessment and assessment strategies, is critical for both instructors and students in creating online and blended environments that are effective for teaching and learning. Instructors need to identify and implement assessment strategies and methods appropriate to online or blended learning. This includes an understanding of the potential of a variety of technology tools for monitoring student learning and improving their teaching effectiveness. From the students’ perspective, good assessment practices can show them what is important to learn and how they should approach learning; hence, engaging them in goal-oriented and self-regulatory cognitions and behaviors.
The book targets instructors, instructional designers, and educational leaders who are interested in understanding and implementing either summative or formative assessment in online and blended learning environments. This book will assist the relevant audience in the theory and practice of assessment in online and blended learning environments. Providing both a research and practice perspective, this book can help instructors make the connection between pedagogy and technology tools to maximize their teaching and student learning. Among the questions addressed in this book are:
• What assessment strategies can be used in online or blended learning?
• How can instructors design effective assessment strategies?
• What methods or technology tools can be used for assessment in online or blended learning?
• How does peer-assessment work in online or blended learning environments?
Preface. Section I: Online Learning and Assessment. The Value of Embedded Formative Assessment: An Integral Process in Online Learning Environments Implemented Through Advances in Technology, Michelle Bakerson, Tracey Trottier, and Malinda Mansfield. Empowering Learners to Engage in Authentic Online Assessment, Jennifer V. Lock and Petrea Redmond. Assessing Technology-Enhanced Learning: A Process-Oriented Approach, Philip Bonanno. Students as “Assessors” and “Assessees” in an Era of Social Media, Gail Casey. Assessment Methods in Online Graduate Courses, Shijuan Liu. Online Course Dynamic Design Informed by Student Response and Formative Assessment, Marius Boboc. Using Embedded Audio Feedback for Formative Assessment Purposes in Teaching About English Language Learners, Larisa A. Olesova and Luciana C. de Oliveira. Assessment Strategy for Self-Paced Online Learning, Barbara E. Rowan and Walter D. Way. Section II: Blended Learning and Assessment. Student Assessment in a Blended Learning Environment: A Triad Approach, Norman Vaughan. Continuous Formative Assessment During Blended and Online Instruction Using Cloud-Based Collaborative Documents, Norman Herr, Mike Rivas, Tae Chang, John M. Reveles, Marty Tippens, Virginia Vandergon, Matthew A. d’Alessio, and Dorothy Nguyen-Graff. Blended Learning and Assessment Through Dynamic Digital Portfolios: The E-Scape Approach, Kay Stables, Osnat Dagan, and Dan Davies. Strategies for Success: Using Formative Assessment to Build Skills and Community in the Blended Classroom, Anupama Arora, Shari Evans, Catherine Gardner, Karen Gulbrandsen, and Jeannette E. Riley. Discussions in Online and Blended Learning: A Tool for Peer Assessment, David S. Stein and Constance E. Wanstreet. Criterion-Referenced Language Assessment in Blended Environments, Wojciech Malec. Framework for Assessment From an Institutional Perspective, Jean-Marc Wise and Tami Im. About the Editors.
Web price: $45.04 (Reg. 52.99)
Web price: $80.74 (Reg. 94.99)
- eBook978-1-68123-046-7

- EDU041000 - EDUCATION: Distance & Online Education
- EDU000000 - EDUCATION: General
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